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Praesidium versus Tyrant: Who is the big boss?

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It is already something that I had already noticed months ago, when Tyrant was placed on the lockers, it seems that our APC, Praesidium tends to be more effective than the Tyrant most of times, even if it is supposed to be the "tank". Here are some points that made me take this kind of conclusion:

-Armor: Praesidium's armor is different from Tyrant's armor, the APC tends to take less damage than Tyrant sometimes, a good example would be when you shoot it with the Gunship rockets, on the APC it deals something like 1HP, but on the Tyrant it deals lots. And while APC is able to resist to lots of people shooting it, the Tyrant is not at all.

-Speed and size: Praesidium is obviously way faster than Tyrant, but for some basic reasons, deploy units, but even so it is something that can resist more than Tyrant, consequently it would be more effective on quick assaults, being able to reach places faster than Tyrant and because its shape is "thin" compared to Tyrant, it is able to fit in places that the tank is not able to.

-Firepower: This definally would be the most important point, because Tyrant is suposed to give people fire support, but just take a look at its weaponary compared to the Praesidium's one:

- Tyrant:

-Primary Armament: XR44 144mm Railgun. 5-Second Reload. ( -7.5m Radius / On default)

-Secondary Armament: XPMG-2 Machine Gun, Mounted Coaxially. 700RPM.


-Primary Armament: M242 25mm Auto Cannon. Anti-Personnel/Anti-Armor. ~10 Damage To Armor. 5m Radius

-Secondary Armament: 2 x Dumbfire Pod Rockets. ~50 Damage to Armor. 10m Radius.

-Tertiary Armament: Coaxial 7.62x51mm GPMG.

Do I even need to say that the Praesidium can easily explode tanks and infantry? While the Tyrant just can launch one cannon shell, the APC is able to shoot two rockets and it also have an autocannon to clear the grounds. And if you think it is not enough to prove what I say, try to put a Tyrant to fight against a Praesidium. I made it once, Tyrant was destroy 2/3 times before stopping the APC.

So I would say that the Praesidium is "the boss". Haha.

Show your opinion and we will see if you agree or disagree.

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Do I even need to say that the Praesidium can easily explode tanks and infantry? While the Tyrant just can launch one cannon shell, the APC is able to shoot two rockets and it also have an autocannon to clear the grounds. And if you think it is not enough to prove what I say, try to put a Tyrant to fight against a Praesidium. I made it once, Tyrant was destroy 2/3 times before stopping the APC.

So I would say that the Praesidium is "the boss". Haha.



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Mac v's pc

inb4 something relevant... Oh wait..

The Praesidium is going to win nine times out of ten in a straight out fight for one simple reason. The Tyrant is a supportive tank, meant mainly to lay fire into other tanks from afar. The Praesidium on the other hand is meant to drive into the middle of enemy fire, drop off a ton of people and then get back out to safety. With that said the APC /has/ to have more armor, and the firepower is just par for the course.

So yes, the Praesidium is 'the boss' when you look at it as which one would beat the other. However the role in which they are meant to play are entirely different.

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This is comparing apples to oranges.

The Tyrant is a general purpose MBT with a large main cannon, coaxial gpmg, and a second gunner option for a second ROWS based gpmg.

The Praesidium is a APC with a pair of rockets and a autocannon. It has lighter armor, and is much faster, specifically because its task is to transport infantry while keeping them safe.

They are for completely different purposes.

This thread is rather useless. :/

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Not true. Really, the armor of the Praesidium, may be CLASSED as light, but it functions as heavier armor than the tyrant. And I think that is one of Radryls main points.

I know Huttser and Radryl had been experimenting with the Praesidum and Tyrant today, and from what I heard, in a head to head, the Tyrant was teh Praesidiums prison b*%ch

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Not true. Really, the armor of the Praesidium, may be CLASSED as light, but it functions as heavier armor than the tyrant. And I think that is one of Radryls main points.

I know Huttser and Radryl had been experimenting with the Praesidum and Tyrant today, and from what I heard, in a head to head, the Tyrant was teh Praesidiums prison b*%ch

Trust me, I know what is in the armor scripts.

