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Wolf Shaman

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Everything posted by Wolf Shaman

  1. Honestly, You could probably write an academic study on how people's behavior changes as Mercury evolved. You could lose an officer and there would be minor impact. You could lose a builder or a scripter, there would be a minor impact. You could lose Inoue and Mercury, and we'd all be Ffffed. Inoue built up the infrastructure that we built the day to day in world functions around. Everything From growingly complex Auth Systems, Automating Combat Reports and OIC Handoffs, to Ringing a bell that sent the sim into a murderous frenzy when some guy who attacked the sim once 3 years ago showed up in the hub that no one remembers but Mercury. Kristian Probably said it better than I could. All in All, Long time coming. Inoue: Most Valuable Programmer Mercury: Most Valuable Program I say give them both one.
  2. Kinda Creepy. I was thinking like two days ago wondering where ya been and what has been goin on and all that fun stuff, then here ya are. Sorry for the shitty parts. Done the living out of a car thing, so I feel ya there. WB.
  3. Please visit and verify
  4. My name is against their TOS
  5. Flash + Scout Radar (UPDATE: radar is no longer active when not in use.) (Flash With attached Scout Radar System) The Scout Radar system on the flash is possibly one of the most useful tools for small group and solo work. I use it a lot for late night base capping, and for solo/small group capping territory on the fringe away from the main zerg. The Scout Radar system is unique in the fact that it sends the detection information to all friendly units in the area, even while the flash is left sitting someplace and unmanned. IMO It is something that Everyone should have at least 1 point put into and equiped at all times when not using the Wraith system. --- (Equipment selection screen - Flash - Utility) Detection Range Starts at 25 Meters. Tiers are 25, 50, 75, and 100 Meters. Cert cost starts at 50, then increases to 100, 200, and tops at 500 for Tier 4. It uses the Utility slot on the Flash, the same that the smoke, Turbo, Fire Suppression, and the Cloaking device uses. --- Tactics. I typically Place the Flash between myself and the most probable direction the enemy is likely to come from. Most times that is the spawn room. I look for a spot that hostiles are likely to overlook or not go in their quest to try and clear me from their cap point. Since the flash is small, it will fit in buildings, and sometimes, that's a good place to stash it in behind some boxes. It mostly is a matter of the area you're working in that will determine where you place your Flash. For this example, I used North Grove Post on Amerish as It was the place I most recently used this tactic. The Spawn is the building to the North Placement of the Flash Flash is hidden by the box on one side, and obscured by the bush on the other. Hostiles are likely to miss seeing it from both sides of the building heading towards the cap point. With a Single point put into the Radar system, You get 25 Meters Radius (50M Diameter, 1936.5 square Meters, 65449.8 Cubic Meters!) You get a nice early warning and direction system for you and anyone around you. Here's an example of where hostiles will start showing up on your minimap from where I placed the Flash. Note the waypoint range on the screenshots. ^^ Going through the building to attack the from the west Side ^^ Going along the east Edge with a possible route of entering the south east of the capture building. Now I have 2 points put into the radar right now, so I have 50 meters to work with. That will cover the whole building that the Flash is parked next to, as well as all the way back to the cap point itself. Now, If you had max points put into the Radar, the range would probably cover the whole base, letting you know exactly where the hostiles are, how many, and where they're moving, and you'll know exactly where to go to ambush them before they get you. If you are running in a group, You can add a second or third flash and form a sensor net that can cover more ground!
  6. We're talking mostly specific In Game Rosters, Not Ordo Community Roster. Lets take Planetside 2 as an early example. We cut almost 1/3 of the group of Cadet level people who have not logged in the game this calendar year. We have left those who are full Ordo stay on for the time being. Most of these people are people who logged on, managed to get picked up by us, then decided that the game was not for them and left with less than 6 hours of game play. Others played for a bit then ran off to the next shiny game that poped up. if you get cut from an In game roster, It's not biggie, You're still Ordo! When you're able or ready to start playing again, Hop into the TS3 Channel and get a reinvite. You do not have to go through recruitment or any of that other stuff again as you've already passed that if you're holding Community 'Citizenship' for lack of a better word. -- Adjusting Ranks / Billets and such: Ordo Community Rank =/= In Game Rank. Job/position = In Game Rank
  7. Was at, but somehow didnt make it into all 3 I showed up for lmao. I FEEL YER PAIN!
  8. Most of the Scope rundowns seem to be from beta
  9. Hmm. Must of been a rollback. Updating OP for the 6x here shortly.
  10. TR Optics Pictures are taken in WG Spawn area. One showing zoom mag, and one showing impact point. Found out that the DMO did not hit where I thought it would hit. There is the 1x FOV. Standing in front of center spawn tubes at WG HDS 3.4x DMO 3.4x ACS 4x TMS 4x S3 6x (no sway) Updated 23JUN13 - Added 6x
  11. This has been what I've been rocking the past few years. If I had the money I would buy a few more just in case mine broke and/or they stopped selling/making them. All keys are rebindable.
  12. - TPing back to base and back to the enemy sim every time you died because there was no public spawn. - Elevator Music - Getting to the weekly meeting an hour early so you could actually get a seat - Astra getting the OK to take Arma - The Thanatos actually being used, and flown with a pilot and a bomber. - CS 'accidently' deleting half their base multiple times or turning the floor phantom to end combat. - Chronus was attached to Titan - Ranks were all chevrony - Warrant Officers - When masses of people would constantly beg the OIC to use the mortar, explosvies, missiles, etc the moment on the enemy side shot their 203. - Aquila, Caelum and Drake Flights - Terminus Squadron - Legates Promotion Ceremonies.
  13. That's a given. The only thing that doesnt require OIC auth with aircraft is the initial launch of fighters to counter air targets.
  14. Aircraft Anti-Armor options. Fighter EMP Rockets. Thanatos Brimstone AT-AGMs. Gunship AT Rockets. in a pinch, Low drop Thanatos CBU.
  15. Just thought sharing a bit of History / tradition behind the coins would be neat factoid for people who are wondering what the coins are all about and why we adopted the use of them. Sorry Jeff If I confused you into thinking you'd get free booze out of it. (outside of Ordocon)
  16. There's a bit of a tradition Surrounding Officer/Challenge Coins. Typically it takes place at the bar. Someone drops their coin on the table and it's considered a challenge to the other person(s) present to produce one of their own. So Milites Bob and Milites Joe are sitting at the table, and Bob drops his coin, It's a challenge to Joe to produce one of his own. If he cannot produce it, He buys Bob a Drink, If he does, Bob buys Joe a drink. When you get into a group of people, Typically someone drops a coin and everyone is required to produce their own. If ya come up short, you buy a round for everyone, and Everyone buys a drink for the guy who has the highest ranking Coin. For some background.
