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Typhon Perun

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Posts posted by Typhon Perun

  1. [19:42] (COM): Jath Andel: Lesson one, this is huttser, he is a husky.

    [19:42] Lairex Beck (Channel 1): sling

    [19:42] Lairex Beck (Channel 1): holster

    [19:42] (COM): Radryl Allen: And you are his son.

  2. [11:49] Mari Visage: CAn I have a 5-piece with a side of curly fries

    [11:49] Tatyana DeAllura (kaska.czarny): Do you want fries with that?

    [11:50] Mari Visage: Uh yeah, medium.

    [11:50] Tatyana DeAllura (kaska.czarny): Would you like to sign up for our VesperiaBurger rewards card? You get ten percent off every second purchase of hereticsteak sandwiches.

    [11:50] Mari Visage: Uh yeah, medium.

    [11:50] Tatyana DeAllura (kaska.czarny): Would you like to sign up for our VesperiaBurger rewards card? You get ten percent off every second purchase of hereticsteak sandwiches.

    [11:52] Mari Visage: No, thanks my bf would kill me if I sign up for another one of those dang rewards cards.

    [11:52] Mari Visage: Got fetus burger?

    [11:52] Tatyana DeAllura (kaska.czarny): Only heretic flavor.

    [11:53] Mari Visage: Blegh. Then I'll just have my medium curly fries with a small chocolate shake.

    [11:53] Typhon DeCrux (typhon.perun): Youd you like the blood of heritcs with your fires?

    [11:54] Typhon DeCrux (typhon.perun): Fries

    [11:54] Mari Visage: No hold the blood, I'm on a diet.

    [11:54] Tatyana DeAllura (kaska.czarny): Alright. One minute please. *heads into the kitchen. Muffled sounds of whips and screams are heard* Here you go. Thank you for coming to VesperiaBurger. The only right place for a heretic.

    [11:55] Crimson (anthony.lehane) is Online

    [11:55] Mari Visage snatches her food and eaves without paying because she's gangster like that. Oh yeahhh.

    [11:56] Tatyana DeAllura (kaska.czarny) slipped a facehugger into the food bag as a surprise gift.

  3. post-734-0-45601500-1304645411_thumb.jpg

    [18:27] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Aryte Vesperia) Back problems.

    [18:27] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Aryte Vesperia) Warning you.

    [18:27] (COM): Mercury SecretSpy: sheesh

    Pic inculded as it is the reason behind the quote.

  4. [16:23] Marcus Tinamoose (marcus.tinamou): Nothing about this room says, answer my questions or face my wrath. This room used to be the Ordo day-care room, the construction carpet is so there wouldn't be snack stains

    [16:23] Maiyu Abeyante is Offline

    [16:23] Hollow (hollowmengitus.yifu): That's the Praetorian Carpet

  5. [19:33] Faril Iredell shouts: HI ARYTE

    [19:34] Aryte Vesperia shouts: How are you inside?

    [19:35] Faril Iredell shouts: I broke your shield thing

    [19:35] (COM): Huttser Ishelwood: Remove?

    [19:35] (COM): Aryte Vesperia: Yes.

    [19:35] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Ok. You're about to get mowed down.

  6. [04:50] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Samuel Russ) super armor

    [04:50] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Samuel Russ) *_*

    [04:50] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Agares Tretiak) Hmm?

    [04:50] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Morh Giffen) Disembodied is doing a great job!

    [04:50] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Agares Tretiak) /me nods.

    [04:50] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Samuel Russ) :D

    [04:50] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Agares Tretiak) By his glorious name...

    [04:51] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Diyana Chrome) ok

    [04:51] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Diyana Chrome) i take the armor :)

    [04:51] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Morh Giffen) Samuel, feel free to grab an AK5 as well while you're at it

    [04:51] Gen Scientist is Online

    [04:51] Mercury: New contact: Gen Scientist

    [04:51] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Morh Giffen) It's a good gun.

