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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2014 in all areas

  1. Phase 1 Tanks The tanks split the two sides of the room. They will focus on tanking the Dread Monsters, but if possible can pick up the smaller Dread Larvae. One tank will only ever be tanking one dread monster (this will be the one the dps are killing)and the second tank with hold onto the other monsters currently in play. When the solo monster dies, the first tank taunts a new monster over to be killed next. Dps - Dread Tentacle -This add will randomly target someone and cast an attack called “Spit”. This attack is an 6s cast and needs to be interrupted. These are a priority target. Standing within melee range will prevent future “Spit’s” from being cast. Dread Larva - These cast an AOE attack that hits for around 6k dmg to the raid, they are very weak and die rather quickly. Dread Monster - These guys have a lot of HP and buff each other if they are close. They need to be tanked away from each other. Heals Split tanks and stand on platform or with melee DPS. The melee dps and ranged should both fall in range of AoE’s if placed correctly. Phase 2 and 3 Avoid standing in water for the next phases so no red puddles are dropped there. Adds will start spawning sub 50% from the corners and should be killed ASAP. Phase 3 is essentially the same as phase 2 except adds (same ones as in phase 1 except not as many) will spawn once again. Tank When Bestia becomes attackable (around 50s into the fight) whichever tank is free from monsters will pick her up and tank her near the door. She places a stacking debuff on the tanks which should be swapped of regularly (about 5/6 stacks). At 50% adds start spawning, ensure the monsters are tanked but you still need to tank swap. The tank on Bestia should ensure she isn’t near any adds as she buffs them. Bestia has a 3s channel called Dread Strike that on a fully stacked tank does massive damage. Switch accordingly. 11 stacks will kill you. DPS After a few of these add waves Bestia will come out and will drop red puddles on random raid members similar to the Kel’sara circles. These are an instant cast and there is no warning. If you do not move these circles will tick for around 12k dmg. Bestia also has a move called Combusting Seed which is a reticle that will explode for around 18k dmg when it ticks down after 10s. Try to not stand in the water if at all possible to avoid placing these circles in the water. Anyone with this debuff needs to be topped off. Once Bestia is at 50% phase 3 begins. Heals Stay with tank assignments and try to stay near platform to keep red puddle manageable. Top off players with Combusting Seed. [media ]
    1 point

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