  17. [media]
  18. [18:00] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Meeting start. As a reminder: all questions, comments (etc) are to be held until given the opportunity to speak. When that opportunity is provided, be sure to raise your hands. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the meeting. [18:00] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics Members: 310 Cadets: 8 Applications New: 10 Accepted:2 Denied: 3 Review:5 Combat Defensive: 98 Offensive: 21 Allied Assist: 0 [18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic report: no significant changes to notate. Interactions remain varied across the world. Combat solid, for the most parts. No one significant target has stood out. Diplomacy matters remain calm. Our standing has not modified with anyone during this week. We have, however, recently learned that Myrmidon (the role-play group) does have a region we can assault. They simply need a heads up so they’re able to turn on damage for us. Nice of them! [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening? [18:02] Hollowmengitus Yifu raises hand for Terra. Terra: [18:03] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: COHORS A: > A-I, Invictus: This week has been a slightly more active week in Invictus. Quite a few raids were held and attended, tacos are delicious, and Hollow still sucks (not a big surpise). As always we encourage anyone who has any questions about either what roles we play out or possible intrest in joining Invictus to ask any one in the squad, Shizzerk, or Pr0wer! I'm on a horse. > A-II, Evalidus: Bloody good job ol chaps ! Evalidus still keeps the line nicely manned during nightshifts and provides the defense on these notorious nights. Now we still have one slot open for one nicely mannered guvna here in Royal British Ground Fo... I mean Evalidus so if you are interested, please contact Huttser Ishelwood or Awanken Wasp so we can add you to our tea party list. Carry on ! > A-III, Insidiae: Krow Ames will be stepping down from the A3 lead as soon as a replacement can be found. Several prospects have been spoken to and the process is going smoothly. Otherwise, nothing of interest has happened with this squad. > A-IV, Praescius: Praescius has a new logo. It was designed by Tiri. Thanks you Tiri! :D In addition, we still have more slots, talk to Afevis Sodertelge to apply. > A-V, Saevitas: Rather slow week for Saevitas with several of our members heading onto LOA for a short period, but that is being made up for in recruitment, the following week should be promising for inductees. COHORS B: > Thatguy: Tipical week for Cohors B. I'll be transfering people back and forth between B-I and B-II. If you have been getting at least one raid a week for at least two weeks straight, you will be eligible to move to B-I from B-II. PS, be sure to keep up those raids a week. Looks better for Cohors A ;D Looking forward for another week filled with more transfers and happiness and ponies. Yeah. Ponies. MISC.: Get those PRFs in - nothing bad can happen from them. [18:05] Hollowmengitus Yifu: that's all I got. ASTRA [18:06] Nikki4 Aquitaine shouts: (Ethan wrote this, which is why it sounds like it was wrote by somebody who is trying to be cool.) Hell yeah, grenade launcher! Good week for Astra this week. Activity in both flights is up, and Addison has been doing a fantastic job as Scarlet's XO. Keep up the good work. Tonight, Astra sadly says goodbye to one of our best members. Altus is heading off to killing college to take Terrorist Target Shooting 101. We know he'll be back in a few months, but we're going to miss him in the meantime. Yet, while we're losing Altus, Rykiana will be returning to activity. He's had some heartache, so it'll be good for everyone to have him home. Now for some great news. The Malice is finished, and will hopefully be in lockers once Aryte learns how to control his new eye lasers. As mentioned before, the Malice will cost 300QP for the initial unlock, but upgrades are also available. I am fully aware how expensive that is, and because I know everyone will want it badly, far more opportunities for QP gain will be available in addition to PRFs. These events will have low QP value, but our goal is to have a lot of them, so that Astra pilots can stock up quickly. The Malice is super badass, so believe me when I say that you want one. (Also, for those of you in Terra who are interested, operators are standing by to assist you in filing your transfer papers.) For those of you who already do have the QP to unlock the Malice, Palaestra has already finished the training and qualification course, so you can get qualified immediately. Oh. The Covalent mesh SMG is done. <3 Rage Jew. That's all from Astra. Sim: Monroe - 39th Home Sim / Guard Report [18:10] Agares Tretiak shouts: The Praetorian Guard helped guide and conduct an early test of Monroe today, and we will likely oversee several more in the future, as we continue to prepare for the inevitiable opening. So keep an eye out for any calls for volunteers that might be made! [18:10] Agares Tretiak shouts: For those unaware, Monroe is the soon to be home of the revived 39th Blackwatch, an old time military under mostly new management. The base will be lots of fun! [18:11] Agares Tretiak shouts: Aside from that, activity has been more or less steady, though there's been anoticieable drop in training and Guard specific raids, due to my continued work on Monroe. That is all. IEA [18:12] Drasamax Python shouts: From myself for The Imperial Education Administration: Schola had some classes this week and got some people graduated. Armatura even less classes than Schola but not nothing. Ludi still quiet but there is currently an Armored Academy sign up, up on the forums. Have quite a bit to mention this week: [18:12] Drasamax Python shouts: Armatura Commandant(Director) position had been filled almost a week ago and announced over the IEA Staff. Congrats to Kaska Czarny our new Armatura Commandant! :] [18:13] Drasamax Python shouts: Schola Board is being remade as a project of mine so updating it will a ton easier for me than depending on someone who isn't ever around and won't share perms. I got the model and design done with Xoza Tyron scripting it for me. More on it here: [18:13] Drasamax Python shouts: An Armored Academy Sign up is open on the forums currently being run by Afevis Sodertelge. It can be found here: [18:13] Drasamax Python shouts: Commandant Zero Itamae and I are brainstorming ideas to make IEA more pro-active. Something we're thinking of is to try to get implemention of IEA items/rewards or even tiered IEA items/rewards that are rewarded for maybe holding so many classes. We got some ideas of what kind of items/rewards we want to try to get for this idea but not enough of them. We could use more item ideas and input is appreciated if you have any item ideas for items/rewards IEA could use. [18:13] Drasamax Python shouts: That is all from the Imperial Education Administration. Curia [18:15] Kishoshima Dragonash: From the Desk of Heather McKay: In an effort to further our Imperator's will to increase the ranks of Ordo, the Officium Curia is looking for two to three new Lictors. What is a lictor, you might ask? What is it that they do within the scope of Curia and the Ordo as a whole? Well, allow us to answer those questions. [18:15] Kishoshima Dragonash: Lictors are defined as follows: />http://forums.ordoim...866#entry102866 "Members of the Lictor staff are the backbone of Curia operations, functioning as investigators and information gatherers. Lictors are responsible for most of the day to day work within Curia, providing the Consuls with the time to focus on making judgment rulings. Lictor positions do not carry an enumerated military rank, as such any individual not dual enlisted will be classified as [E-0] unranked. Numerically, Lictor staff may be increased or decreased per the will of the Primus Consul. Appointment to the Lictor staff is done per the approval of the Primus Consul." [18:15] Kishoshima Dragonash: Lictors perform the following: ~Investigations: Primarily of incoming applications directed to Curia, and the applicants. (For this aspect of the role it is essential to form relationships with individuals who have had impact on the applicant's past experiences.) ~information gathering (Again, need to be able to form relationships with various individuals who have encountered the applicant or subject of the information gathering) [18:16] Kishoshima Dragonash: ~Investigate incidents and applicants to find facts, gather testimony, collect evidence, and compile a comprehensive report in a short period of time (Encouraged strongly to complete assignment within 72 hours of receiving and acknowledgment of the assignment) ~Advising Ordo Imperialis members of proper procedure in filling out a Curia Incident Report (CIR), weapons or uniform modification requests, etc. [18:16] Kishoshima Dragonash: ~The lictor *may* request that a member comply with the standards of the group, but the role itself does not grant further authority to one's rank. In other words, an E-5 lictor, is simply an E-5. ~In the rare circumstance of a trial, a lictor may be asked to serve as a representative for prosecution or defense during a triumvirate. [18:16] Kishoshima Dragonash: This list notes a majority of areas that a lictor may be involved in, yet may not be fully developed. The investigative process of applications and incidents tends to present its own challenges at times, so please keep this in mind when considering the role [18:16] Kishoshima Dragonash: Requirements: Lictors will be required to meet the following Criteria: ~ You need to be at LEAST E-4 ~Have at LEAST 4 mos in Ordo ~Have a clean record (this means no CiR convictions in the last 12 mos) ~Are not in a command position (negotiable) ~Have a letter of recommendation from your CO/XO explaining why you are an acceptable candidate [18:16] Kishoshima Dragonash: Application Process: This Thread will be open from 15 to 22 OCT 11, you will list the following information in a Forum IM to Kristian Kit, Heather McKay and Kishoshima Dragonash (if you don't know how, IM Kisho), along with a 200 word essay as to why you feel you would be the ideal candidate for Curia, what you have to offer, and your experience along with your letter of recommendation: Name: Rank: Squad: Merits/Date: Total QP: Schola Graduation Date: Current Curricular/Extra Curricular Activities: [18:16] Kishoshima Dragonash: Your application will reviewed by the Curia Consuls (the ppl you sent your application to) and a short list will be created. Those who graduate to the short list will be notified via a response to this thread and deliberations within Curia will then begin. Once the deliberation period ends, each of the candidates will be brought to the Curia Office and interviewed by the Curia Staff. The Required Uniform will be the Class A Dress Uniform, without trench (Officer or Enlisted dependent on your rank). After a period of no LONGER than one week a vote will be held and those who are accepted will be notified. The total process will take approximately three weeks (depending on the number of applicants it could be shorter) beginning from the posting of this thread, until the announcements are made. [18:16] Kishoshima Dragonash: If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of the Curia Consuls, or Achtai Coronet to get a better idea of what the Lictors do day to day. . The ideal candidate would be someone who is professional and able to form relationships with parties that may be hostile towards the Ordo Imperialis. This is a bit of a different approach than Curia has taken in the past, and is one we will implement into the furture. There appears to be a great deal of mystery and misunderstanding about what Curia is and does, we hope that this assists each of you in increasing that understanding. Don't be afraid to approach Curia, don't be afraid to ask questions or seek any of us out.. we're not the boogie man. Ok Arokh is, but only if you're a cadet... and then there's Achtai when she's not had her catnip fix.. but ASIDE from that, we're here to help... we're here to be approachable. As such, Curia will also be holding another "open house" in the very near future to allow all of you to attend and ask questions of us, [18:17] Kishoshima Dragonash: You can find the application information here: /> That is all from Curia sorry for all the spam. [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Good luck to anyone who applies. [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional reports? [18:19] Mark Karlfeldt raises wing for Moonytawrum. [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Karlfeldt. Munitorum [18:20] Mark Karlfeldt: This time, I have taken extra special care to not copypaste strange alien text relating to skeleton friction variables. [18:20] Mark Karlfeldt: > Utility HUD, Covalent PDW, Praescius Telepads and the Malice Gunship. Are all done. All. Done. Done. All of them. Aryte has them. All of them. Aryte needs to put them in a box. Yes he does. Then he has to put them in a locker. That's right. Aryte. Is lazy. They're done. He's lazy. Let's all yell at Aryte. Once they're released, I can put the threads into the Completed Projects subforum. Feels good man. > Drasamax and Xoza took up the task of updating and revising the Schola information boards. Props to them. > The Perseco SMG is probably going to become a general-issue A-Cohors thingy, as per Keller's fishy wishes. > Once my classes are over, Nikki and I will begin adjusting the sim. This sim. I won't be building a new sim. That's just silly. But we'll be making this one better. > Today I also ejected a bunch of inactives from Munitorum, most of which haven't logged in since 2010 (!). > What's next? I dunno. Probably the Evalidus SRBM, Phantom interceptor aircraft, and the Techmusket. Jetbike? [18:20] Mark Karlfeldt: Also today I skipped a friend's beach party to be here (and do homework). I hope you're happy. [18:20] Mark Karlfeldt: That's it. [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: Very good. Thank you. Annnny last reports? [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: All righty, moving on then. Thank you for the thorough reports. [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Now, tonight’s meeting (my part at least) will be a bit brief. As most of you are aware, I had Lasik surgery on Friday. My eyes are still healing, so it’s difficult for me to look at the screen for long periods of time—that said, you are getting off easy. I do, however, have a couple comments to make before I cut you loose to go raid and pillage (you better). We’ll consider this the last week of Operation Fallout before we begin a new, internal development focused operation. [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Over the last several meetings—well, to be frank, over the last several months we’ve made mention of revisions to elements within Ordo. Some are nearing completion, others are just getting started. Whatever the case, they all serve to really embody the progressive movement we have a great affection for. As I have had a few hours to lay around unable to do much else but be blind the last day, I have been mulling over the many propositions on the table and dreamt up other elements of interest. [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: I will not go into great depth as of yet, as I intend to discuss it at length with the officer corps tomorrow to prepare a refined list. However, as of next meeting, I will have a comprehensive outline as to revisions and additions to be made to the Ordo. This includes anything from our reward programs, Schola, to division structure. We’ve had a lot of time to learn and there’s a lot of opportunity to be more innovative, so, we’re going to go for it in the form of a concentrated operation over the next couple months. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: I know this is kind of like a “teaser trailer,” but hah—I couldn’t go one meeting without /something/ to say. Anything we do will be collaborative and take input: not blind revisions. The goal will be to complete everything prior to the 1st of the year. As is, I consider that quite doable. Ambitious, but doable. So, officers, please be sure you make it to tomorrow’s meeting. Otherwise, I look forward to presenting the list to you all next week. [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: That said, I am cutting you loose. Thank you for keeping things together during my surgery. Very solid raid and defense performance. I am pleased and appreciate you all keepin’ it going. I’ll be around off and on this evening while I chew away at things. Before you run off, Ron has something to add: [18:29] Ron Bleac shouts: Hi. [18:31] Ron Bleac shouts: I have something pretty important to announce. For years now, we have been threatened by the foul forces of the Warp from beyond our borders, but our nemesis has reared their ugly head again. As you know, Chaos Imperialis, now known as Chaos Haereticus has established a base of operations in the region of Oeland. The foul forces of the Chaos gods and their taint threaten to over-run our settlements, burn our villages and destroy every good thing we have ever known. It is time to stand up against these hellish creatures and put them down for good. Our allies, the Merczateers are mobilizing and there is talk of Alliance Navy involvement as well. I ask you to arm up and be prepared, as we will surely hit them shortly after the meeting. Stand up for what you believe in, protect the Imperium and our homes. Let's go and kick some righteous ass. [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you, Mr. Bleac. [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: Dismissed.
