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James Benedek

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Posts posted by James Benedek

  1. Hi Wasaac Hax, hope you enjoy your stay at the Ordo, the bell boy(Jason Backer) will be down to take your luggage to your room, there is also a complementary chocolate mint on your pillow.

    By the way, where do i remember you from.... were you in Sparta?

  2. James was once part of 2142, whos armor, vehicles, mechs, and equipment were based on the EU from 2142 Battlefield. The "EU" was a small aside joke to that, with no other insinuations. There is nothing wrong with the EU from 2142....but that is honestly a discution left to the gaming forums if there is a dissagrence. =D

    Yes, I was the idiot who brought Battlefield 2142 into SL ..... lol.

    But now its left to ruins in the laggy, ban happy and drama central simulator we all call "2142".

    Although I am glad to be welcomed, when I was once labled as an "enemy" when teleporting to Titan,

    but by being an enemy of the Ordo in the past, I gained many friendships with you all!


  3. Heard about this strange app, crazy stuff.

    I must admit there are some weird apps for sale on iTunes, like one called "kiss me" and you have to kiss your iPhone and it rates your kiss, another app called "iDare" where you have to stab a pencil through your hand as fast as you can.

    But there are some handy apps for the iPhone, also many of these are free.

  4. I dont think droping my iPod counts towards warranty.............

    lol.... I dropped my ipod and got a new one, when it was under warranty. :shades:

    (apple sent me a new one back within about a week)

  5. I haven't been actively on Second Life for a few months (apart for my once a month visits since 2008). I came online yesturday and visited Titan. And today I decide to sign up, after the many that have asked me in the past to join Ordo.


    So it comes to this question, which division shall I join?

    Astra, Navis, Terra

    Missed you all,


  6. *title change to '2142 8-man raid while 1 man on 2142's sim, moments later 2142 recruit arrives with 3 RI + 1 Spartan to help*

    P.S. are the rumours true ... you accused us of cheating? :o (the 21 man ordo attack on 2142 while only 2 guarding(Fang + marine) last week.. someone said Ordo accused Fang of rezzing explosives.. am sorry to say fang doesn't rezz explosives... and hes just generally good at combat, like the other day when me and him attacked you guys to test equip( 2 v 6), then we later went to Salamis and took over Badnarik (2 v 8 Merczateers) EPIC). :D

    P.S. Aryte you never replied yes or no to arranging a fair fight some time. :(

    James Benedek,

    2142 MP

  7. As much as i <3 Ordo and their members... its becoming annoying that you claim you "win" and flag a base which you had to use 10 Ordo members v 1 2142 member( Domonic ) ... then the week before it was 21 Ordo members v 2 2142 members (Fang, MarineForces123)... maybe we should arrange a FAIR fight some time?

    or does 1 2142 member = 10 Ordo members? or am i missunderstood :S

    P.S. nice pics btw :)

    James Benedek,

    2142 MP


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