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Everything posted by Aryte

  1. If you are missing a PRF: see your unit lead! If you are wondering why you haven't been promoted: make sure you've done your promotion exams! Many of you are not taking advantage of it. No idea what those are? See me! [PRF] Bargo Tomsen Corsi Mousehold Exterminatus Footman MikeMurdock McMillian Mokosh Papwad Nohime Runner Steeltael Lykin Typhon Perun Williamca Zenovka [Promotions] Arokh Takakura - [E-7] Bargo Tomsen - [E-4] Hollowmengitus Yifu - [E-4] Kastrenzo Benelli - [E-3] Kiyaru Kanto - [Comrade Support] +25qp Kryo Recreant - [E-7]; [Merit of Honor]; [indoctrination] + 1unlock/25qp Lanny Ansar - [Marksman]+25qp Mokosh Pawpad - [E-3] Steeltael Lykin - [E-4] Theodore Belgar - [E-3] Typhon Perun - [E-6] Zabimato Outlander - [Homeland Defense]+25qp
  2. [18:23] Anthony Lehane: OHHHHH THAT FELT GOOD [18:23] Anthony Lehane: Just ejected Verissimo
  3. If you are missing a PRF: see your unit lead! If you are wondering why you haven't been promoted: make sure you've done your promotion exams! No idea what those are? See me! (Thank you for the /tons/ of recommendations!) [PRF] Drasamax Python Eriksson Foxtrot Genostrike Sauteru Nikki4 Aquitaine Steeltael Lykin Valen Leinhardt Zanndor Aeon [Promotion] Arokh Takakura - [Mechanized] Asturias Nightfire - [E-2] Awanken Wasp - [E-2]; [Armatura]; [Combat Prowess] + 25qp Azoth Zsun - [E-5] Bargo Tomsen - [Good Conduct] Corsi Mousehold - [Mechanized] Crash Silverfall - [Mechanized] Dascede Aluveaux - [Mechanized] Eriksson Foxtrot - [E-4]; [Combat Prowess]; [Good Conduct]; [Mechanized] + 25qp Exterminatus Footman - [Mechanized] Genostrike Sautarerueueueu - [Corona Obsidionalis] + 1 unlock Kamilia Zsun - [E-2] Kastrenzo Benelli - [E-2] Kinera Haiku - [Armatura]; [Combat Prowess] + 25qp Kryo Recreant - [Mechanized] Lanny Ansar - [E-2] Maverick Garfield - [Combat Prowess] + 25qp Mokosh Pawpad - [Combat Prowess MK2]; [Good Conduct] + 25qp Patrox Aluveaux - [E-2] Radryl Allen - [E-4]; [Mechanized] Rio Kozlowski - [E-2] Steeltael Lykin - [Good Conduct]; [indoctrination]; [Combat Prowess MK2]; [Mechanized] + 50qp Teron Gray - [Corona Argentum] + 1 unlock Typhon Perun - [Mechanized] Vinnie Lei - [Mechanized] Wesley Paine - [E-3]; [Combat Prowess]; [Armatura]; [Mechanized] + 25qp Williamca Zenovka - [Extended Service]; [Mechanized] Xayvien Rau - [Mechanized] Zabimato Outlander - [E-4] Zanndor Aeon - [Corona Argentum]; [Mechanized] +1 unlock
  4. [18:56] Fyrina Dreamscape: Aryte... I gotta say... it's good to have you back. Also... the entirety of New Jessie was standing here chuckling at that. Well said. ;D [18:58] Aryte Vesperia: It's a pleasure to be back. [19:05] Liana Pera: I am quite sure that the sound of IM windows is going to make you sick by the end of the night, but I am so glad you're back! [19:26] Garion Lowenhardt: The space pope endorses your message to Valor. [18:58] Shiv Silversmith: Hi5 for great justice =D [2010/05/27 18:57] RobWolf Dragovar: hi5 VAC has nominated you for the HI5 award [2010/05/27 18:57] Aryte Vesperia: <3 -- Instant message logging enabled -- [18:58] RobWolf Dragovar: great notice Aryte all ov VAC salutes you :D And welcome back to the grid [18:59] Aryte Vesperia: :] Thanks. [18:56] Foxmerc Winkoop: Ayrte, Epic erit for you :D [18:56] Foxmerc Winkoop: merit* [18:55] DEADDj Daines: lol~, ur silly*,.....i'm glad you're not dead though! wow, i was wondering...... [19:23] Bobika Ferrer: you ish alive \o/ [18:54] Zeek Brunswick: that was awsome [18:54] Zeek Brunswick: xD [18:55] Zeek Brunswick: congrats on earning my respect [18:54] RoudyRaccoon Hand: My night has been made [18:54] RoudyRaccoon Hand: I love you now. [19:06] RoudyRaccoon Hand: SOmeone had to say it...and you did [18:54] Larry Furlough: That's the most amazing thing I've seen in weeks. Good job. [18:58] Otto Oakleaf: YOU [18:58] Otto