  19. Blast from the past with the Short lived Dropship Squadron. (think Letalis before Letalis)
  20. [17:59] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Meeting start. As a reminder: all questions, comments (etc) are to be held until given the opportunity to speak. When that opportunity is provided, be sure to raise your hands. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the meeting. [17:59] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics Members: 315 Cadets: 4 Applications New: 8 Accepted: 0 Denied: 5 Review: 3 Combat Defensive: 97 Offensive: 20 Allied Assist: 0 [18:00] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic notes: [18:00] Aryte Vesperia: 39th Command has approached us in regards to developing a more significant bond of alliance, with intent of pursuing more wide reaching “grid war” qualities against other groups. Being that the term “grid war” sparks memories of the ye’ olden days of massive campaigns, I was more than happy to oblige. We will be discussing the matter and developing the relationship over time. [18:00] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening? [18:00] Huttser Ishelwood raises hand for Terra. [18:01] Ethan Schuman raises his hand for Astra. [18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Ishelwood the 3rd, of New Brunswickland? Terra [18:01] Huttser Ishelwood shouts: From Invictus: Extremely busy news for Invictus this week, first off we would like to say welcome to the most non-accident free squad Ryan Bunjie and Ken Bremer! That also being said Invictus also has 4 open slots available so if you want to find out more about we are about ask Pr0wer, Shizzerk or anyone else who is in the squad. Raids for next week will continue along the previous schedule that has been established so if possible please do attend otherwise keep up the great work with meeting the minimum requirements and for many going over and beyond. [18:01] Huttser Ishelwood shouts: From Evalidus: Things going smoothly for A-2, not a lot to report this week other then the initial conceptualization of a piece of squad gear. Details to be released at a later point. [18:02] Huttser Ishelwood shouts: From Insidiae: Insidiae has seen a recent drop in membership. We're still a squad that's actually doing things, we're just low on manpower at the moment. If you're bored, or want something to do, just IM Krow Ames and we'll talk about it. We're currently attempting to establish a stable active membership before we move on to assigning specific roles within the squad. We're combat engineers. Sappers. If you like blowing shit up and/or just being generally amazing at everything you do, then Insidiae is the squad for you. [18:02] Huttser Ishelwood shouts: From Praescius: From Ookami, ambassador to Hyrule: [18:02] Huttser Ishelwood shouts: From the B Cohors: This week was like super awesome and stuff. We had raids, hung out, told stories as to why thatgui sucks and many very very excite. On a serious note I would like to say congratulations to George Reisman for being moved up to CO of Rapax, he will do you guys a lot of good or I will have his pressure George! Victrix is to be on raid look out duty so make sure you are doing at LEAST one raid, if you want to move up to a alpha squad its two a week so just throwing that out there for food for thought. Finally, as always, if you have an general concern, questions or just need a little guidance feel free to bother your CO/XO, Thatguy when he comes on (if he ever does) or myself as we are always happy to help you as needed. [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Thatguy Andel's new computer is working. He is back. Beware. [18:03] Huttser Ishelwood shouts: That concludes the Terra report. [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Schuman? Astra [18:03] Ethan Schuman shouts: I was working on the weekly report when Sebris showed me one he wrote. I like it, so here it is. [18:03] Ethan Schuman shouts: >> Activity Activity has dropped this week. Reapers did manage one event and are planning to drop a few “strangers” pretty soon. We may move some from Aquila temporarily to balance out the wings but that is still being discussed. >> 2142 2142 Activity to pick up thanks to headway in diplomatics being made with the help of BurrWolf running the Musket related events. Astra will be pushing to be running as many events as possible with them within reason to the consideration of their energy (i.e. whether or not they burn out). These activities will involve air to air but per request of Praefectus Schuman, to run even a few ground events and possibly social events. [18:04] Ethan Schuman shouts: >> Air Assets The Gunship is coming along nicely though, but since New Jessie has begun allowing Air to Ground combat we’ll soon be accelerating its progress so Palaestra can get training and documentation completed for quick deployment. The Liberator, enhanced Liberator and Phantom Project will be next on the board. >> Training Astrum Palaestra has cleared all of it’s Training Ques and is Auditing on it’s Instructor Staff and Inactive trainees. 2 Trainees are subjected to be dropped and transferred, 2 are announcing a return date or excused. The rest is MIA due to Prolonged inactivity from Second Life. Wulf Lykin and WayneX will be making returns in actively training. One other is inactive due to School and the other is going through a serious issue RL. We are looking for new instructors, so if you are interested, apply on the forums! QP will be awarded in your services. [18:04] Ethan Schuman shouts: >> Chronus We are also settling into Chronus nicely. With this new setting, a LOT more event opportunities and fun activities will be coming up. PILOTS! KEEP YOUR EYES OUT! Once EM statuses are transferred and mesh is stably rolled out, we will begin full developments with collaboration of the IEA [18:04] Ethan Schuman shouts: That is all from Astra for this week. [18:04] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Any additional reports? [18:04] Kyra Vixen raises her paw. [18:04] Drasamax Python raises hand for the IEA. [18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Ms. Vixen? Tactica [18:05] Kyra Vixen: A name we have had for a long time in the SL Military Combat community has left us this week. Cthonic Syndicate has disbanded, and the remaining members have been rolled into 2142's ranks. MBC was initially marked as dead and/or unattackable, as Seashell Shores has (apparantly) had a change of ownership, oweing to the shopping mall that has sprung up from the ground. Reports from civilians indicate the new ownership tends to lean towards the sale of 'HOT HOT ITEMS' at 'LOW, LOW PRICES', and wondered how the proprietors of the mall's stores manage to remain afloat. ... however. It seems MBC's home has shifted to 'MBC Elsewhere' and 'MBC Lost Land'. The region still seems to be in a state of construction, however at time of discovery a lone-wolf was attacking, and the regions were damage enabled. Their status will be monitored, however for now, due to the lack of a rules notecard, I have marked their state as rebuilding. On the positive side. X-Corps has entered a rebuild state, as has Grand Federation. One o [18:05] Kyra Vixen: ther note, Phoenix Embers has been shifted from Allied status to NCO status, per information obtained today on their no longer being allied with the Ordo Imperialis. Remember! Only you can save the majestic Military Base from becoming a strip mall. Contact your Congressman today, and ask them to declare the Second Life Military an endangered species. You can also help by calling 1-800-SAVEMIL, to donate to researching these majestic creatures. This concludes this week's Tactica report, endangered species edition. [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Phoenix Embers, oh lord. Thank you. Hahha. [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Ms. Python? IEA [18:06] Drasamax Python shouts: From myself for The Imperial Education Administration: Schola classes picking up even more this week than the last with Armatura starting to pick up behind it with a few classes. Ludi as well had a NCO-A Class and Armor Academy Class. Thank you, Kurama Bingyi, Yoki Mistwalker, Shizzerk Kostolany, Hakuen Silverstar, Rykiana Ferina and Kaska Czarny for keeping classes rolling in this time of slow-ness of new cadets/graduates. Oh, and Huttser Ishelwood along with Kaska Czarny again for holding Ludi classes this week. Reinhardt Stenvaag is one of our new recent addition to Schola/Armatura magisters. \o/ He is still getting set up however. [18:06] Drasamax Python shouts: Not too much to note this week with IEA project wise its been pretty quiet. Schola Director Bracket Crowley may not be back for a few days or maybe even longer. We do not have a definite time as he is without a internet connection at the moment. So, if you as a Schola Magister have anything you usually go to your Schola Director about please direct it to Commandant Zero Itamae or Vice Commandant Drasamax Python for now in till he returns. Zero Itamae covered the Schola report this week in his absense. [18:06] Drasamax Python shouts: We could use some more Armatura Magisters in the IEA so if your already a Schola Magister and not handling Armatura. Talk to Commandant Zero Itamae or Vice Commandant Drasamax Python if interested. If your not even part of the IEA Staff, well as usual the Magister application is here: That is all from the Imperial Education Administration. [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Bracket :( [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Final call for reports. [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Going one, goin' twiiiice aaaannnd . . [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on. [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: > Development [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Over the course of last week, Munitorum has had a lot of focus upon internal structure revisions. However, progress has been noted on the matters of material construction. Notably, the test and implementation of mesh models is well underway: both Keller Teichmann and Disembodied Hand have begun processing new weaponry utilizing mesh. Keller has, for the most part, completed a Judico model. On the other hand, Disembodied is working on a chainsword (by popular request) for release to Titan. [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Testing is ongoing with the Malice. The vehicle itself has seen little progress this week, as Mr. Tsume Xiao is in the midst of preparing for school. Progress will resume next week. As a side note regarding the Malice: Mercury has been updated to include multi-auth threads, as such, the Malice will be going forward with having tiers of weaponry upgrades. Thank you to Inoue