    [04:51] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Agares Tretiak) ...The Armor is not for sale.

  7. [13:36] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach): (Explosivechicken Aironaut) Thy Ordo armada hast thwarted thy Dread Captain Reilig this once by thy size of thar fleet, but thou shalt no this victory did not come without losses! This shalt not be me last time boardin' ye vessel



    <=====================Extend to this length=========================>


    **********Imperator's Weekly Meeting Report**********

    Name/Rank/Division: Typhon Perun / E-7 / Cohors B


    DATE: 02APR2011



    |Imperator’s Opening Statement|

    [18:00] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Obligatory starter, as always: welcome to this week’s meeting. Per the norm, please be certain to hold all questions and comments until provided the opportunity to speak. Interruptions will result in dismissal from the gathering. When you are provided the chance to speak, be sure to /shout/ your comments or questions—otherwise the recorder may not hear you. Thank you: let’s get to it.

    |Imperator’s Report|

    [18:00] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics:

    Members: 320

    Cadets: a bagillion


    New: 16

    Accepted: 2

    Denied: 10

    Review: 4


    Defensive: 134

    Offensive: 17

    Allied Assist: 0

    [18:01] Aryte Vesperia adds 1; 18 actually.

    [18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic report this week: progress with the RCU has been unfortunately slow—however certainly not by RCU’s fault or by a lack of desire. Major kudos to Kino and his men: they are really gung-ho for this whole thing. Additionally, tomorrow’s officer meeting will focus on both the RCU and the prospect of aiding EE in moving forward with their own group aspirations.

    [18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Division reports this evening?

    |Divisional Reports|

    [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Hand.

    [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: ..

    [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: That's what he gets for IMing me.

    [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Wolfstein.

    [18:02] Lanny (lanny.ansar) holds up a sock puppet.


    [18:02] SoulBinder Wolfstein shouts: From Teron for Antesignani: Ante had a sitdown this week, to get a gauge of our current state of things and have taken the information gained there and are going to run with it.We're also having a good time breaking the APC (Doncha just love us Tsume) as we have been trying out new battlefield manuevering tactics. Otherwise it was a quiet week for A-II, and not much else to state at this time.

    [18:02] SoulBinder Wolfstein shouts: From Afevis for Insidiae: Good evening everybody. Insidiae has taken this passing week to mourn the loss of a squad member, the loss of a friend and the loss of a brother. We would like to thank you all for the respect and sympathy that you have shown towards Mr. Belgar. We have all lost a friend, we have all lost a champion and we are all going to take some time adjust to that. In that light, Insidiae will be the host of a series of raids in the coming week, each one of which will be in the memory of Mr. Belgar. Till we meet again - See you later, Space Cowboy.

    [18:03] SoulBinder Wolfstein shouts: From Eriksson for Invictus: Not a whole lot on my list to report this week! A few key notes though: The entirety of Invictus has been very active participating in squad raids and general raids -- I'm very impressed with the overall activity of the squad in general. The new inductees so far are fitting in simply phenomenally and heck, the new MCR that was released to us last week has definitely seen it's fair share of combat; receiving nothing but positive comments about it thus far! In the next week we expect to see a few more trainings come down the road and definitely more squad raids to go along with it! Looking forward to yet another week of consistent activity from the squad. That's all to report for this week! PS: Invictus likes bacon.

    [18:03] SoulBinder Wolfstein shouts: From Thatguy for Cohors B: Another good week of activity from the B Centuries. Cohors B may be going through a few changes which will be announced later. Another group of transfers will be making their way to Cohors C as well as more PRF's being brought up <happyface.jpg>. Cohors B Staff will have another weekly meeting either tonight or tomorrow, depending on everyone's times. Another thing to note for all Terra Staff, Firefox has updated everyone who needs access to the Terra Staff forums, which is where most of the Cohors meeting logs will be posted and whatnot. Aside from that, looking forward to yet another fun week filled with activity and enthusiasm.

