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Jason Backer

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Posts posted by Jason Backer

  1. You to Ronald, you're still badass.

    Update: Mid to Late 2010 - Jason Backer releases Ron/Keller slash fiction. It is an immediate success and many lulz were had. Some would say too many lulz and it was removed.

  2. I was born in the summer of 06, I logged into the world and saw to naked men running around with torches. I logged out for nearly a year.

    I re-entered Second Life due to an article about Operation Crucifix published on the SL Herald. I donned my finest noob tux and my most elegant freebie skin and made my way to The Woofer. It was there I spoke with a Mr Judge Hocho, an interesting man who was obviously born to eat recruits.

    This here is my orientation, conducted by luca Vasilopita who of course is most widely known of course for pointing out how much of a stupid winey punk you are. Other people also know him by his liberal use of the C word.


    It was then I joined and after a break after a couple of months as I was finishing College I passed out as an E-1 - Shipman of the Fleet. It was pretty sweet.

    So it began, E-2, skipping to E-4 and going all the way up to E-9 then onwards to officerness! YES!

    I moved from XO to CO, and Commander of Fleet was my favorite time in Second Life. Then it happened.

    THE GREAT MOLAY LEAK OF '08 aka The year Jim Herbst ruined Christmas. Nanao was pissed. Nanao's friends were pissed. They wanted his head on a spike and would not settle for anything less than his skin for a new rug and his balls for earrings. It was not a good time for the Alliance Navy and contributed to a great decline. Being an Admiral was fun... for a while. Then as the novelty wore off the hard work hit home, it is very difficult to appease everyone and any group leader can tell you that there is never a 100% clear correct answer at any time, but you do your best.

    So now we move on it the early summer or late spring of 2009. I had left the Alliance Navy under very difficult circumstances and was quite emo about it. debated and after a few days I decided to apply for the Ordo because:

    A) I wanted to get out on my own and meet new people or get to know others who had until that point been only acquaintances.

    B) I had known Heather for a while, and I like Heather very much. Heather is friendly and caring and if you were to harm a hair on her head I will crush you.

    C) All my dealings with Aryte had lead me to conclude that he was alright... for a furry.

    D) One competent person having the final say on something was a direct contrast to my issues I had at the end of my time in the AN.

    So I came into the Ordo and immediately got on well with Keller, and as we moved into the late summer Keller told me he likes sausage.

    The back to the AN, going to skip over this part. Massive mess, regretted not making the impact I wanted other personal matters etc etc.

    So after a break of three months from Second Life I came back, re-joined up with Ordo and all was well.

    Then come January the following year where I was made a badass Consul, sadly though I was very much burned out and I do not think I was being honest with myself. Second Life held my interest no more and I took off the following year's February and when I returned it was decided that I just wanted to chill. And chill is what I am doing now.

  3. Why is this in the PC thread. I thought Killzone was a Playstation exclusive.

    I've wanted to play them but I will not buy a Sony just for 1 game.

    How about for two games?


    (Also, Killzone 3 beta is out now for all PSN users and it's pretty darn good).

  4. Have you ever had a question about Curia unexplained? Often wondered what goes on behind the scenes? Wanted to learn more? Then you are cordially invited to attend a gathering held shortly after the group meeting on Saturday in the Curia office.

    To open there will be an initial town hall meeting style open dialogue between members of Curia and yourselves discussing a variety of issues where we'd like to gather your valuable input! If you have any suggestions on subjects to discuss please drop me an IM. This part of the meeting is expected to last 30-60 minutes depending on turnout.

    Afterwards members of Curia will be available for private one on one discussions expected to last into the night.

    I look forward to seeing you there.

    P.S. There will be punch and pie.


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