Katsu for taking the time to enhance our authorization system. [18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Actually, in hindsight, Xoza Tyron is also in the midst of meshing out a model—a new fighter craft for Astra. Since it has inverted wings, I am immediately fond of it and look forward to seeing its completion. [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Development related: it is advised that we make a concerted, conscious effort to try and get used to the new interfaces in SL’s “new” clients. There is no guarantee that we will have the luxury of V1 style UI in the future. In order to use mesh, or to even use SL in general, we may have to stomach V2. As such, be sure to familiarize yourself as soon as possible. [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: > Munitorum Revisions [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: As mentioned: compliments of Munitorum’s new XO, Mark Karlfeldt, Munitorum has been undergoing some structural and organization revisions. Thus far, I am impressed by the direction and vision exhibited by Mr. Karlfeldt. His attention to detail and quasi-OCD nature fits very well in my utopia of modular gear and paper work trails. [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: As a member of Ordo you can expect: consistent, traceable progress on Munitorum projects. Additionally, more effective distribution of manpower to projects of gravity—in other words, Mr. Karlfeldt will ensure timely completion of tasks and set priorities of tasks, to ensure the most important and pressing matters are handled ahead of repetitive gear. [18:13] Mark Karlfeldt: next project: 50 hats. [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Part of his duties will include re-envisioning the armory. For those of you who have kept up with his posts, he has a strong idea behind developing and ensuring a wide, well formed armory, without reliance upon overlapping or repetitive gear. Hopefully, gone are the days where we have fifteen assault rifles that have relative functionality. Say hello to the modular, uniform future of our armory. [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: > Raid Leadership Refresher [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Although Monday is a holiday, it will remain an active day—we avoid overlapping “days off” too close together. Our combat operations, administrative functions and uniform expectations will remain at the normal level. However, as it is a bank holiday, I get to spend some time doing things I don’t usually have the opportunity to do. [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: At 3:00 on Monday, I will be holding an open forum (all welcome) raid seminar. I will be going over basic raid leadership skills, discuss their impact, and outline how raid leaders can be successful. It will be a voice lecture, so no logs will be taken. Again, regardless of your rank, you are welcome to attend. An E-1 is a future raid leader, after all. [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: As a general reminder: we do have a policy section on the forums that specifically deals with raid leadership powers and the tiers of authority therein. You can always find that and other awesome stuff in this forum: /> [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: The raid policy reads: T1: Authority clearance restricted to [i-1]. T2: Authority clearance restricted to at least [O-1] – [O-5]. T3: Authority clearance restricted to at least [E-8]. T4: Authority clearance restricted to at least [E-5] to [E-7] with explicit observation or approval of at least an [O-1]. [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: For clarification: an officer may (assuming standard observance of courtesy to notify OIC, etc) call upon a raid to any target that is listed within their scope of authority. An [E-8] may call upon a raid to any target that is listed within their scope of authority (NCO target) without need to prior approve it with an officer. Other NCO, such as an [E-5] to [E-7] must receive approval from an officer prior to calling a raid upon an NCO target. If an NCO is asked to raid a non-NCO target, they must either have explicit approval from the Imperator or an officer observer. [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: > This Week’s Events [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: This week I had taken several days off from work in order to simply catch up with Ordo matters and work on some projects that I have had in the pipeline. Unfortunately, that opportunity escaped me on account of some life events. Monday night, a relative of mine passed away unexpectedly.Thank you to everyone who provided well wishes and their condolences. It has been a fairly challenging week, especially with my family. [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: Additionally, I would like to extend my gratitude to all of you for keeping things together in my absence. All of you really kept it up—raid leads, officer staff, defense team—everyone did excellent. Thank you, sincerely, for staying on task. It made and makes events like this a lot easier to manage. [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: I will be using the next couple of days to try to catch up where I lost time. However I am not certain it will be enough time to tackle the Schola redesign. To note, I will be corresponding with everyone who provided (and wishes to provide) input throughout the process. As a final (sappy) thought on the matter, deaths like this really serve to remind about the importance of connection, the value of friends and family. You are all akin to family to me. So please, do not be a stranger and communicate with me whenever. [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Other than Thatguy. [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: > Keynote [18:24] thatguy Andel: ;-; [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: The last thing I want to talk about this evening is our "combat ethos." Ethos being our defining character; our norms, beliefs, and core behaviors that influence our actions on the battlefield. [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: I find it always good to re-touch on basics-- it never hurts to hammer home our integral qualities. Would anyone care to name one of our "ethos?" Hands? [18:26] Vincent Lucerne: \o [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Vincent? [18:26] Vincent Lucerne: Suffer not the unclean to live :D? [18:27] Reinhardt Stenvaag raises a hand [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Not exactly. Would anyone like to take a serious stab at it? [18:27] Mizar Korobase raises a hand. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Reinhardt? [18:27] Reinhardt Stenvaag: Respect for ourselves, each other, and our opponents. [18:28] Kaska Czarny raises a hand [18:28] Maverick Garfield: Hi5! [18:28] Vincent Lucerne: \o [18:28] Vincent Lucerne: hi5 [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Very good. Mizar? [18:28] Maverick Garfield raises his hand [18:30] Ken Bremer raises hand. [18:30] Lairex Beck raise paw [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Kaska? [18:30] Kaska Czarny: Discipline. As in, following orders and regulations of the sim. [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Good. Maverick? [18:30] Maverick Garfield: Keep a cool head and adapt to the situations that come up. [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Excellent. Mizar? [18:31] Mizar Korobase: Unity - working together as a whole. We are stronger as a whole than as individuals. [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Indeed. Ken? [18:32] Ken Bremer: Know your limits. If you feel that your not up to par or need to take a break from something then don't end up pushing yourself. [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: All right. And Lairex? [18:33] Lairex Beck: Don't get mad, Get even , Having a hot head will mess you up more [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Indeed that. [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: / The complexity or simplicity of our ethos really depends upon how in depth you want to get. All of your answers were good ones, certainly. Respect, for example, is certainly within our ethos. [18:35] Aryte Vesperia: But at specifics? What does respect mean? To value yourself, the individual next to you, and the individual on the other side? We certainly seek to respect our comrades at the highest level-- our foes, perhaps not in the same regard, but certainly, even our most bitter enemies deserve a sense of respect. [18:36] Aryte Vesperia: Our ethos is, in the most basic terms: professionalism. We seek excellence in every matter-- combat, non-combat, personally . . etc. Whatever the event, whatever the case, the Ordo means to pursue excellence. [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: We uphold the expectation of loyalty to the organization, a sense of duty to the group and one another, integrity to do what is right for the greatest good, and a personal cherishment for honor. [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: This takes personification in hundreds of ways-- really, innumerable to provide examples in this sitting. [18:41] Aryte Vesperia: In combat, our expectations are, and always have been to achieve victory. Although certainly, combat inherently is our design and goal for entertainment-- victory is our goal, for the sense of excellence that it instills. That is not to say we should be above the ability to take a "defeat" honorably. We train and we train with the intent and design to overcome odds and weather whatever outcome. [18:42] Aryte Vesperia: However, we should and always pursue victory at an equally honorable term-- by that, I applaud and reaffirm the necessity to be certain we present that professional face internally and externally. [18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Avoid argument with enemy personnel; do not let them hook/bait you into matters. Let the OIC take care of it. [18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Never be afraid to honestly commend a foe, but stray from lambasting them-- if you are not the OIC, it is not your place. [18:44] Aryte Vesperia: And, most of all, uphold your values and yourself in every matter. The Ordo thrives upon the integrity and capability of its members. Our people are our competitive advantage. Our training routines are great, but our people are immensely better. [18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Promotions will be up tomorrow. I'll be around for the remainder of the evening. Idle off an on as I run amuck. Thank you for coming. You are dismissed. [18:45] Aryte Vesperia snaps his fist to his chest, presenting a brief salute.