    [18:03] SoulBinder Wolfstein shouts: This concludes the various reports for Terra.

    [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Next?


    [18:03] Ethan Schuman raises his hand for Astra.

    [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Schuman.

    [18:04] Ethan Schuman shouts: It's been a really good week for Astra, activity is up and membership continues to to rise. Lot's of raids have gone out; a special thanks to Ookamiwulf for leading a good majority of them. Keep these raids up and we'll soon be forcing enemy air divisions out of their holes. Alongside raids, we've seen a great increase in training activity, Palaestra and otherwise. We will be hosting a grand melee nightly, not only for Astra personnel but for Terra and any friend's you have outside Ordo - planes are provided during the event. Don't be put off these events by thinking we just dogfight, just last night we had a musket battle in drop ships.

    [18:04] Ethan Schuman shouts: (Err, oops. Wrong draft. Disregard that.)

    [18:04] Ethan Schuman shouts: This week has been fantastic for Astra. Activity continues to climb, and we're starting to pick up new members, and see older pilots return to active duty. Astra has had a strong raid presence this week, especially with Ookami, who took out a ton of raids and participated in even more. Props to him. If enemy air forces are too afraid to face us in the skies (as they should be), then we'll be more than happy to come down to the ground and stomp them there. I am pleased with training progress so far. Tandem (Zerowinged) and Sebris have met my established requisites for new member training, and made sure that other exercises are being run as well. As I mentioned last meeting, Astra's new staff assignments have been completed. Rei and Disembodied have been elevated to command of Tactical Squadron, with Scarlet Flaks and Acheron taking over our elite unit. Fox Cheri has picked up the Reapers CO spot left vacant by Disembodied, and Xoza Tyron stepping up to XO. I have full faith in all of these individuals, and As

    [18:04] Ethan Schuman shouts: tra will only get even better.

    [18:04] Ethan Schuman shouts: The last thing of note for this week is worth being noted in its own entry. The Astra Nightly Grand Melees have resumed. Rei and Disembodied hosted last night's, and Dis will be running one tonight at 8:00PM SLT. While we do not have an official time to start every night (yet), these events will always start between 6:00PM SLT and 8:00PM SLT, with 7:00PM SLT being a safe prediction. While normal trainings consist of standard exercises like dogfights, bombing practice, and the like, Grand Melees are different. We always start with a free for all, but after that, it could be anything. Last night we ended things with a dropship duel involving muskets and swords, like a pirate ship battle. It was a BLAST.

    [18:05] Ethan Schuman shouts: Something of great importance on this topic is that I have finished Predator drone planes. These are JUST like normal Predators, including guns, but require a drone uplink to be deployed by authorized Astra personnel. Anyone (even non-Ordo) can use these, so if you have some friends who might like to come check things out, bring them! Even if you aren't Astra, you can still participate. Come join us! After all...the more, the merrier!

    [18:05] Ethan Schuman shouts: This concludes this week's report from Astra.

    [18:06] Zero Ashbourne (zero.itamae) raises his hand for the IEA.

    [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Awesome. Thank you.


    [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Itamae?

    [18:06] Zero Ashbourne (zero.itamae) shouts: Not a bad week, still trying to spark a little more activity though! We've got about 2 slots left for instructorship in the IEA, so for those interested, either check the thread on the forums, or simply IM me for interest. We'll be getting more instructors to handle tank training very soon as well, with the material having been updated by Tsume for the new tank.

    [18:07] Crash Silverfall is Offline

    [18:07] Zero Ashbourne (zero.itamae): That's all from me :o

    [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Excellent. Thank you.

    [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional reports?

    [18:07] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold) raises his hand for Tactica.


    [18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Mousehold?

