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Venes Dagger

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Posts posted by Venes Dagger

  1. So...while this thread is still up on the board thanks to Tsume's update, let me ask. Has there been any sort of system set up for Tank issuing? I know some people have tanks but I've heard no word of a system for issuing yet. Are there requirements written up yet to receive one or what?

  2. "I know they contribute a lot of time and effort to Ordo"

    I got that sir, put, yeah, put it into perspective fore me. Thank you :)

    Furthermore, development is not just physical. It's written, design, conceptual . . Lestat Umarov redefined Terra: he's an O-2. Sosarin Demar revolutionized Astra as a wee E-something. Now he's an O-3.

    That doesn't require 'physical' development skills, that's what I was wondering. Thanks for the insight sir!

  3. I hate to say this and sound bitter, which I'm not, but is that why builders and scripters always seem to elevate so fast? I'm not angry about it or anything, I know they contribute a lot of time and effort to Ordo with their creations but what if your like me and can't build? Is there anyway to contribute? I assume your going to be putting opportunities out there for it since your, like, awesome like that :)

    (also, the forum spellchecker thinks 'ti' is a it ?>.>)

  4. Gunau Sodwind's real name is Brett Staley. He kicks ass and doesn't afraid of anythingExcept Venes Dagger

    He runs a 14:10 on his two mile and is in love with himself.


    Venes Dagger's real name is Alexandrea, she runs a 10 minute 2 mile, and is in love with herself.

  5. Jayce Iredell wrote:

    I signed on as his Company commander, at the Rank of Captain. I anticipate earning the respect and love of those under my command, only to die tragicvally to create a struggle for them in their lives.

    I thought you would want to die for my love Jayce :,(

  6. Keller Teichmann wrote:
    Krow Ames wrote:

    What does the Navy look like in the Imperial Guard?

    There's no 'Navy' part of the Imperial Guard. Basically, Titans are their 'Lets royally screw things up with really, really big guns' equivalent. The guys in the picture above are their typical crewmen. As for the Imperial Navy... I can't find a picture.

    From what I've ready IMperial Navy uniforms for mid to high level ranked personell are pretty decorative. Think swashbuckling pirate coats with epulets, brocades, shoulder braids, and medals. Lower ranked crewmen and shangaied gun deck rats wear something along the lines of a plain jumpsuit I believe.

  7. Dagger: Both the guns and the armor looks very cool. My only problem is the perspective of some of the pictures. The first two pics...the armor looks very heavy; bigger then the alpha squad's heavy plate. But if this is just a thing for inpiration then I like it very much!


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