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Combat Pertinent JIRA Issues

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Ability to choose the priority of an animation on your avatar.

Lots of animations have highest priority, which is annoying when holding objects such as guns and cups of coffee. Would be great if everyone had the ability to change the priority of their animations to where they see fit.

Option to rez only the sim that you're avatar is in.

Let's you choose to only rez the sim you're in despite having 512 draw distance. Useful for combat because of an FPS leak involving two sims, which leads to continual decrease in FPS, forcing a relog. There's an inhibitor atm, Velocity Interpolate Objects, but it leaves bullets in the air and your FPS still decreases eventually.

Mute another avatar's animations or animation overrides.

Gives the user the option to mute another user's animations or animation overrides. Useful for combat sims when peoples' run/walk/stand/jump animations move their avatar off their hit box. Also useful for people doing back-flips while they ruin. (lmao)

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Option to rez only the sim that you're avatar is in.

Let's you choose to only rez the sim you're in despite having 512 draw distance. Useful for combat because of an FPS leak involving two sims, which leads to continual decrease in FPS, forcing a relog. There's an inhibitor atm, Velocity Interpolate Objects, but it leaves bullets in the air and your FPS still decreases eventually.

Wouldn't it be better to vote for the one which goes 'fix the damm fps leak involving two sims' ?

Edited by Inoue Katsu
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