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Everything posted by Angelin01

  1. I guess it's good that not everyone in the world loves coffee as much as us, otherwise there wouldn't be enough!
  2. Angelin01

    LoA Mimi

    Ordo will be here when you return!
  3. The multiplayer is kinda badly optimized. Although, I haven't played it in a while so they might have changed it a bit. Last time I checked, I got something like 90 FPS with everything nearly on maximum, but when I jump into MP, doesn't matter the options, it was something like 30. Could've been a bad server, but who knows...
  4. Congrats on all the awards, daaaaaamn
  5. Ohh... this is really really bad... >
  6. Welcome! Please disregard any AIDS/jellyfish stories.
  7. Very nice. Will probably give it a shot, depending on other people's feedback.
  8. What can I say... Ordo is just too good for those filthy rebels.
  9. My day just went from "pretty good" to "shitty", in 5 whole minutes.

  10. Seems like you're having a good time.
  11. Only the dead have seen the end of war

  12. So, I was searching in the forums, and I didn't find anything about games on greenlight. So I thought it would be cool if we had an area where we could share and comment on those awesome titles that require help to get on steam. To get started, here's a game that I think has an interesting concept, and I hope it gets what it needs to be great: It's still in it's early stages, and what the developers are aiming for is very well described on their videos. If you just quickly want an idea of what it is supposed to become, think of it as a space ship simulator adventure kinda thing, I would say like a more simple versio of the X series, but coop orientated. Have a look at it, I think it at least deservers your time.
  13. Over here, the first game was called just "The Duel" and was published by Level Up!, if I am not mistaken and mentioning a completely different game.
  14. Interesting...
  15. Ahm, I said that because you said you had a limited hero selection, and invoker and meepo are the 2 hardest heroes to learn. Also, I do like to play BH a lot, but you should learn one or two supports dude xD
  16. Yeah, I bet you can't even play with Meepo or Invoker.
  17. I play it. But, living on Brazil, ping on the US servers would be way to high to even think about playing properly. So... no, I'm going to have to stick to my own server, unfortunately. Good luck though.
  18. Nearly passed out today after having my blood drawn... isn't the best feeling you know?


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