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Posts posted by Aelus

  1. Centurion Sodwind is right; albeit very personal in nature the argument that the directive of our profiles should never condescend decency in any respect is legitimate. Imperator Vesperia's profile is the uncanny apex of profile edification and it should be in the forefront of--as partakers of the Ordo Imperialis inclusive--our minds to contrive our own profiles on the same level comme il faut as our leaders.

    Despite some privies many officers jest themselves on, furry yiff clubs and flamboyantly sexual sectorials aren't tantalizing influences to those outside our Order.

  2. Keno Pontoppidan wrote:
    Aelus Janus wrote:
    Keno Pontoppidan wrote:
    Agares Tretiak wrote:

    Correction. The Praetorians are analogs of the Custodes. Thus, we are formed from the very gene-seed of the Holy Imperator and are onto other Ordo, what Ordo are onto other Militaries.

    Kill the batman.

    Kill the batman.

  3. Keno Pontoppidan wrote:
    Agares Tretiak wrote:

    Correction. The Praetorians are analogs of the Custodes. Thus, we are formed from the very gene-seed of the Holy Imperator and are onto other Ordo, what Ordo are onto other Militaries.

    Kill the batman.

  4. I don't know the pain you feel for I've never been in that situation; but during times of hardship, the right thoughts should prevail to pull one through. Always keep in mind there is more good in the world than bad.

    In all honesty, after such a situation, I would probably change my focus in life and become a police officer. But that's just me.


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