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Null Clarity

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  1. Might be a good while if my connections stays as shitty as its been lately. :unsure: Oh well, I'm glad to be here.
  2. Greetings. I'm Null Clarity, a new member of The Ordo Imperialis. As very few of you actually know me I've decided I might as well try to get myself oriented with the community, and these forums seemed like a decent place to start! So a little about myself~ I'm a fairly skilled programmer with a large interest in Independent Game Development and Reverse Engineering, I've also dabbled in 3d model creation, and map/mod development for various games. I've been on and off of Second Life since 06, and have recently decided to make a dedicated come back, creating an entirely new identity for myself in the process. My goal has been to get myself incorporated with a large-ish group of enjoyable individuals to who'm I can contribute some of my scripting capability while making new friends. Whilst looking for such a Second Life community to join, I stumbled across Keller Teichmann, a friend of mine I had chatted with in IRC ages back. With this he almost immediately attempted to drag me into Ordo and convince me that it was "teh awesome", after much persuasion I decided to give Ordo a try, and so here I am. I wasn't necissarily looking to join up with a military group, but I'd say I'm entirely willing to give it a shot.

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