  21. [18:01] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Meeting start. As a reminder: all questions, comments (etc) are to be held until given the opportunity to speak. When that opportunity is provided, be sure to raise your hands. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the meeting. ============= [18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics Members: 318 Cadets: 7 Applications New: 13 Accepted: 1 Denied: 4 Review: 8 Combat Defensive: 98 Offensive: 18 Allied Assist: 0 ====== Diplomacy [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic notes: some notable mentions to go over. Foremost, the 39th Blackwatch has been confirmed as a friendly/allied party. Their region is not currently open, however once it is, we will still combat with them. Otherwise, the Ordo will provide support to the organization when available. Additionally, we’ve been butting heads with RCU over the week—they’ve been repeatedly pushing and prodding until EM’s have to backhand them for infractions. In one event, a member mouthed off saying “he wasn’t listening” when an admin asked them to cease. So he got bitch slapped. RCU has answered it by sending us nastygrams and letters about how mean we are. Haha. Typical. === Unit Reports [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening? [18:03] WolfShaman Warrior raises his hand. [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Warrior. [18:03] WolfShaman Warrior shouts: Greetings form Astra! - Training queue Remains low, with Dropship and Astra Leadership training being developed. General Training Remains steady. We've conducted another Roster audit and are working to clear out the extended (year Plus) inactives and bring our reserves roster to a more managable state. Also, Pew Pew with Alliance Navy. No update for Letalis this week. That should about do it for us this week. [18:04] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Terra? [18:04] Hollowmengitus Yifu: Woo [18:04] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Yifu. [18:05] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Invictus: Overall a pretty standard week, Invictus came in from the blazing skies and rocked people's worlds when they thought the coast was cleared. On another note we would like to thank Keller for delievering yet another great gun to our squad! Solid feel to it and is slowly becoming more popular than the Celeritas so we would love to say thank you for the hard work :d (who still needs to explain this face to me D:). As for the next week expect to see a few notices for a brief get togethers ranging from a small meeting and the standard raid calls. [18:05] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Evalidus: Development of the squad proper is now well under way. Logo and gear concept threads are up on our forums, Evalidus members should go check them out! On that note however, we're pretty sure on what we want for our second weapon slot. In addition to all this myself and Awanken are in the process of writing a squad handbook to help solidify the foundation of the squad. Next! We have plenty of slots open so feel free to express your interest to either myself of Awanken Wasp. Finally quite a bit planned for next week, so squad members stay tuned! [18:06] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Insidiae: Insidiae would like to welcome Dresden Xaris and Jeffery Worbridge into our ranks. Earlier this week Insidiae led a small strike force to CATI, pinning them in base while outnumbered 5 to 14, a flawless victory considering we were getting yelled at for using bolt action rifles. In other news, we still have opening so get those applications in. :] [18:06] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: It was also 100% IAC personnel. [18:06] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Praescius: A few things to note this week for Praescius! I am pleased to welcome our new Executive Officer, Ookamiwulf Lemton! Feel free to ask him any questions that you might ask me. Additionally, Praetor Evocati Ron Bleac has elected to become Praescius' attached Praetorian. We also have a shiny, hot off the presses logo for Praescius, visible in the group's information page, courtesy of Ookami! [18:07] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Saevitas: Another normal week for A-5, raids continue and a meeting was held to discuss how the new Saevitas gear will look. The only noteworthy event was a few ISP issues as comcast once again plots against the Ordo! [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. :] [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Any final reports? [18:08] Hollowmengitus Yifu: HEY [18:08] Kyra Vixen raises her paw. [18:08] Hollowmengitus Yifu: WAIT UP [18:08] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: /b/: Not a whole lot going on in Cohors B this week. A lot of people are going to be moved around, depending on activity levels. So be prepared for that. If you're in B-I, get those raids out! Tsukiyomi will be returning from his one-week break and things will start picking up again. For those of you in B-I who wish to remain there to advance onto Cohors A and so forth, and are not able to get raids in for what ever reason, please contact me. [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Oh my bad. Continue. [18:08] Hollowmengitus Yifu: ok [18:08] Hollowmengitus Yifu: :) [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: OK. Thanks. [18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Vixen? [18:08] Drasamax Python raises hand for IEA. Tactica [18:08] Kyra Vixen shouts: It must be officially summer, once again: We had an explosion of new militaries on the grid this week. We have a new military to our board... make that /five/ new militaries. Legion 2029 who, from the contact that supplied it to ne, is said to be the new K-Brigade. They have been placed as an E-8 target to begin with, and will likely be lowered soon, if no problems are encountered. Ironostics is back from the dead, and has been placed as NCO. ASR is seemingly a TG military, and has also been placed as an NCO target, along with The Megiddo. Additionally, 39th Blackwatch has been added to the board, per the announcement of their classification on the forums. They are currently classified as Allied, however they are noted as "Skirmish", which means we can participate in combat with them. They are also still in rebuild, as of writing. Finally, I would like to extend a warm thanks to 2142's Recon Division, who has been graciously offering information on updates with militaries over the grid, and in return, Tact [18:08] Kyra Vixen shouts: ica has been responding in kind with new information when located. As always, if you find a military we don't have on our board, let us know! Many sets of eyes are better than few! This concludes this jam-packed Tactica report. [18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Python? IEA [18:09] Drasamax Python shouts: From myself for The Imperial Education Administration: Classes are still looking good in Schola and Armatura. Reports were turned in on time too. DaveyDarkStrider Oh and Bracket Crowley have been really dominating the Armatura activity log this week so kudos to them! \o/ [18:10] Drasamax Python shouts: • Other things to note in the IEA: The NCO-A course materials are still going through that implementation process (Steeltael Lykin has been mostly taking care of this so thanks to him). We've been getting a lot of useful feedback on them however and need to do a bit more testing before we get some instructors to teach the materials to anybody officially. We still have other ideas we want to move forward with but we've been slightly holding back on them till we get some of our current project ideas out of the way. [18:10] Drasamax Python shouts: Our Armatura Director, Typhon Perun has been exploring some ideas for things we can add or change in Armatura. What I've seen so far hes working on a possible addition to Module A that has to do with voice chat usage and protocols which we will take a look at when he is fully finished with it. [18:10] Drasamax Python shouts: And finally I know I mention this every week but It doesn't hurt to do it anyway since we're always getting new people who are sometimes unaware of how to become a Magister. If your looking to apply to be a Magister: [18:10] Drasamax Python shouts: That is all from the Imperial Education Administration. [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. :] [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Moving right along. [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: > Development / Sim [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Munitorum has been chipping away at the HUD. Models are completed, as are the core components. As I understand, we are simply waiting on the display that you will actually be looking at while the HUD is being worn. Once that is produced, it’ll all be meshed together and released for a beta run. It will be awesome to see this finished—most of all, I am looking forward to the goto:commands actually taking you to the right place without a proprietary additive. Haha. [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Addendum: I was just handed a layout. So yey. [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Otherwise, no other major changes to note (as far as I am aware) with other projects. Sim wise, however, we have been toying with some additions and mulling over structural revisions. This includes a potential red zone shift. However, Nikki has deployed some additional cover to see how that helps the road situation leading toward the lounge. If the new barricades prove sufficient, we will maintain our current lines. Stay tuned for any updates regarding that; we’ll keep an eye on how enemy attacks fair. [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: > NCO-A / Learning Path [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: The IEA has hammered out a relatively finalized version of the NCO Academy (NCO-A). Last officer meeting, we spent a degree of time discussing its deployment and contents. Overall, there’s a general sense from me that the NCO-A is a great program and assist individuals in transitioning to the role of an NCO. [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Deployment is where we had a lot of questions. It is a pretty extensive, hands on, lecture/review based curriculum—as such, it puts a lot of reliance on IEA manpower to keep it turning. For now, the NCO-A will be volunteer participation and encouraged for those seeking upper NCO roles. Once proper evaluation is given and we are confident staffing is adequate, it may take the place of the NCO promotion exams. So, rather than our “learning path” being Schola – Armatura – Exams, it’d look more like Schola – Armatura – NCO-A. [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Class times will start popping up as IEA situates itself and prepares. Participation is definitely encouraged, regardless if you’re seeking upper NCO roles. It’d look good on a resume, after all. [18:16] Aryte Vesperia: If we do decide to make the NCO-A mandatory, we will give ample heads up and ensure everyone has more than enough time to situate themselves for its implementation. If you have questions about the NCO-A beyond class times, please see one of the core folks for it: Zero Itamae, Awanken Wasp, Steeltael Lykin. [18:16] Jath Andel: I am. [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: > Chronus [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: Chronus, our neighboring sim, is being maintained for now as an Ordo region. As such, it really should be stressed that use of the region is encouraged for training purposes. If your individual unit (or even small groups of folks) wish to go have fun there, you are more than welcome to. It’s a unique build, with a lot of neat elements. Let’s definitely try to make that sim worth the money that’s being paid for it! [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: If you /do/ wish to use Chronus for a function and it is running a bit slow, just notify an EM. We can reboot it at your request, which will refresh its resources. It does not get rebooted anywhere near as often as Titan, so, at times, it can be sluggish. [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: In the event that Chronus does not find a great deal of use in the training role, we may do some exploration in to changing its service design for the Ordo. Originally, it /was/ intended to be an alternative combat ground for close knit combat against smaller enemies, but it really has not been much of a requested (or advertised) role by our foes or us. [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Whatever the case may be, the sim is there, so let’s get some use out of it. [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: > Script Time [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: As a reminder, especially for the newer folks, we do strive pretty hard to maintain a reasonable scripts-per-avatar standard. I have rezzed a script reader out in front of the podium: definitely try to push under /30/ scripts and/or 1.0mb. It’s not hard to do at all—I am a full furry avatar, and with a combat loadout I am only 21 scripts. A lot of avatar pieces are overloaded with random functional scripts that are completely unnecessary. If you need some assistance locating/eliminating them, bug your unit leads. :] [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Every little bit helps, quite a lot. When you maximize a little from each person by 50 folks on sim, it’s a huge impact on available resources. [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: > Misc [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Promotions will be posted tomorrow. For those newer (and a reminder): promotions/merits/PRFs are handled weekly, typically up by Sunday morning. There is a deadline for inclusion into a week’s round: 3:00 PM SLT on Saturday. So be sure to get your PRFs in and any recommendations by that time. Recommendations are done via notecard—if you see someone doing something awesome that you feel should be noted, simply write it down and send it on over to me. Please send a copy to your unit leader as well. [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Use of the calendar is highly encouraged. We post notable events on there regularly. Additionally, if there’s anything you like added, most officers and staff have access to do so. [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Next. We will be establishing an “Allied” group here shortly to allow folks to set their homes. Keep your eyes tuned. We’ll announce the name on the forums. Titan Force Five is alluring, but improbable. [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Neeext. VOTE. [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Ending in a couple of days. So get your choice out! [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Neeeext. Scheduling annual group photo soon. [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: And lastly, the forums have quite a lot of resources available for every member. Generally, folks can find a lot of answers in the “policy” section: We update it regularly to reflect any major, in-stone sort of things for the Ordo. Also, you can check your division specific forums for any division specific events, changes, so on and so forth. Definitely make it a habit to review whenever you have some free time. The forums are a great tool. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: That said. Thank you all for coming. Sorry that the meeting was in WARP SPEED today. I've got to run off to a function at 7, so I had to rush. Go get your raids out! Numbers were up from last week, but still a tad short of our 3 a day goal. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: So get to it. >;o [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Dismissed. I'll be back in a little bit.
