Salutations members of Ordo Im Marina and Ive been gaming for a very long time. Im mostly into Fps and MMORPG games. my current main game to play at the moment is Guild Wars 2. I play along side a group of friends at the current time. Ive been playing GW2 since beta and before that i played the first GW. If allowed to join this community I plan to have fun and aid others in GW2 whether it be grinding or helping in personal missions or guild missions. for Communication I use Discord now a days for the most part. So you can catch me there if you want to talk to me. My reason for wanting to join is quite simple. To join a group of active gamers to play with and have fun. I have read and understood the codex and will follow all rules set forth by it.
PS: My good friend Salem Adams Kusanaga pointed me in the direction of this group.