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About RobHusky

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    [ α ] Alpha
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  1. I want to get back into eve later on down the road but when im able to get back on im going to need help getting everything i own from the station in the non safe area we were in last i was on with you fire. Last i checked i had a whole lot of angry russians between me and where the corp moved to. But i also need to deal with money stuff in rl before i can get back on.
  2. i work both those days till 6 pm pst so i wont be able to make it :< I blame you riff!
  3. Well my current computer is slowly dieing due to most of the parts inside being obsolete. At the moment im running a ATI Radeon HD 5700 series with only 512 megs of ram built into it. ATM im working on buying all new parts such as fans, case, cpu, motherboard, and grading to DDR3 ram because i run DDR2 at the moment. Due to funds going elsewhere progress in getting the computer parts and case are going very very slow. Any help in acquiring these parts would be most welcomed.
  4. It has been an honor to be apart of Ordo and you will have my gun until the end my Imperator. -Salutes-
  5. D: no updates on archtypes yet?
  6. Position interested in: Adjutant I/II Rank:E-6 Any administrative action (CIR included) taken against you in last 60 days?: None Brief description of why you feel that you would make an excellent addition to the team.:I am always looking for ways to be more helpful around Ordo and this is a way i can help. I can keep organized and make sure the work is done on time if not early as well as help the other adjutant get work finished on time. Brief description of how you will ensure all duties assigned to you are properly handled in a timely manner.:I was always good about getting all my paperwork from Vox Aeron and 2142 turned in on time im confident in my ability to get this work done and help get even more work finished in ordo.

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