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Maiyu Abeyante

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Posts posted by Maiyu Abeyante

  1. This this this this this this this.

    Competitiveness is what's always driven me in my career, but it's always been competitiveness with enemy militaries, not people or divisions on my own team. Really, we can't beat people we're fighting if we're trying to beat each other.

    I wonder at times if our enlisted base isn't a little too sheltered from the rest of the community. With Ordo being a big multifaceted group as it is, it's entirely possible for a member to get caught up in feeling like it's a self-contained game of its own to be beaten, and that's where some of this internal nonsense comes from.

    To be honest, internal competitiveness is the unavoidable result of when you have an organization of people and you label one part "elite" and the rest "normal". Naturally those who are labeled "normal" feel the desire to compete with the "elite" to prove themselves good enough to be elite or what have you.

    I'm not saying it was designed to be that way, or that it should be that way, but it's the unintended side effect when you essentially label one section of people within your group as 'better'. That was one problem I noticed in Erebus in regards to it's elite unit, Death. People who were not apart of Death generally viewed Death negatively and always tried to outshine them and compete with them lol.

    I'm not saying that you need to do away with Elite Units or what not, just that a degree of internal competitiveness is generally unavoidable when you label some people as such. You can spout real-world military examples of how that doesn't happen but really that'd be incorrect and you'd have to stop and take a step-back and realize that this isn't a real life military and that at the end of the day, we're all just playing a video game. Video Games by their own nature are competitive and while it might seem dumb for people to compete within their own organization, it happens. Just like you have people in the United States Military that go "SUCH AND SUCH BRANCH IS BETTER THAN SUCH AND SUCH BRANCH."

    That's my opinion, anyways. I personally don't feel the need to compete with the "Elite" squads but I'm just offering up a perspective as to how the internal competitiveness can come to rise. We might be one big happy family, but that doesn't mean people don't want to try and show each other up.

    Imagine it like this. You're apart of a big family, you're all happy, but than your father proclaims your oldest sibling is his favorite or implies in any other way that said sibling is better than you. Sure, you all work toward the same goal, but you also end up wanting to prove that such-and-such sibling is not better than you.


    Internal competition generally comes along with "You're elite" and "You're normal".

  2. I've just been kind of reading the thread and not commenting, since I wasn't even in combat, but I would like to mention that theres been numerous times I've heard people being told not to place detpacks/explosives directly on points.

    I actually heard once that we weren't supposed to put detpacks on the objective points and just assumed that was a rule and never have. I imagine that's probably where alot of the anger is coming from in regards to the praetorians doing it is you end up with people (like me) hearing not to do it and assuming it's some sort of rule that we don't do it unless it's a destroyable detpack.

    Probably needs a further review/official comment from someone with a fancy rank and/or title to clarify whether it is or is not against ze rules. I wasn't apart of the whole Praetorian Training thing as I've been absent with IRL. But I just wanted to comment on my experience of being told not to toss a detpack on the objective point. I can't even remember who told me it lol.

  3. So. As you can guess, I'm an ex-Erebus member. I came over with alot of the others but was basically so burnt out by the time it happened that I took a little while to just relax and play other games after my application was accepted. Now that I feel recharged and ready to go, I've hung around Titan alot and so far I've had a great impression of what this experience will be like. It was always fun fighting you guys in Ziost. My relationship with Ordo is a bit of a funny one. Long before I was even in Erebus I was going to join Ordo, but ended up joining another group with my friend. After that we both ended up joining Erebus and had a great time there. Now it seems things have finally come full circle and I've joined the Ordo Imperialis! Yay me! I was honestly worried at first that people would view me a bit as an outsider since I was once an enemy and all that jazz, but I've been treated with nothing but kindness.

    Uhh..I'm terrible about introductions, so I guess that's it.


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