  22. Aryte keeps finding ways to make me sad. But yes, it was training, and normally That is not a legal tactic per Astra, Ordo, or in most sims, including Titan. Quote from our combat covenant. - 12APR11 Bombers are ment to be used for bombing, Not troop deployment / dropship ops. (that second seat is where the bombardier sits) I'll just say this: Dont let me catch you doing this in combat.
  23. [2011-03-30 15:07:54] Ethan Schuman: Alright then... let's get started. [2011-03-30 15:08:54] Ethan Schuman: Palaestra is here. Wing commander is here. Celeres(?) command is here. Tactical squadron is here. Aquila flight leadership is here. Reapers flight leadership is here. [2011-03-30 15:09:50] Ethan Schuman: As you all know, Friday is April 1st. April 1st is the Roman new year, so that's when I want Astra to come out swinging. [2011-03-30 15:10:12] Ethan Schuman: Today, we'll be discussing leadership expectations and future goals. [2011-03-30 15:11:29] Ethan Schuman: If you have questions, please raise your hand, but wait until you are called on. [2011-03-30 15:11:51] Ethan Schuman: The first thing that I want to get out of the way is this: [2011-03-30 15:12:21] Ethan Schuman: In the past, Astra has been able to just slide by with the bare minimum. [2011-03-30 15:12:48] Ethan Schuman: This ends now. [2011-03-30 15:13:42] Ethan Schuman: Also in the past, Astra has been bogged down with red tape, protocols, and all sorts of adminstrative junk. [2011-03-30 15:13:45] Ethan Schuman: This ends now. [2011-03-30 15:15:02] Ethan Schuman: Astra 2.0 will be transitioning to a new style of management. While it may sound less professional, it is a far better way to approach our problems. [2011-03-30 15:16:04] Ethan Schuman: Dynamic leadership. This is a method of command that allows us to adapt on the fly to new problems as they arise, while still keeping other traditional ones in check. [2011-03-30 15:17:08] Ethan Schuman: In short, we do whatever we need to when we need to do it. [2011-03-30 15:17:43] Ethan Schuman: If we start to have problems with how our current method is getting activity, then we come up with something new and roll with it. [2011-03-30 15:20:10] Ethan Schuman: Now, with that out of the way, let's talk about our biggest issue: Activity. [2011-03-30 15:20:45] Ethan Schuman: Our activity is rather dismal right now. This is because we lack two things: Incentive, and opportunity. [2011-03-30 15:20:58] Ethan Schuman: I will address opportunity first. [2011-03-30 15:21:21] Ethan Schuman: The Ordo as a whole has certain goals for activity that they like to be met. [2011-03-30 15:22:09] Ethan Schuman: Starting Friday, Astra will also have activity goals. [2011-03-30 15:22:53] Ethan Schuman: The first of these is our nightly Grand Melees. They'll be making a return. This falls to the Tactical Squadron commander and XO to accomplish. [2011-03-30 15:23:56] Ethan Schuman: Nightly Grand Melee format will remain as usual unless a change needs to be made. [2011-03-30 15:23:57] Sebris Montpark: Sorry for the delay, Things at school ran late [2011-03-30 15:24:26] Ethan Schuman: I'll discuss that later with Tactical Squadron command. [2011-03-30 15:24:47] Ethan Schuman: The next of these expectations is training. [2011-03-30 15:25:15] Ethan Schuman: I have expanded Palaestra's mission role to encompass all Astra training. [2011-03-30 15:26:26] Ethan Schuman: This does not mean that only Palaestra can run training exercises. Motivated individuals still can too. All it means is that Palaestra is responsible for making sure that general Astra strategic training objectives are being met in terms of both quantity and quality. [2011-03-30 15:27:02] Ethan Schuman: Palaestra training has for categories, with different priorities. [2011-03-30 15:27:16] Ethan Schuman: The first of these is basic training. [2011-03-30 15:27:54] Ethan Schuman: Basic training is the most important priority. Palaestra members will go out of their way to make sure that new members are trained in basic fighters ASAP. [2011-03-30 15:28:35] Ethan Schuman: Palaestra is responsible for making sure that all new pilots are trained and assigned to a flight within 72 hours of joining. This is a reasonable goal. [2011-03-30 15:28:57] Fox Cheri raises hir hand [2011-03-30 15:29:04] Ethan Schuman: Hold questions for now, please. [2011-03-30 15:30:17] Ethan Schuman: As soon as basic flight training is complete, pilots are assigned to a flight on the spot. If flight leaders are not available, then Tactical Squadron command decides where they go. If Tactical Squadron command is unavailable, Wing command places them. [2011-03-30 15:31:27] Ethan Schuman: If NONE of those individuals are available at that moment, the Palaestra instructor who graduates the pilot has the authority to assign the pilot to a flight on a provisional basis, pending approval from Tactical Squadron command. [2011-03-30 15:32:10] Ethan Schuman: Setting these goals will allow pilots to get through training and into the mix much faster than under current expectations, thus allowing less time for interest drop to occur during downtime. [2011-03-30 15:33:53] Ethan Schuman: The second Palaestra training objective is advanced qualifications. Those include the Thanatos, Liberator, Thantanemesis if we continue to employ it, and other aircraft. [2011-03-30 15:34:29] Ethan Schuman: I would like all pilots certified on our advanced aircraft within a week or so of being assigned to a flight. [2011-03-30 15:35:30] Ethan Schuman: The third Palaestra training type is standard training. Dogfights, troop insertion while under fire, bombing runs, and the like. [2011-03-30 15:36:00] Ethan Schuman: The fourth and final Palaestra training goal is something that we have had a lot of success with in the past. [2011-03-30 15:36:54] Ethan Schuman: Recreational training. This can be just about anything, from drive by musket attacks from Liberators to Adjudicator trap shooting to hoping around on Yoshis with melee weapons. [2011-03-30 15:37:38] Ethan Schuman: The objective of recreational training is to break up the monotony of standard training, which, let's face it... dogfights night after night get dull pretty quickly. [2011-03-30 15:38:24] Ethan Schuman: Recreational training also increases morale and unit cohesion, and that is why I have moved it from a casual, informal activity to a mandated training priority. [2011-03-30 15:38:59] Ethan Schuman: Are there any questions about Palaestra training activity types? [2011-03-30 15:39:32] Ethan Schuman: Good. Moving on. [2011-03-30 15:39:50] Ethan Schuman: Now, for the Tactical Squadron. [2011-03-30 15:40:26] Ethan Schuman: Wait, where's Fox? Do you still have a question? [2011-03-30 15:41:20] Fox Cheri: Yes Sir. I was just confused when You said training types. [2011-03-30 15:41:26] Fox Cheri: Well. Here goes. [2011-03-30 15:43:40] Ethan Schuman: And he crashes. [2011-03-30 15:43:58] Blaze Wiles: sods law in operation there Ethan [2011-03-30 15:44:26] Fox Cheri: Sorry about that. Annoying computer... [2011-03-30 15:44:38] Ethan Schuman: Quite alright. Still have your question? [2011-03-30 15:44:46] Fox Cheri: Yes Sir [2011-03-30 15:46:24] Fox Cheri: My concern is that with the 72 hour goal, then there might be more stress around the activity level as well. As all know, phase three is a problematic phase because of the group dogfights, and there are trainees who only gets on when there is low activity, rendering a Phase 3 almost impossible to achieve. Unless changes are made to this, then how can this goal be achieved Sir? [2011-03-30 15:48:23] Ethan Schuman: There is another aspect I was going to touch on after Tactical Squadron expectations, but I'll toss it out now. I'm going to be making a special version of the Predator and issuing it to Terra people. This version will ONLY work when a Palaestra instructor throws a switch to activate them. That way, Terra members can provide targets when we otherwise wouldn't have any other available. [2011-03-30 15:49:23] Ethan Schuman: As an added side benefit, exposing Terra members to flight has the potential to increase interest and possibly cause transfers. [2011-03-30 15:50:12] Ethan Schuman: Which, don't get me wrong, I'm not endorsing member ganking, but if Terra members find that they're interested in flight... [2011-03-30 15:50:18] Ethan Schuman: Well, I'm not one to stop them. [2011-03-30 15:50:49] Sebris Montpark: if i may add [2011-03-30 15:50:54] Fox Cheri: Thank You for answering my question prompty Sir [2011-03-30 15:51:31] Ethan Schuman: Go for it, Seb. [2011-03-30 15:51:33] Sebris Montpark: I allowed some terra members on my last phase 3 to participate as well using the TI F-22s since i didnt get enough astra. It was very helpful [2011-03-30 15:52:14] Ethan Schuman: Any other questions regarding training? [2011-03-30 15:52:32] Sebris Montpark: