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Mith Wakowski

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About Mith Wakowski

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    [ ε ] Epsilon
    [ ε ] Epsilon


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  1. Sheesh, what is it with profile comments in my profile and creepyness :P

  2. Well since you asked for it. LOVE the idea. Especially since I see a lot of similarities to my idea and so I know I'll like this. A quick suggestion or two though for your consideration, perhaps for a competitive edge to the game as well as the benefit of the overall standing of this Meta Ordo, which could well be the game's name. For short MO (em oh) Simply put my suggestion is that Officers get extra options in ways of launching projects. For example, building a new weapon. Or some new bit of legislation. For which they need volunteers to help do the building, scripting, paperwork, whatever. Or to launch a raid, with a small complement of volunteers. And that they get to pick from the volunteers who they want for the job, based on a list of anonymous players and their stats displayed on the hud. Players with high prowess and equipment would obviously be picked for raids. As you said players can select their skillset at the beginning of the game. But for a competitive edge for new players who will want to be able to grow in the ranks a slight bit faster a good balanced advantage you might want to give them is the simple report of MetaOrdo's total points on all skills. So when people get to generate their character the hud shows them that the Meta Ordo military has 300 points among all members on all except one skill, which, coïncidentally is at 220 skillpoints. (Which obviously is a big exaggeration.) Players joining then will know there's a shortage of players with a good amount of scripting skill in the game and lean more towards scripting, so when a project is launched they can volunteer for there are better odds that they'll get picked to help script it. The game will then be all about finding the balance between kicking ass at one skill like building stuff but only being able to help with building projects. (Because who would let someone launch a raid, or even join one when their prowess is quite low.) And having a balanced skillset but being one of the last to be picked for most projects and raids BUT have a moderate chance to be picked for a lot of different projects. Do with it what you will, I figure ideas like this won't hurt anyone and might just make for a great thing to do during downtime.
  3. That's creepy... What about me reminds you then?

  4. you remind me of someone from neoseeker

  5. I'll see your totally shitty computer of Dooom and raise you Daily BSODPOC a.k.a. my computer. :P

  6. I'm making my return from inactivity right on schedule.... or at least I'll return soon, after end of term tests, but this can't wait :D I love this kind of challenge, and with my experience with both HUD based games (I'm ranked King in Tiny Empires though I've retired) as well as a certain internet text based game I present you now with my idea of the perfect HUD based game for use during idle hours in Titan. I am making this up as I go along but I will try to keep it structured: "LitteOrdo: Imperial Wars" To put it simply this game is a bit wide as I come up with more and more ideas. But not all ideas need to be incorporated for it to work well. A simpler version would probably be just as fun if not more. Plus it would be easier to create and have better tolerance of lag as each 5 minute round would require less calculations to send back and forth between server and hud.
  7. Aww, and I was hoping for yay's. All I got was an "oh shit Mith it's you." And a, "sure you're back, I'll wave goodbye to you next week" and a "Mith you goob" I'm back tho. Totally wanna shoot stuff again lol.
  8. There's nothing wrong with going that extra mile tho. If there's a carrot dangling from a rod this organisation may move faster. The people who consequently behave the way they should and work hard will 9/10 times get a promotion over people working extra hard for a few weeks. The 1/10 is a good enough extra reason to be on your best behavior just in case you get lucky.
  9. *Salutes* Last time I saluted to Joseph was when I first received my praeda. Seems fitting to do so now. Is that somekind of bad reference :P
  10. Why did you sound like a mother at Thanksgiving dinner. "I'm on a diet" MORE FOR US. Sorry to hear that tho, hope your luck holds up long enough that nothing comes up for a while.
  11. ANOTHER group to join, and I'm already deleting ones I don't want to delete xD
  12. Dutch Electronic stores FTW! Sorry to hear that, hope you'll get it fixed soon.
  13. Well so far we've actually had a fleetship up in the air to defend against this. I'll repeat, A FLEETSHIP, defending Titan. I don't think I've ever seen it, not that I've been here for more than 7-8 months now. But I do not think it's happened. These guys are actually keeping us occupied enough and in a fun sense that we're actually able to keep a battle going without the attackers pulling out or being kicked out for massively calling a banhammer onto themselves. Praise to these Orcs, I've had dirtier battles. Back on track, I would say it's an ideal situation to test anything in were it not for one thing. They're an uncontrolled/hostile group, i.e. untrustworthy therefore not a good one to test anything on.

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