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Melna Milos

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Posts posted by Melna Milos

  1. This is somewhat pertinent to the rules posted here, what is the call with regards to new Jessie. switch to old armour before going there or stay in uniform ?

    Yeah I spend alot of time in New Jessie myself shooting and getting some practice in. What are the rules on attire there? I see many other factions wearing their uniforms there, Are we allowed to show our Ordo pride while blasting heretics in New Jessie?

  2. No . . Wristblades . . ?


    Apart from that, I love the armor.

    Great job, Niiya and Syl. <3

    Wait, We can't have wristblades? Hm Oh well.

    I'd like to share my opinion of the armour; It's super sleek and sexy, I love it alot. I will always have place in my heart for the old one though. But this is great, the helmets are amazingly cool. But on to something I'd like to say to everyone.

    This armour is really a privilege for us to have :> I hope everyone respects the creators too! I realize we cant be as creative with our armour anymore but I enjoy that alot. We finally look like a army! We all match and are in uniform! It swells my heart with joy to see everyone in this, I think we really look great together, it's so cool! You have to understand that we are a army, we are uniformed Soldiers to protect the Imperator! We aren't all suppose to look out of the blue, or creative or pretty, thats the point of the uniform! and I wouldn't have it any other way. I always admired the Merczateerz for their strict policy on their uniforms, they look professional and like a real uniformed army, and now we do too! I really love seeing my brothers and sisters on the field now with these uniforms! We all look so bad ass

    One final thing, Does the helmets remind anyone else of the soldiers in Final Fantasy: Spirits within ?


  3. Hey, this is a little late, but I finally joined the forums, so I wanted to say hey!.

    Many of you probably have seen me around by now. I'm Melna Milos. Nice to meet you all and be here, I really enjoy Ordo.

    Just to give a little introduction to myself, you might notice I normally am quiet and mostly off by myself around on base. This is because I am very shy and normally tend to do my own thing.

    I know noone here really to boot. Do not let that stop you from talking to me. I do like friends. My goals are to somehow get into Alpha, I really admire the Mech/walker vehicles and wish to get inside one >:3

    I like to draw and create ideas and designs, I mostly draw smut, which can be viewed in my SL profile for a link. But I am actually a concept artist and have done a few designs and characters for a couple of video games. Which I am very proud of. I actually kinda want to do a design for a vehicle for Ordo, if it be possible. Its just kinda my thing. I will share my designs with anyone in Ordo if they wish to see! It'd be kinda cool to see them come to life.

    Thats all I really have to note. But I hope I become less shy here and make some new friends. Everyone seems friendly here, and I'm having a blast.

    The last thing is, I actually have a question for you, Where may I obtain the template for the neat little signature you all have with your name and rank? :D



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