No questions. [2011-03-30 15:52:43] Fox Cheri: None Sir. [2011-03-30 15:52:57] Acheron Gloom: Not exactly Palaestra stuff [2011-03-30 15:53:01] Acheron Gloom: but should we do infantry trainings, too [2011-03-30 15:53:13] Acheron Gloom: Maybe I missed it, if so I apologize, doing a schola phase in IMs. [2011-03-30 15:53:43] Ethan Schuman: We are going to. I was going to allow Tandem to mention that, but Astra's role is going to be expanding to encompass ground duties as well, so we will be doing dedicated infantry trainings and raids. [2011-03-30 15:54:42] Acheron Gloom: Got it. [2011-03-30 15:54:53] Ethan Schuman: Another thing I forgot is this: If at any point, we find our current base of instructors to be insufficient, then Astra officers will also conduct Palaestra training. [2011-03-30 15:55:00] Ethan Schuman: (After being certified, of course.) [2011-03-30 15:55:17] Zerowinged Vasiliev: If I may, on that note. [2011-03-30 15:55:25] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Mentione one thing [2011-03-30 15:56:05] Ethan Schuman: Go for it. [2011-03-30 15:56:44] Zerowinged Vasiliev: We are currently looking for two more instructors. I have a list of people who are willing but I would like to put it out here; Two more compitant and avalible people will really assist in the long run. [2011-03-30 15:56:54] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Throwing a bone here. [2011-03-30 15:57:04] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Continue, please. That is all from me. [2011-03-30 15:58:30] Ethan Schuman: Alright. Now on to flight lead expectations. [2011-03-30 15:59:11] Ethan Schuman: Traditionally, flight leaders have just been expected to check in with flight members once a week and file reports based on that. [2011-03-30 15:59:52] Ethan Schuman: I'm upping that. I want flight leaders to stay in constant communication with members of their flight. Talk, chat, hang out, RAID TOGETHER [2011-03-30 16:00:29] Ethan Schuman: Flight leaders should be more than just info relay points. I want you guys to rally your pilots and make them feel like a team. [2011-03-30 16:00:43] Disembodied Hand raises hand [2011-03-30 16:00:56] Ethan Schuman: Dis. [2011-03-30 16:01:43] Disembodied Hand: On that, I know we are getting that office for astra, maybe we should consider a form of pilots lounge in one of the corners, potentially add flight related boards [2011-03-30 16:01:57] Disembodied Hand: Seeing as im sure we dont need all that space for actual... offices [2011-03-30 16:03:16] Ethan Schuman: While I haven't done anything more than initial brainstorming, one thing I've wanted to do for a long while is set up a sim where pilots who are really active can have skyboxes. [2011-03-30 16:03:27] Blaze Wiles: if I may Ethan [2011-03-30 16:03:43] Ethan Schuman: Go for it, Blaze. [2011-03-30 16:05:17] Blaze Wiles: I'm sure we can make a pilot lounge on the top floof, since we have that entire floor to ourselves, and it is close to our launching point if we're needed in the air, which is probably a better idea than sticking it in a officer on teh floor bellow thts going to be a bit difficult to get out of and into commbat [2011-03-30 16:05:57] Ethan Schuman: We'll talk about a pilot's lounge later. We just hit the one hour mark and I haven't gotten into the important stuff yet. [2011-03-30 16:06:04] Blaze Wiles: and we already have a psudo lounge area with the sofa [2011-03-30 16:06:20] Ethan Schuman: That's fluff. We'll worry about meat first. [2011-03-30 16:06:33] Ethan Schuman: Back to flight expectations. [2011-03-30 16:07:14] Ethan Schuman: I'm not placing concrete guidelines on you guys, because then we foster the mindset of "checklist leadership" [2011-03-30 16:08:00] Ethan Schuman: Checklist leadership has been very bad for us. Instead, we're going to go with a sort of organic "feel" [2011-03-30 16:09:12] Ethan Schuman: It'll be more of an informal gauge to evaluate how flight leadership is doing. If everyone seems to be meeting, collaborating, participating... then flight leadership is doing a good job. If not, then they aren't. [2011-03-30 16:10:27] Ethan Schuman: I'm also going to expect more than just reports out of flight leaders. I want you guys to be active. Facilitate group activity. Encourage people to come to trainings and go on raids. [2011-03-30 16:11:14] Ethan Schuman: Hell, hold board game nights if you want. Just keep people together and active. We need an esprit de corps, and you guys are on the front lines of developing that. [2011-03-30 16:12:29] Ethan Schuman: Tactical squadron leadership will be overseeing you guys and helping the flights to coordinate with one another. [2011-03-30 16:12:55] Ethan Schuman: Basically, you worry about your flight first for administrative purposes. [2011-03-30 16:13:13] Ethan Schuman: Any slacking or shortcomings will be addressed by Tactical Squadron command. [2011-03-30 16:13:42] Ethan Schuman: They'll also be relaying information up to me, so I can talk to Palaestra and have them modify their curriculum. [2011-03-30 16:14:06] Ethan Schuman: Any questions on flight leadership? [2011-03-30 16:14:37] Rei Kuhr: I'd like to make a few comments. [2011-03-30 16:14:47] Ethan Schuman: Make them fast. [2011-03-30 16:15:04] Ethan Schuman: Actually, don't. [2011-03-30 16:15:13] Ethan Schuman: You'll have a better opportunity here in a few minutes. [2011-03-30 16:15:20] Rei Kuhr: Understood. [2011-03-30 16:15:58] Ethan Schuman: Base levels have been addressed. I'll talk to you all a little bit about what's above your heads. [2011-03-30 16:16:28] Ethan Schuman: There are two components to Astra: The wing, and Palaestra. [2011-03-30 16:17:04] Ethan Schuman: Underneath the wing is our elite unit, the Tactical Squadron, and Reserves & Activities. [2011-03-30 16:18:27] Ethan Schuman: Each spot, except for Wing Commander and Reserves & Activites, has two people at the top. In addition to this, areas of responsibility overlap. One of our greatest problems in the past has been administrative burnout, so by creating command redundancies, we can greatly lessen any impact from this. [2011-03-30 16:19:28] Ethan Schuman: So, unlike in the past, it's okay for you leaders to take a step back and breathe for a moment if you need to. Just let others know, and we'll adapt. [2011-03-30 16:21:38] Ethan Schuman: Now, that being said... [2011-03-30 16:21:57] Ethan Schuman: I'm not like Sosarin. I'm not like Nrom. I'm not like Aryte. [2011-03-30 16:22:32] Ethan Schuman: I have a very distinct, unique style of leadership, and I expect certain things from my subordinates. [2011-03-30 16:23:01] Ethan Schuman: I expect nothing more than the best each of you can give, but I accept nothing less. [2011-03-30 16:24:17] Ethan Schuman: Make no mistake... our situation is grim. Air combat in this community is dying. There has been half serious talk about "Astra is nothing more than a specialized Terra alpha squad." [2011-03-30 16:24:53] Xoza Tyron: >:O [2011-03-30 16:25:08] Ethan Schuman: We are fighting for our life. Our combined efforts will determine the fate of not just Astra, and not just Ordo, but air combat in this community entirely. [2011-03-30 16:25:36] Ethan Schuman: This is our last stand. We cannot fail. We WILL NOT fail. [2011-03-30 16:26:04] Sebris Montpark nods [2011-03-30 16:26:33] Ethan Schuman: Together, we all work towards a common agenda. That means each of us doing what needs to be done to see that agenda through... even if that means a shift here and there. [2011-03-30 16:27:48] Ethan Schuman: This battle is going to take everything that we have. I need you all to know that my expectations of you are high, and that unlike in the past, if you fail to perform to the best of your abilities, you will be replaced if necessary. [2011-03-30 16:28:40] Ethan Schuman: My fundamental responsibility is to those in the lower ranks. It is my job to make sure they're having a blast. [2011-03-30 16:28:57] Ethan Schuman: And because it is my job, it is also your job. [2011-03-30 16:29:33] Ethan Schuman: This will be a tough fight. I cannot afford to look back and wonder if my officers are going to be there or not. [2011-03-30 16:30:22] Ethan Schuman: The mission is our first and only concern. There is no place for vanity, prestige, or self promotion. [2011-03-30 16:31:39] Ethan Schuman: Your rank... means nothing. Your merits... mean nothing. All the pretty, shiny things you have, and special recognitions... nothing. [2011-03-30 16:31:52] Ethan Schuman: All that matters is the mission. [2011-03-30 16:32:44] Ethan Schuman: If you stop to tell me that your performance is slipping because you don't feel like you're getting the recognition you deserve, then I'll tell you to shut the fuck up or get the fuck out. [2011-03-30 16:33:30] Ethan Schuman: There is no place on my team for individuals concerned solely