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Everything posted by RaidPanties

  1. Thanks for the warm welcomes both ingame and on the forums, lovelys! :DDD
  2. Hey there! Miuri Mizore checkin' in /salute! As I roleplay and (often) my characters find themselves in dire situations, I may be known by a new name. I will update this post to reflect that! - My Steam username is RaidPanties; please highlight who you are if you plan to add me! - FFXIV is my main platform for gaming with the community. - 21 years of age. - In terms of XIV, my gaming interests raiding (A11S WAR tank, woo!), roleplay, and PvP (I broke top 100 solo queue on Feast for.. a day!) in that order. - I intend to join in the roleplaying side of the XIV branch and assist and partake in it! Hope to get along with everyone! o/ edited: clarity on interests

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