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Samia Perun

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Posts posted by Samia Perun

  1. And whats to stop half the stuff you develop being banned by other sims, or like so much stuff we -already have-, never being used and gathering dust due to being overwhelmingly powerful?

    I'm really not sold on this idea. If you do implement it, it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

  2. It sounds bloated, over complicated and to be honest far too much hassle and work to implement and develop. It would take a large group of people to even do the administration, if you factor in every active member having a record of this nature for acheiving the tasks set out.

    I can see how awesome it would be once it was all done however, you would never get every military using it, and another massive concern would be yet more seperation on people based on not only skill levels but also the time it takes to achieve any of this.

    I remain a strong believer that a machine is only as good as its weakest part and im not sure having more and more gear to be doled out to 'the best' would do anything to improve skill levels.

    To be blunt, this is Second Life, not World of Warcraft. We dont need a levelling system or phat loot. Recognition from a senior officer of ones skills should be enough to encourage people to try harder, the possibility of recieiving merits or ranks for that is also an incentive to achieve ones best.

    Not that its not a good idea on paper, it really is, but It would have no practical application in my eyes.

  3. See, to me this shows our enemy our impatience. When we raid someone, like TCG, and they start pulling out bigger gins in the end, it really makes things not fun. We are in this for our enjoyment as well as the enjoyment of others, and if we intentionally use overkill just to keep our morale high, they won't come back as often. What's more, if soldiers are so weak-minded as to need such behavior to keep morale high, another game would be advised, like TF2. We are in a community, and we must be mindful of how every action affects others.

    Are you calling us all weak minded and should piss off to another game?

    Thats a bit offensive.

  4. Diablos stop taking it so seriously please... its not Ministry of Sound, its just a server for something to do to break up the wall of silence that Titan usually has.

    Just middle of the road, generic stuff, that people will hum along too and isn't intrusive. No retardedly heavy metal or of that sort, there are places that cater for that in SL.

    Anyways, making a list of people interested, thanks for the replies thus far <3

  5. Hello there,

    As some of you may have noticed now and then when im around music suddenly appears on Titan. After getting sick of the constant silence, its been linked up to my rented shoutcast server.

    Anyway, I cant have my winamp hooked up all the time to it so im just looking for some volunteers who wouldnt mind streaming their own tunes onto it. Nothing like, Gangster Rap or Death Metal, its only fair to keep it fairly middle of the road so the majority can enjoy it rather then a minority. So good ol dance, indie, classic rock, techno, pop and the likes are more then welcome.

    So please just reply if you want the details for it, ill hopefully have a web front end up soon so you will know who is on the stream and when so no one starts crossing each others streams.

    I dont want to make a schedule or anything, its not -that- serious, it just a bit of fun to break up the silence.

  6. A nun was taking a bath, and hears a knock at the door.

    'Oh ill just ignore it' she says at first, but sure enough there is a second knock.

    'Who is it?' she asks, and on hearing a reply of 'Its a blind man', she glances around hunting for her towel, being the charitable soul she is, unwilling to turn away a disabled person.

    She sighs, and finally concedes that if he is blind, she can probably get away with just the small hand towel, and sure enough wraps it around her waist and heads downstairs to opent he door.

    The man pauses for a second, before glancing up and saying 'Nice tits love, where shall I hang the blind?'

  7. Hi :Q

    Anyway, just something thats been bugging me and yes im guilty of it as well (we all are I think) but we should get this into our heads now because its starting to waste time on just about any training.

    At the start of training you are given a list of weapons that can be used, as well as exceptions or special things that can/cant be used like Jetpacks and Grenades, Miniguns etc.

    Please, can we all stop asking 'Can we use this' or 'Well, I think we should be able to use xyz'. It's getting a bit much to have to constantly tell people to stick to the rules and I think we are all mature enough to simply accept what we are given and stick to it. Like I said, i've done it myself, and I can see why it gets on peoples nerves.

    For example, most schola and armatura training will be using the standard loadout of either the P99/Poena or the SCAR/Occisor. If there is any exception to this it will be listed on a case by basis. The same goes for Schola training as far as im aware.

    I think the rule of thumb is, if you have to -ask- to use it, the answer is no.

    Lets try and be that lil bit more efficient <3

  8. [14:34] Samia Perun: i can see why your KOS

    [14:34] Bergil Oh: Your just sooo tempted arent you?

    [14:35] Samia Perun: Bergil you assume there is a reason for me NOT to shoot you

    [14:35] Bergil Oh: Of course

    [14:35] Bergil Oh: I can only assume you would have done so otherwise

    [14:35] Samia Perun: thats a very good point

    *punches to death*

  9. Im not after rank, I just want to see people have fun and the group suceed, if I get recognised for doing my best then thats just gravy. Rank is just a recognition of ones abilities, its not a badge of honour simply for being able to shoot in a straight line or idle on a sim.

    This is why I value it more when I get anywhere, I dont expect to get anything, I just enjoy it when I do! I keep volunteering and supporting as best I can regardless of what rewards are percieved, simply because its fun to do so and its great to be able to help others out as well. Be it helping make a new idea, or make a current one become a reality, or as I have done recently offer to train people for Armatura.

    If people are going to look at Rank as the be all and end all of what there is to acheieve, or want some sort of power over people simply to say they have it, then your probably not here for the right reasons at all.

    If your here to have a good time, to try and make something good become better, and simply enjoy the interaction and challenge to better yourself, then your in the right place.

    There is no shame in being a low rank, you can talk to anyone just as well as you can higher up, no ones going to turn you away or look down on you just because you have less stripes or red colours on your insignia. Dont ever let it become 'Us and Them' or let yourself get demoralised over it.

    Just be the best you can be.

    Just my two pennies.


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