Keep in mind the Prasidium should not, while fulfilling its proper role, be stopping to engage tanks. It should never stop moving until the drop point.

Also keep in mind the purpose of an MBT in Second Life. It is an armored unit that is general purpose. It is good at everything, but not the best at anything.

If you want to see something that can shred tanks, the little armored forward assault unit/IFV I made can shred them. But can it survive much punishment? No.

I could compare it to an MBT, but it does not serve the same purpose. Same principle with comparing an APC to an MBT.

The APC is a troop movement platform. It is ment to move troops and, if needed, clear the drop zone.

The MBT is a direct-fire platform. It is ment to destroy enemy armor, suppress infantry, and

In terms of the amount of rounds they can spit out, the MBT wins hands down when you have the ROWS online.

In terms of which can do more damage with a single shot, the MBT wins hands down.

In terms of explosive rate of fire, the APC's autocannon obviously wins hands down.

In terms of Passanger ability, obviously the APC wins.

Which is better depends on the situation.

Seriously, there is no point in this thread.

I'm pretty sure both of you have taken the Armor Training course. This means that you should both know which situation each vehicle is geared for.

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I guess hte question is then, if the APC is meant to move troops, WHY does it have such heavy armaments? Should it not have its equipment stripped down to something less MBT appropriate becuase we KNOW from experiece, that anything we have that someone external can use to target us with drama, will do just that. So downgrade the APC's weapons, so it is JUST an APC, and no one outside Ordo has anything to throw a drama fit over?

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I might answer this one for you. An APC's job is to ferry troops across a dangerous battlefield to a point where they disembark and engage enemy units. The thing about infantry being transported that way is that they aren't carrying a lot of heavy firepower. Enter the APC again.

The APc is well armed, to suppress, defeat, or otherwise support the Infantry it disembarked or will disembark. The driver's sole purpose is to safely deliver the guys in his vehicle to their destination. So let's give him an autocannon and some rockets to do it with. Magic.

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Ok, I think that the heart of the topic was Not on the actual jobs of the vehicles.. But how said vehicles registered damage. I believe that's the issue that Radryl had in that the APC was somehow taking less damage than the Tyrant.

Teron, Blaze and Myself just did some testing and experimenting on this basis to see if this was correct.

The Vehicles We tested against the Malice's Gunship rockets was all follows: The ASI Scorp tank, Tyrant, IRA, Mangusta, ISA Raider, FRAG BMP, and TI Leman Russ as well as the Praesidium Mk2 The Infensus and The Ultor.

What we found out was that "Yes, the Praesidium Mk2 APC Does in fact take a lot less damage from the Gunships AT Rockets, compared to other vehicles."

Damage at Stationary was only 1 point, while damage at Moving was roughly 17 points.

HOWEVER, This problem seams to only effect a small number of vehicles that we tested. The Praesidium, The Infensus, and the ISA Raider. All other vehicles died within 2-3 rocket hits.. and the Raider and Praesidium both died easily to ODR Rockets.

Additionally: All vehicles had no issues against the Tyrants Main cannon, nor the Verutum in either HEDP or HEAT rounds. (The only surprise is Frag Tank actually took far more damage to HEDP than HEAT)

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Yes, Burr the main intention of this topic is to say that the Tyrant is not really being a "tank", I mean, it is taking more damage than the APC, and the tank got only one function, get into get fight and give heavy fire support, while the APC usually WAS supposed to transport people is able to be more effective than it most of times. I mean, I remember Ira could resist more than Tyrant, and Tyrant replaced yep. It was supposed to be a tank, on other words, be resistent and give the proper assistance. To prove this we made lots of tests with almost all the ground Ordo vehicles, results, APC was able to destroy almost all of them without being destroyed.

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Aaaand if it is not clear yet, those combats were COMBATS WHILE MOVING, on other words, it was a simulation of a real combat, I did not pass one second standing on the same place. And honesltly, only one ground vehicle was able to take down the APC, Dictator. And not all the times, if one missile hits it, it is game over, the vehicle gets unstable.

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