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Posts posted by MPOChief

  1. Hey all I am going to New York City comic con, I didn't know if anyone in our guild would be attending as well if you live in NY. If you wanted to say hi i'll be in either a wookie or my own Master Chief Halo costume I made. Would love to say hi to some people who play planet side 2 or so. if not say if your going and whatcha excited to do.

  2. I live in NY Long Island, and I remember it. I was like 6th grade or so late for school, and went down stairs and saw my mom covering her head. Than after they replayed the 1st hit, I remember seeing the second one go in and found out what happened. I couldn't really realize how scary it was, you could see the smoke from long island. I have family friends who were supposed to do some work in the trade center that day and because they slept late they survived and another who was a fire fighter was injured but first day back, but he couldn't go in. a lot of people were affected dramatically in New York. Watching the special on history channel when I was older, really hit me harder than before. I still had school but some people went home early.

  3. OMG I love the one you made! If you want to do a more serious one go for it but I"M MORE THAN HAPPY to take that one my friend! that is amazing work :P i'm a funny guy and goes well with me. :P

    I just don't know how to insert my sig in like where the URL is? much appreciated

  4. man i would love one of your Signatures man you are awesome! I wish i was that good with drawing and such. but alas i'm not ;P

    Name: MPOChief

    Ranks: just started in this guild

    Style if you could do like PS2 but with Master Chief in it or something if not heavy assault guy be fine.

    thanks man!

    PS either have like Quoted "Lolaty onto Death" or some Ordos quote thats kinda like the terran one :P

  5. Hi! lol

    naw but if not lot people know I am MPOChief. I joined this outfit couple days ago and LOVE EVERY SECOND OF IT! People say a game is as good as its contant, I kinda agree but I would rather add, a game is only as good as who you play with and happy I found this clan. I've played basicly every mmorpg out thier and many first person shooters. Defending the Crown was ablast the other night and love droping from the galaxy. Loved the feeling like we were a military unit and we were in a war. correction we are in a war with NC and Vanu or however you spell it. if you were wonder why i'm MPOChief think of Halo, Master Piety Officer Chief John 117 ring any bells? LOL Well i'm so excited to see where planetside 2 goes and can't wait to experence all the battles and dug ins i can with you all. I live in East Coast in NY, hope move out lol. I like girls walks on beach and video games xD.

    naw but it be fun!

    MPOChief (you guys can call me MPO or Chief which ever you want)


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