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  1. =============================== Back from the Dead? =============================== So, I'm certain I have a lot of explaning to do about my strange disappearence. Well There's a good reason for that. ============ Volunteer Job ============ I've been busy with a Volunteer Job that I started In October. I currently work at the new P.A.W.S. Animal Shelter that opened up just down the road from me, currently as a Kennel Aide, Walker, Animal Care, and a few other things. I mostly work with the dogs and puppies, but sometimes get to interact with the Cats and kittens. I've been working every Monday's and Tuesday's from 8AM to 4PM. It's been a little hectic but I'm enjoying it a lot! So that's one reason I've been a ghost. ============ Family ============ For the past few months, because of the holidays, my family has "Kidnapped" me for quite a few weeks at a time, so I've really not had anytime to myself. So that's a reason for Those disappearences. ============= New Computer ============= As a few had knew, my old computer finally crapped itself out, and I was out for 3 Months without a computer. So I finally got a new computer, thanks to a generous donation from a friend of mine. However the computer has been acting up, mostly due to.. Well it's Dell, and they kind of screwed up a few things when making it. It's an Aurora R3, and I've had to take out 2, bad mem sticks already, not only because it was a very bad batch of RAM that they are still USING, but because they decided it was a smart idea to mix different Manufacture RAM sticks, that were different voltages, speeds, and size. So that kind of was making my computer hard crash repeatedly. I'm still getting Problems so I've got some money I'm going to have to spend to update this computer to run better. ============= Family Issues ============= My grandmother has been having some medical problems, and from the sounds of it I could possibly be getting dragged to live there for a few months to make sure she's okay while Grandpa is at work. However I will attempt to drag my computer along with me, but that's hoping. ============= Job Interviews ============= After I applied for help from Career Connect, MindLeaders, and C.A.S.E. Employment Support, I've had to be in and out of my home quite a lot to go do Resume's, and work with some people to help me find a job seeing as the area that I'm in has a lot of issues with handing out jobs to people, so I've been busy with that. ============= Volunteer Computer Teaching ============= This went on for months, finally got finished with it since the students I was teaching finally graduated, so I was tied up with that for a while too. ============= Drivers Temps ============= Was dealing with a small bit of studying and everything, and now am probably going to be getting into the A++ Driving School to be able to get my Drivers License since I currently don't have a car or anyone willing to be a passanger for me to get my hours in. I think I've covered all of it, I'm sure there's more things that I've had to deal with but I guess that settles most of it. So, yea I've been extremely exaughsted and busy with real life suddenly. Oh and, Picture of Puppies that I take care of when I'm there, I'm sure they are already in a better home now, but if not they are still there, desperately trying to steal my shirt or my keys.. or my phone.. or my glasses and hair.. I swear they feed them too much sugar.
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