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Fermi Torok

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Posts posted by Fermi Torok

  1. If it comes to pass I cannot find someone with plans to room with, I'll be making plans of my own, and will need roomies.

    Dascede has helped me in selecting a nearby hotel just down the road from AC. Hilton Pittsburgh offers the rate of: $127.20 if you book ahead...

    Total Price:

    By myself for 3 nights thats: $381.60

    With a roomie for 3 nights thats: $190.80

    With two roomies for 3 nights thats: $127.20

    With the maximum of three roomies for 3 nights thats: $95.40 (Total) ($23.85 per night per person)

    Comparing the two extremes ... $381.60 and $95.40 it's easy to see, the more roomies the better the deal. Those of you looking to room with someone who are interested in this total price range, post your interest and I'll see about setting this up if I make the choice to book a room.

  2. Might be able to go to this one..

    Check List


    Going: Want to..

    Admission $40: 100%

    Travel $100: 10%

    Room (shadowfang?): 0%

    Food $100: 0%

    Misc $200: 0%

    Progress: 9.3%

    Savings Jar Contents: $50

    If you are renting a room, and are comfortable with having a roommate I would be happy to split the cost with you and others sharing it.

  3. Hotel, Housing:

    - Not yet, VISA issue, Fermi if i get this VISA done ill try and help sort out a room

    Awesome Sera! Thanks, I really appreciate it. I need the help to get a room sorted out, I'm working on buying the train tickets and con ticket today.

  4. Atarii 2600










    Gameboy Color

    Gameboy Pocket

    Gameboy Advanced

    Gameboy Advanced XP

    Gameboy DS

    Gameboy DS lite




    Playstation2 lite




    Sega Genesis

    Sega Saturn

    Sega Dreamcast

    Sega Gamegear



    Xbox 360


    Master System




    5TB Intel blade server


    The reason I have the lighter versions of the same systems... is because the older versions broke.

  5. There is a forum for this sort of thing called "Offline Events"

    This event is considered an Ordocon event, thus making it on topic, and representative of the interests of the personel attending... I felt it necessary to post it where it would be seen; as the projected amount of those attending this year is substantially greater than those events of the past, and it would be of help. While being easy to find, I don't think it is obstructive of the General Discussion Forum, but if you wish to administrate then by all means feel free to move it. I have no intention of standing against such if you are determined. :(

  6. In the realization that a pleathera of Ordo will most likely be attending this year's Anthro Con in Pennsylvania I've come to the conclusion that we needed a thread for plans and arrangements, seeing as everyone is in a different situation, some requiring assistance, carpooling, etc. It will be nice to cooperate as a group and help everyone get there and have the fun there is to be had.

    The following is an example of a situation form, to help ease the process and give a quick rundown of your situation and your current needs, feel free to update as you make progress on your own or with others... like a bio pre travel.

    Basically, notes to yourself and others to help you and others get things set up and, get everyone there and back successfully, while having a great time. ;)


    IRL Name:

    -Corey Chouinard





    Trip Decision Status:


    Admittance To event?:

    -Have not bought the event ticket

    Hotel, housing:

    -Need Hotel room (Will pay at least a full night's rent to bunk)

    Transportation To Pennsylvania:

    -Taking a Train, ticket not purchased yet.

    Transportation At Pennsylvania:

    -Need transportation to and from the hotel, and to the Pennsylvania Train Station.

    Transportation From Pennsylvania:

    -Taking Train back, ticket not purchased yet.


    -No (However due to theme I will be dressing up like a Hunter from L4D)

    Planned Luggage:

    -Various Games and Game systems, maybe two.

    -Clothing and Hygene Items [Must Remember to bring swim trunks, goggles, snorkel, and etc..., pool possible.]

    -Food Money

    -Small cooler


    -Potato Chips

    -Trail Mix

    -Manilla Folder (Documentation)

    -Drawing pad



    -Nothing yet


    -I have a room now with, Sera, Tsume, and Firefox.



    Here is a blank list so you can fill out your own.


    IRL Name:




    Trip Decision Status:


    Admittance Purchased?:


    Hotel, Housing:


    Transportation To Pennsylvania:


    Transportation At Pennsylvania:


    Transportation From Pennsylvania:




    Planned Luggage:








    Feel free to add to the outline and use this thread to help with the planning needed for this trip... Hopefully this will ease stress and prevent last minute panic that inevitably happens to many. I hope to see you there, and that this thread helps you!

    Don't feel bound to the outline! If you don't want to use it, thats fine! You can still communicate and work together with the group!

    I believe this will be of great benefit to thos of us who wish to go, I would immensely appreciate it if this thread could be pinned up so that folks who could use this opportunity for help, don't miss it.

  7. Highly impressed with the gameplay and psychological horror masterminded behind this game. It messes with your head and is undeniably scary. Just don't piss yourself alone on a saturday night, around midnight, when Alma grabs you and screams in your face.

  8. Theres only one thing I have to say...

    It's pretty sad... a man has to make up the dirt he tries to find on you, from parts of you that noone should mind about.

    Somewhere, somehow, someone will always try to prove they're better than you in all the wrong ways.

  9. Have you ever been so board, you'd log on a school computer to post on the forums and read articles because it feels like a turning knife to finish your college algebra homework so soon?

    Why not tell me some crazy stuff you'd be driven to do, at the peak of boredom's evil bout of self torture?

    (Yes I just posted this from a library computer on campus... >.> Sue me network admin in charge of these things!) B)

  10. Test mine, here I will then...Oh and... look at mine wrong and it will eye rape... >.>

    Dont freak yet though... I'mz not donez! I plan to pave over the blurred up bit with some protective in focus graphics... Going to be resized as well...


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