about their careers. [2011-03-30 16:34:11] Ethan Schuman: I'm not telling you that you won't be recognized if you're doing well. To the contrary, if we're doing well, then I'm happy, and we're all happy. [2011-03-30 16:35:23] Ethan Schuman: What I am telling you is that if you're expecting promoatz n meritz n cool stuff, then you shouldn't be in an upper tier, because in this division, it's all about your duty. [2011-03-30 16:36:42] Ethan Schuman: It is MORE than fine if you want to step back, at any time. You will not be shamed in the slightest. I can be pretty strict, and my leadership style is far from lovable by everyone. I will endeavor to make sure you guys are happy. [2011-03-30 16:37:18] Ethan Schuman: And also, I should tell you that I'm glad each and every one of you is here. If you didn't have the potential to make Astra great, you wouldn't be here. [2011-03-30 16:38:01] Ethan Schuman: If I do get strict with you, it is not because I hate you or don't appreciate you, but only because I need you to help keep your part of Astra up better. [2011-03-30 16:39:28] Ethan Schuman: I will never make any decision out of malice. [2011-03-30 16:40:26] Ethan Schuman: Well, I take that back. I might get pissed off and order a bombing campaign on some other military because they were talking trash, but emotion will not affect any internal policy. [2011-03-30 16:40:29] Ethan Schuman: ;p [2011-03-30 16:40:50] Ethan Schuman: Does anyone have any questions before I get into objectives? [2011-03-30 16:40:51] Fox Cheri chuckles [2011-03-30 16:42:24] Ethan Schuman: Alright. Bottom line: If you need to step back or step down, at any time, just tell me. I won't be mad at all, and I'll do everything I can do to keep you happy. [2011-03-30 16:42:46] Ethan Schuman: I only get upset if you slack off and stuff starts to falter as a result. [2011-03-30 16:43:14] Ethan Schuman: Now, for branch objectives. [2011-03-30 16:43:53] Ethan Schuman: ...actually, before we do that, it'd probably be a good idea to go over the new command layout so you each know what you need to pay attention to. [2011-03-30 16:44:46] Ethan Schuman: Astra high command will consist of Nikki and myself. [2011-03-30 16:45:26] Ethan Schuman: The Astra wing will be led by Wolfshaman. Palaestra will be run by Tandem (Zerowinged), with Sebris as his XO. [2011-03-30 16:46:12] Ethan Schuman: Our elite unit will be led by Scarlet, with Acheron as his XO. [2011-03-30 16:46:47] Ethan Schuman: The Tactical Squadron will be commanded by Rei Kuhr, with Disembodied Hand as his XO. [2011-03-30 16:47:13] Ethan Schuman: Aquila will be led by Drasamax, with Wulf as her XO. [2011-03-30 16:47:29] Ethan Schuman: Reapers will be led by Fox, with Xoza as his XO. [2011-03-30 16:48:08] Ethan Schuman: We are looking tentatively at reactivating our third flight, Caellum. [2011-03-30 16:48:40] Ethan Schuman: I hate that name, though, so if/when it is opened, it may be under a different name. [2011-03-30 16:49:15] Ethan Schuman: Reserves and Activites will be managed by Blaze. [2011-03-30 16:49:53] Ethan Schuman: That's our new administrative structure. Does anyone have any questions? [2011-03-30 16:51:25] Ethan Schuman: Awesome. [2011-03-30 16:52:25] Ethan Schuman: Alright. Unit expectations. [2011-03-30 16:54:34] Ethan Schuman: First of all, these are daily expecations. We probably won't be meeting them right off the bat, but I'd like to get to them soon. [2011-03-30 16:54:44] Ethan Schuman: They're pretty simple. [2011-03-30 16:54:55] Ethan Schuman: I want a Grand Melee run every night. [2011-03-30 16:55:20] Ethan Schuman: That's up to Tactical Squadron command to make sure it happens. I don't care who runs it, so long as it happens. [2011-03-30 16:56:05] Ethan Schuman: I want one training run per day. [2011-03-30 16:56:41] Ethan Schuman: Ideally, I'd like said training to involve two or more people, so a Phase 3 would count. [2011-03-30 16:56:48] Ethan Schuman: But I won't be picky at first. [2011-03-30 16:57:23] Ethan Schuman: Lastly, I want 10 raid slots filled by Astra personnel daily. [2011-03-30 16:57:54] Disembodied Hand raises hand [2011-03-30 16:58:27] Ethan Schuman: This will be dependent upon how many raids go out, and how big they are, but I'd like to reach for that, even if we have to run our own dedicated raids. [2011-03-30 16:58:39] Ethan Schuman: Disembodied. [2011-03-30 16:58:43] Disembodied Hand: for the record, thats 10 astra members participating in raids, not 10 raids with astra memebers right? [2011-03-30 16:59:02] Ethan Schuman: Yes, though the second would be amazing. [2011-03-30 16:59:07] Disembodied Hand: ha [2011-03-30 16:59:11] Sebris Montpark: second that [2011-03-30 16:59:33] Ethan Schuman: If we were running 10 raids a day, we could probably make a good case for annexing part of Terra, lol. [2011-03-30 17:00:15] Ethan Schuman: This doesn't necessarily mean 10 unique people. One person can go on 10 raids and that will fill my expectations. [2011-03-30 17:00:55] Acheron Gloom: k got it [2011-03-30 17:00:58] Ethan Schuman: These are not major expectations. We can meet them. [2011-03-30 17:00:59] Acheron Gloom: lead 10, 1-person raids per day [2011-03-30 17:01:56] Ethan Schuman: Now... I need to meet with each command team individually, but before we do that, I want to run an idea by all of you and don't want to wait until Saturday. [2011-03-30 17:02:34] Ethan Schuman: For us, activity incentive is hard to come by. In Terra, you just need a rifle, so there's lots of stuff you can unlock for fun. [2011-03-30 17:02:53] Ethan Schuman: For Astra, you need access to everything we have. Unlocks are pretty much pointless. [2011-03-30 17:03:46] Ethan Schuman: So I had an idea for a different approach... group unlocks. [2011-03-30 17:04:27] Ethan Schuman: Instead of people individually unlocking a piece of gear, we put forward a project, like a gunship. [2011-03-30 17:04:57] Ethan Schuman: After working out the specifics, Nikki and I sit down with Aryte, and we determine a cost value for it. [2011-03-30 17:05:32] Ethan Schuman: Then, everybody in Astra works together, accumulating points as a team. [2011-03-30 17:05:51] Sebris Montpark: oooooh [2011-03-30 17:05:53] Sebris Montpark: o.o [2011-03-30 17:06:24] Ethan Schuman: Raids? Points. Trainings? Points. "Accidentally" shooting Hokusai while in the sky? Points. [2011-03-30 17:06:33] Rei Kuhr: (Being dragged away for dinner, be back in a few) [2011-03-30 17:07:39] Ethan Schuman: When Astra as a whole has earned up enough points to open the unlock, it becomes available for everyone. [2011-03-30 17:10:13] Ethan Schuman: After that, we enter a two week competition period. [2011-03-30 17:10:39] Ethan Schuman: During those two weeks, the flights will compete amongst themselves in a series of competitions and challenges. [2011-03-30 17:11:37] Ethan Schuman: At the end of the two weeks, the flight with the most points gets to offer major input as to what the next unlock is. We take it to Aryte, get it approved, assign a point total, and the race begins again. [2011-03-30 17:11:53] Ethan Schuman: How does that sound to you guys? [2011-03-30 17:12:20] Fox Cheri raises hir hand [2011-03-30 17:12:30] Ethan Schuman: Fox. [2011-03-30 17:13:17] Fox Cheri: I find that a good idea. I personally like the group unlock initiative. So, yes. A good approach and can catch more interested people to Astra [2011-03-30 17:13:35] Ookamiwulf Lemton: mhmm [2011-03-30 17:14:19] Ethan Schuman: Downsides are that some may not do their part and just coast through to let the others, but honestly... the unlocks are only useful if you're active, and if you're coasting during the unlock periods, you won't use them anyways. [2011-03-30 17:15:12] Ethan Schuman: Do you all like this idea? [2011-03-30 17:15:56] Rei Kuhr: (back) [2011-03-30 17:16:10] Zerowinged Vasiliev: I just got back so excuse my absence in answering, trying to catch up [2011-03-30 17:16:13] Sebris Montpark: It sounds good to me. I like it [2011-03-30 17:16:22] Rei Kuhr: Would be interesting to use the two week competition to also demonstrate the new technology. [2011-03-30 17:16:23] Drasamax Python: Yes [2011-03-30 17:16:30] Rei Kuhr: A combined airshow and competition. [2011-03-30 17:16:46] Ethan Schuman: Awesome. [2011-03-30 17:17:12] Ethan Schuman: Alright. Unless Nikki has anything further for you guys, we'll start the individual talks now. [2011-03-30 17:17:33] Nikki4 Aquitaine: I don't :P I just need to talk to you after this briefly [2011-03-30 17:17:37] Nikki4 Aquitaine: (Ethan) [2011-03-30 17:18:17] Ethan Schuman: I need to talk to you last of the group, so should we talk now, or wait? [2011-03-30 17:18:29] Nikki4 Aquitaine: It can wait :P [2011-03-30 17:20:24] Ethan Schuman: Alright then. Group meeting is dismissed. Aqulia leadership, stick around.

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