Oakleaf: ARE [18:58] Otto Oakleaf: MY BROTEST WORKED! [18:58] Otto Oakleaf: RUIN [18:58] Otto Oakleaf: OMG [18:58] Otto Oakleaf: saidlsadasldsad [18:58] Otto Oakleaf: BACK [18:59] Otto Oakleaf: I AM SO DELIGHTED TO SEE YOU [18:54] Waddles Streusel slow claps [18:54] Foxers Fhang: I like the style of your braille [19:00] Foxers Fhang: Welcome back tho. [18:54] Caine Constantine: hahaha [18:54] Caine Constantine: awesome. [18:54] Caine Constantine: welcome back, excellent response. [18:53] Joseph Hoxley: Glad you got your account back. [19:01] Joseph Hoxley: Omg i'm dying here [19:01] Joseph Hoxley: That notice = SO WIN [18:53] Criss Ixtar: wb! [18:50] Disembodied Hand: WOO [18:50] Disembodied Hand: unbanned like a BOSS [18:50] Van Valeeva: I was like... [18:50] Van Valeeva: well... [18:50] Van Valeeva: it sucked with you gone. [18:50] Van Valeeva: Grid felt smaller. [18:50] Van Valeeva: I am so glad you are bck [18:50] Van Valeeva: back* [18:51] Van Valeeva: I hope those bastard burn. [18:51] Van Valeeva: I'll let you go...just...Kat told me you were on. [18:54] Van Valeeva: LOL [19:04] DaveyDarkStrider Oh: Welcome back!
  5. lfg forums aeternus rules lvl 80 warlord, gs 9000
  6. <3 you Ribena. If you ever get bored with.. other stuff, come back. We'll be here. Also leaving your account active, so bug people at your leisure.
  7. If you are missing a PRF: see your unit lead! If you are wondering why you haven't been promoted: make sure you've done your promotion exams! No idea what those are? See me!
  8. [PRF] Arohk Takakura Bargo Tomsen Heavy666 Bolden Kiyaru Kanto Nicole Polano Steeltael Lykin Typhon Perun Wesley Paine Williamca Zenovka [Promote] Asuka Zane - [E-2] Bizcut Vanbrugh - [E-4] Blaze Wiles- [Alpha] Crash Silverfall- [Alpha] Dobie Reanimator - [E-2] Drasamax Python- [Alpha] Halli Palen - [E-2] Heavy666 Bolden- [Alpha] Huttser Ishelwood - [Recruitment] +25qp Kiah Mantel - [E-2] Kiyaru Kanto - [Homeland Defense] +25qp Kryo Recreant- [Alpha] Machiavelli Biondetti - [Armatura]; [Extended Service] Nohime Runner - Special mention: thank you for all of your hard work over the last couple of weeks! Nohime Runner - [Alpha]; [instructor]; [Comrade Support] +50qp Radryl Allen - [Recruitment]; [Armatura] +25qp Shadow Keegan - [E-2] Shurya Koronikov - [E-2] Teron Gray - [O-1]; [Administratio] Thatguy Andel - [O-1]; [Administratio] Tsume Xiao - [E-7] Valen Leinhardt - [E-2] Wesley Paine - [E-2]; [Marksman] +25qp Wolfshaman Warrior - [O-1]; [Administratio] Xayvien Rau - [O-2] Zero Itamae - [Architect of Eternity] +50qp
  9. Zerowinged Vasiliev - 1,052,816 bytes Maza Rau - 3,013,557 bytes Desereck Creegan - 780,972 bytes - 284px × 210px Trinity Heckroth - 512px × 512px Lestat Umarov - 1,495,699 bytes Sonata Spectre - 360px × 360px MikeMurdock McMillan - 522,479 bytes - 324px × 216px Tsume Xiao - 496px × 510px Rygads Hax - 4,779,267 bytes - 360px × 240px
  10. The AN have been moved to neutral level; group has withdrawn from the IS with intent to "stand on their own two feet."
  11. Not even kidding. Stuff like: [media] Or . . [media] Oooor . . [media] . . or: [media] Just depends on the mood.
  12. If you have a missing PRF, see your unit leader! If you are waiting on a promotion, do your minimum req exams! [PRFS] Nohime Runner Zanndor Aeon Teron Gray Genostrike Sautareu Thatguy Andel Havoc Sparta Arc Vyper Mokosh Pawpad [Promotion/Merits] Corsi Mousehold - [E-7] Endra Ashbourne - [E-5] Genostrike Sautereauueueueue - [Corona Vallaris] + 1 unlock Karlhockey Forte - [Corona Obsidionalis] + 1 unlock (lol praetorian) Kryo Recreant - [Corona Obsidionalis]+ 1 unlock Maverick Garfield - [Armatura] Mokosh Pawpad - [E-2]; [Marksman]; [Armatura] +25qp Radryl Allen - [Combat Prowess] + 25qp Shadow Keegan - [Prior Service]; [Marksman] +25qp Zacharias Bardasch - [E-6] * Officer elevations will be done off cycle.

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