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Singularity Phenomena

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Posts posted by Singularity Phenomena

  1. I could rip all the HD 1080p Season 2 off Youtube.. Well ones that are out; Then put it on a CD and ship it to him BUT THAT MIGHT CAUSE LEGAL ISSUES. Hasbro has been on the brony community lately cause some people been putting their show up for torrenting as opposing to paying Itunes because its ran by apple or mac or what ever and having 'color fading' issues. :V

  2. From Saevitas,

    Activity has continued to rise, raids and training continue to be done. On a side note, the additional training courses planned for Saevitas are nearing completion. Pretty standard week for A-5.

  3. WHYYYYY IN MY DAY.. WE DIDN'T HAVE NOW fancy smancy pantsy guns. We only had sticks and a rock! We had to share the rock. Essentially my SL life started like this; Round 2005-6 I joined SL. Unfortunately at the time I couldn't play it but I had a acc; I needed a better PC. It wasn't till a year later round 06-07 that I officially started playing it. In my early years I was a griefer and a troll. Crashin sims like a bawss and making people butt hurt left and right. Good times good times. Regardless that sorta ended when I found the Military Community. The first army I joined was RoG. Though I never made it past training due to the fact they had poor schedules and no one would finish my training. That was when I met SPARTA :D. Back in the day when they owned Growl 2. Mind you that was also the time when Sparta had some worth while people in it and before it ignited into a big ball of flaming stupidity.

    So I hung around Sparta for quite awhile. Made some of their old skool gear for them like the Javelin Shotgun. At that current time Bruno wasn't full blown Bruno; We sorta kept him in check and making sure he didn't do really stupid things. That was also before he learned how to use the ban hammer to its fullest banishment. Eventually as everyone knows; Sparta went down in a series of propaganda and idiocy. Right around before the last worth while person left Sparta, Jaxx. I left and mind you alot of certain people had some nasty things to say about me too. In my time at Sparta, I served as its only Naval Figure and later on swapped to mech division. Regardless I went and followed my friend paper to Guerrilla Rebels. That place was pretty fun back in the day as well. I joined up into the Infantry and later became apart of the Urban assault division and then Under lord of the entire infantry. Though with Jordi's absence due to accident in RL. That and some idiots being allowed to enter GR; Things became inactive and chaotic quickly.

    I been in GR as long as I could; Not as long as I stuck around with Sparta but I didn't want to deal with stupidity again. Soon after I came in contact with a army in the works called New Zeridium Colony. They where new so I thought I help them get off the ground. Needless to say the army never went fully active and eventually died. I left before it died due to internal bs. It was this time I started lurking around and even applied to Ordo a couple times. Though after repeated DENIES >:C YES I MADE THAT FACE AT YOU PEOPLES. I came across Urramiach Union. It was aight; I joined in its later days. Prolly in it for a month or two when UU's financier went F U and left for Chaos. So in attempt to keep everyone together or so Leia said; We merged with VG and became its Capital Division. Not many people liked that idea in VG, We stepped on some toes and some of them saw Capital as getting special treatment. I mean when me and Leia got in the first thing we did was replaced Armada's giant fleetship in the sky with a better looking one. Though my time in VG I learned a few things. The proper way to say Liek a bawss, On a boat, and PANNNNNNNNNZZZZZZZZZZZZZZEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTT!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!!!?!! Though it wasn't a very good experience in that army. At the time VG was trying to repair its image before reverting back to OLD VG ways. I went on some major raids like operation somethings happening. That was a assault against Silver Hawk but soon reverted to a banning(Go figure). When our raid was cut short. The entire raid part (60 something people) was split into two groups and we blitz'd as many armies as we could. I think we hit every army that allowed us to fight that day. I got a medal for it :D. Then there was the time we shit canned TCG with 40 people against 1 in attempt to see how many people we could get into a sim. Anyways aside from the active major raids and trainings, Capital division was segregated to the fleet ship due to the fact the other divisions didn't like us. If we went down below drama would occur and if they went up drama would occur. UNLESS YOU DIDN'T TRANSFER AND CONVERT OVER TO ANOTHER DIVISION. No one liked you cause yer part of Leia's division. :V

    Soon after Leia's break up with Christoph or how ever that story went. She left and went to TCG; I was then put incharge of the entire division but my response was somewhat like this. 130852516053.gif . I soon decided to join TCG as well. It was a pretty cool army.

    TCG lasted as long as it could; It was already dieing out before we got there. Though Leia sorta helped it along. I won't go into much details than Leia helped TCG's death along. Thus a new army was born out from the ashes. Vox Aeron, Which was in the planning before TCG or the Merging with VG. Vox was a good army in its starting days believe it or not. Alot of fun shit happened. We were actively raiding and gear was being produced. Though things started to go down hill when it changed over to Vox Aeron Coalition. Leia started her usual routine and we never got fully open like we once were. I stuck around from VAC to C'tan, I never was apart of FE due to the fact I was offline and had no internet. It was right around my C'tan days that I followed Stirn into Ordo. I must say dem ordo people :V DEM ORDO PEOPLE >:V BE ALL ORDO'Y. So ya that pretty much sums up my SL history.. Well thats the short version of it all.

  4. So ya I thought I share; As of yesterday we received a new feline friend whom was rescued by some lady that I don't really remember their name. Either way shes about 10 months old; She likes to eat bread. Quite a laid back kitty. Real love able too. Also her name is Belle May; That is the name she came with so instead of trying to teach her a new name. We kept the old one.

    Picture > belle_may_by_zaylos-d3jddo6.jpg


    So ya im going to show a few old pictures and new ones. :D Here goes.

    That is a picture of a skull I had placed in the plastic of my binder when I was in middle school. Its pretty oldddd.


    Not sure.... Where... That came from... Though the scanner cut off the shriveled burning hand :c. E101_Beta_MRK_II_Modified_by_Zaylos.jpg

    Like most of my doodle sketches, Their unfinished :V. I lack a good attention span. Dragon_Form_1_by_Zaylos.jpg

    old_concept_by_zaylos-d3gf00f.jpg Random concept dunno. Old as dirt like the other pictures.

    Here is something fairly new. I did it in a ball point pen; So you see some of the lines I am susposed to erase. I guess it gives people a idea of how I draw. mutant_daemon_by_zaylos-d3370bp.jpg

    Last but not least something completely new. The scanner I got makes everything 10x brighter so I am thinking of rescanning after I darken in the lines on this one.crim_and_quick_layin_on_a_rock_by_zaylos-d3gezrn.jpg


    So i herd people liek ponies so i put heresy in ur pony.

    Other than that I thought I would share this fairly new yet fairly old unfinished doodle :V. Yes I has crappy scanner :c

  5. I have a new pc; Better than the old one. I can actually run Ultra Graphics :3. This should help my combat skeelz alittle bit better now that I don't have the irritating Rendering delay from a shitty g-card

  6. Did you gais like copy and paste some paste arguments between VG and Mercz but just changed some things around. I didn't bother reading them cause of walls of texts but some of what I skimmed seemed familiar like I have seen the arguments once before. Not sure exactly where I have heard if not on SL but on a website. Eh, I need some sleep > <. Been up all night.


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