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Kirshak Clarity

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Posts posted by Kirshak Clarity

  1. Here is a little update of this old...very old gallery.

    I love Japan house, and planet on the sky....then why not made a peaceful moment combining the both ?


    i've allways whanted to do sort of military chibi, i think i will try with Ordo personnels


    And here is a old project of draw about our old armor desing


    My next project is to made a Ordo wallpaper with Ordo staff on it ! If you wanna have your character on it send meh you SL pictures ! (gime gime gime alot)

    And Maza and Bizcut, i haven't forgot you ! Your desing are ready and just need some color !

    Have a nice day comrads.

  2. I'm very sorry for the laste response and inactivity, i promise I'd be more active after my final exams :sad:

    i post here 3 new creations.

    The first is inspired from Killzone and the helgast, even if i initially didn't whant to draw like this.


    The second drawing is a cover for a comic project, where a band of humans will make a team with furries.


    The last draw is a little lineart, inspired from Ordo soldiers. I have at the same time trying to draw Maza :grin:


    I hope you will enjoy them :smile:

    I'm open to any request, you feel free to send me a message on the forum or contact me on the front line of the base...on the mate night :noproblem:

  3. i'm not very active on SL, so i would like to be a bit active here with an little uptade on my gallery. The titlle was inspirated by Zanndor...i can't explain why :x


  4. finit-copie-YT1.jpg

    I update my gallery with a design to honor an old comrad and friend, but also a new rival of our large organisation. Woofie Khandr

  5. For a long time I did not post here. :(

    I offer you a little sketch of an urban assault, it's in black and white and ... yeah the guys on the draw are not all ordo. >_<


  6. hehe yes the only French patato of the Ordo ( for the meoment ), for serve you :innocent:

    If I can make you happy,I would be honored to help, i have some free time at the moment. :smile:

  7. Salut à tous

    Après un très longs moments d'absence, j'aimerais poster une petit quelque chose pour vous dire que je ne vous quitterais jamais.

    Je vous adore tous, donner moi vos commentaires.



    I sometimes forget the need to translate before saying stupid things >_<.

    Hi all

    After a very long time of absence, I would post a little something to tell you that I would never leave you.

    I love you all, give meh your comments.

  8. Mind my language.


    Heh ^^ thank Ribera :lol:

    okay i have finish the draw for you Crash i hoppe you will like it, i just get a version of photoshop, i can color my draw now. :smug:


  9. ^^, just if you are online in world and in titan and i'm there, you can look at my av or take a av i dont mind so you can draw, one thing i dont got money D:

    agree, don't worry, I've never charged for my services, I am not enough experienced for requesting a salary, and then I do not like asking money for this kind of service... i like draw for friends and it's an honor to draw for the Ordo :smug:

  10. Hi, hanging my computer was being repaired I enjoy to do some little drawings, they are still in drafts.

    since my hard drive due to be replaced, I no longer have photoshop, I just can't modify or coloring all the draw, to my great regret :sadfrown:

    Forgive the lack of details in these drawings, I had a bad memory and my attempts conections on Second Life to make models were a failure. I try to reproduce more than possible the Ordo.

    The first drawing is a little scene of fighting in Ordos, I have not taken a particular character, just draw some Ordo in fighting ... (do not care what the leader said.:crazy: )


    The second drawing I was inspired to cut in front of the main gate of the base, I took this place because this is where I spend probably the most time.

    However (I do not know why), the walls themselves are sliced into DCA wall, the walls of the base into a sort of giant Barracks, and the mountain are replaces by some plants and factory.


    And if you what Crash, it will be a pleasure to draw you something :D

  11. Thank you so much for all those nice comments if it is true that these drawings some time ago, and since my computer is down, I think I'll get back to drawing. And why not draw for the Ordo?

    this time will put a lot of draw.

  12. My first name is kirshak and my second is Clarity. I am really sorry for this stupid mistake of my part, I would ensure that this never happens again.

    [EDIT]Thank you very much for bringing changes to my account. I hope that this unfortunate incident will not affect my application.

    thank you again [EDIT]

  13. Sincerely

    I am new here, I'm not yet accept by the forces of the Ordo Imperialis, but I will try to introduce myself anyway.

    I'm Kirshak, and travels long land second life, I have French origins which explains my language a little strange. I'm loyal and am willing to give everything for the ideals of the Ordo Imperialis is applied across its territories.

    I polished and I obeyed orders to each give to me, I read the books of the Ordo, I responded to the questionnaire and had sent my application, I hope with all my heart that I would accept one you.


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