    [18:07] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold) shouts: Going to make this short and sweet this week. Four new groups on

    the board. Elysium, Exercito, Aboryum, X-Corps. Elysium and Aboryum are both teen grid groups, Exercito is well ... They've been around on and off for a long time., and X-Corps is being lead by the old commanders of Worlds Aetheist Warriors and are allied to the Black Scorpion Mercinaries. Talked to Mayra Roffo earlier this week and she assures me that Sound of Silence will reopen soon and I can confirm they are recruiting still so expect something there eventually. Base closings will be two this week. Black Steel Mercinaries have turned into a Racing sim and New Rome (who was allied to Coalition Order) has also died. On a good note for all of this, Exercito, Elysium, and Aboryum are all open for combat! Last but not least military wise, Pax Imperia may be losing there sim due to unforseen circumstances. And finally, We have two slots open on the team. Those of you that are paperwork junkies, please have a look at the Tactica forums and submit

    [18:07] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold) shouts: an application. And yes that was the short version.

    [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Racing sim for the win.

    [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Final call for reports?

    [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Movin' on:


    [18:11] Aryte Vesperia: > ART Session

    [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: To begin with, just a quick reminder: tomorrow at 5:00 PM SLT the first “real” ART session will be going live. Be certain that you have read the materials if you intend to participate. It will be first-come-first-serve, with a session maximum of ten. Dependent upon turnout and field variables, it will feature some instructional bits and either a raid or a training scenario.

    [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Whatever the case may be, it will certainly be a fun time. We will make the most of it, regardless of turn out or available targets.


    [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: > Update

    [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Gear updates this week . . . hm. First off, there were several updates released yesterday. The Communications Pack has been modified, now the artillery strike will be a “thrown” smoke grenade, rather than a drop-on-spot strike. The MK11, our designated marksman rifle, has gained a special “sniper” round (less visible). Insidiae’s demolition HUD had some updates as well; however the particulars escape me at the moment.

    [18:14] Aryte Vesperia gave you Vanguard.

    [18:14] Tsume Xiao: (fixed the Zrazor FFFF issue, Addes sapper charge, new at stuff for the charges, and the charges are now destroyable)

    [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Furthermore, there were a few additions made to the assorted extras. For example, some dog tags (compliments of Achtai), and a easy-tool to generate gesture TPs (compliments of Morh).

    [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: No major changes on the large projects. Power armor awaiting deformation animations and then scripting. Disembodied, however, anticipates completion of the new UCA digi boots and the formal boots within the next couple of days. After which, he will be moving on to a little secret project until mid-month.

    [18:16] Aryte Vesperia: On a random note, Keno Pontoppidan produced a heavy 120mm mortar for us—it is pretty badass, so we will definitely have to press this into use to expand our artillery options. I believe I convinced him to go forward with making a heavy artillery piece as well. You can see the heavy mortar in front of the podium.

    [18:17] Aryte Vesperia: The mortar can easily be made larger to fire Huttser from, as well.

    [18:17] Huttser Solmunko (huttser.ishelwood): :<


    [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: > Application Changes

    [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Although it occurred about a week ago, it is important we do note it: the application process to the Ordo has been modified. Curia has taken over the task entirely. Former recruiter personnel are able to obtain the ability to review apps under Curia’s administration—they simply need to see Heather McKay or Kristian Kit.

    [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Curia’s control of the process brings several streamlined improvements: it is now separated between “Curia Standard Review” and “Curia Extended Review.” Standard reviews will essentially keep the 48 hour turn around on decisions, while extended reviews will keep the lengthy processing, with detail interviews (etc). The good part about this it allows Curia to step in at point one, eliminating potentially lengthy apps in the “standard” review phase without using up administrative time.

    [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: ("Standerd" if you go by Firefox's spelling.)

    [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: The primary staff that will handle application approvals in the standard phase will be the Lictor staff. Please point me to any misrepresentation in any Ordo text or signage. I am sure we have missed plenty at this point.


    [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: > Officer Follow-Ups

    [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Demar, former Praefectus of Astra, has dusted off his uniform a bit to lend his expertise to the OCA process. Over the next couple of weeks and going forward, he will be compiling the data and approaching officer candidates to provide feedback and career counseling as to how to go forward and obtain promotion.

