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Status Updates posted by AxaraBlue

  1. Alright so I know it's not a new year and all that yet but no time like now to start with a fresh outlook on life. Now is the time to do that. Since Friday I have had a lot of time to sit and think while in the hospital about everything happening with me. Medically, Personally, and most of all with how I interact with people. I may not have been the best person I could have been but from this point on I'm going to be the person I know I'm meant to be. Not sure if that makes sense to people but there is change in the air.


    "Skoros morghot vestri?"  (Meaning: What do we say to death?)   

    "Tubī daor."  (Meaning: Not today.)

    "Ñuhor līr gūrēnna." (Meaning: I will take what is mine.)

  2. She walks with storms in her heart and battles in her eyes.

  3. Taking a breath and knowing that you are the example and should be leading is a great responsibility. Knowing that you were asked to take on this responsibility and you took it upon your shoulders and decided to NOT follow is scary but is still the best feeling in the world.

  4. To be a member of the Ordo Imperialis is to be part of a continuing community, with traditions and values that have been passed down from generation to generation.

  5. Soldiers, when committed to a task, can't compromise. It's unrelenting devotion to the standards of duty and courage, absolute loyalty to others, not letting the task go until it's been done. -- John Keegan

  6. Xoza finally stopped being weird cause Twitch was saying he was streaming even when he was not even home. Go Twitch! 


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