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Kastrenzo Benelli

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Status Updates posted by Kastrenzo Benelli

  1. I go from frozen hell in Canada to rainy hell in California. I quit.

  2. My town looks like a giant snowman took a shit on it, FROSTY IS PISSED

  3. I love NATO guns, the frequent jamming and breaking turns me on.

  4. You couldn't help yourself could you Tsume



  6. ♫ I'm lazy and drunk on tequila ♫

  7. You know what else is a lie?

  8. I thought that was Akamu Hua at first..

  9. I'm Jack Black according to Mark.

  10. Came back from a party, Didnt even drink or anything, and got high from secondhand smoke. Dammit

  11. Wisdom teeth dont start growing in until you are between 18 and 22, unless you are in pain you shouldnt have to remove them

  12. You know what I got for a present? Mono, this is your fault Sukasa you dick

  13. I've contracted Mono, going to be absent for a few days. Happy days..

  14. What in the blue hell?

  15. Back from London, I've actually forgotten what it's like to use my PC

  16. Operation Arrowhead was delayed for 1H, and the people on Steam FREAKED.

  17. I still play age of empires 1, what are you on about

  18. Why don't you go to the other side of the rainbow and... you know the rest.


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