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Hokusai Otsuka

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Everything posted by Hokusai Otsuka

  1. I've bumped it twice excluding my last comment. >_>
  2. I like how this keeps getting bumped.
  3. EA past 2001 is not EA but a bunch of jack wagons trying to make a buck and not a name.
  4. Hokusai Otsuka

    yes hello

    Couldn't help but laugh.
  5. And yes, I do have a keyboard layout specifically tailored around Ordo. It's handy! Zboard Merc now Steelseries Merc (Basic model has been discontinued but you can still get the stealth model.)
  6. Hokusai Otsuka

    yes hello

    I signed up just so you can judge me. HOPE YOUR HAPPY. >:|
  7. What happened to Keller's luggage on the way home.
  8. 54. Half of the RP community haven't the first clue what SL combat is. 55. Half of the RP community is in the SLMC.
  9. 22. The Kani population dropped in 2009 with the release of the Felis and Ringtail 23. The Kani Fox was the "Hippseter" of 2008. 24. Everyone who used a Kani was gay or was secretly gay.
  10. [20:22] Radio: (Katka88 Milev) police this wireframing faggot? Apparently her lemming ways can't contend against dual wield pistols and minimap.
  11. Never has my brain hurt so much. D:
  12. I could fill my fridge with the amount of money you're about to spend. o:
  13. A few things to note. Raids could be more frequent, and raid leaders could be more willing to lead. If it can be made fun, then more people would be on it. I made a fourth check box on the tactica board to encourage more raids to go out. Should try it some time. How about that squad competition a couple of months back that caused raid counts to be in double digits per day? Bitching only gets more bitching. If you have an issue, address it properly. Mud slinging is no bueno. Finally, think before you act or speak. The wrong gesture, or wrong word can leave you on the outside looking in.
  14. Former Astra pilot from 08-09. Sign me the Ffff up. . After my LoA of course. >.>
  15. Anlysia was a snow mew lost in a snow build. That one time I set my home point above the volcano before going to work.

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