    [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: The OCA process, for many folks, has reached its finality after this point. Selections will be based on merit and performance within the OCA process, when spots arise and a replacement is required. Terra and Astra both may be requiring additional staff here in the near future, as evaluations are handed out on structure and current staff.

    [18:25] Lanny (lanny.ansar) notes that dust can still collect on leather clothing whilst hanging upside-down.

    [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: In addition, the Praetorian trials are pushing towards finality—so, a lot of selections for higher stations are looming in the near future. Best of luck to everyone involved and a major kudos to all participants, both OCA and Guard.


    [18:26] Aryte Vesperia: > Memorial

    [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Belgar’s memorial will be finding a more permanent home outside of the main tower. Thank you, so very much, to everyone who participated in the guard movement over the last week. It was very impressive how dedicated the Ordo membership was at carrying out the duty. You may now suspend that activity.

    [18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Please be certain to not add to any permanent memorial. Although we appreciate the intent, we really do not have the prims to spare to host the montage of additional knick-knacks.

    [18:29] Steeltael Lykin raises paw

    [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Yes?

    [18:30] Steeltael Lykin shouts: Will this memorial be placed in an area inaccessible by hostile forces? Or will rules be set in place to defend it from defamation or vandalism?

    [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: It is in the grassy area outside the base.

    [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: If someone opts to vandalize it, then, well. They'll regret. :d


    [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: > OIC / Combat Conduct / OIC Log

    [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Couple things to mention regarding combat and OIC functions—most of which is a refresher/reminder. First off: please remember the basic expectations when operating as a base commander. You must be on Ventrilo, you must be in the primary channel to answer questions, and you should either pass the role or appoint an active SoG when stepping away from the computer.

    [18:33] Aryte Vesperia: We have had more than one civilian die this last week by poor communication, haha. When you are the NC/OIC, be sure to make orders and intent clear: speak on COM and Ventrilo when rulings are made. In a perfect world, every defender/idle is sitting in the top channel on Ventrilo. In reality, unless there’s combat, that’s unlikely. A best practice would be repeating yourself on COM twice, and saying it in Ventrilo.

    [18:35] Aryte Vesperia: Secondly, be very certain to adhere to the OIC. Sometimes, communications get rather crossed when chatter picks up, resulting in a lack of clarity as to who’s orders to be listening to. Unless the OIC is unresponsive: the only person who should be giving orders is the OIC, or folks appointed by the OIC (ex: sector leads, SOG, etc). Feedback, however, is great: keep it simple, but report enemy threat and movement.

    [18:36] Aryte Vesperia: Now. For NC/OIC, I have created a special forum log:

    [18:37] Aryte Vesperia: This will facilitate communication and document decisions made by the NC/OIC regarding visitors, issues, questions . . . so on and so forth. As noted, this is not intended to replace any existing expectations: estate problems, officer logs (etc) should continue. However, this can be used to keep track and make notes, for example, when we run into issues like “did the OIC tell Bob last week he can’t use that jetpack?”

    [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: (Please also note when someone needs to be changed on Mercury there-- IE: "BOB NEEDS TO BE CLASSED HOSTILE.")

    |Meeting Closer|

    [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: > Closing

    [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: will be out for a couple of hours. I have to run off to help a friend with some crap (teach him how to clean a firearm, lol). I’ll be back this evening.

    [18:38] Aryte Vesperia: I will, rather.

    [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Promotions are nearly complete and will be up tomorrow morning. But, you are welcome to send me any recommendations late. Raid, I hope, will be hosted here shortly. Tomorrow evening, if energy permits, I am going to try to host something light hearted after the ART session: musket battles. So, get your muskets in order!

    [18:39] Ron Bleac raises hand.

    [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Bleac?

    [18:39] Ron Bleac: Can I be a general again?

    [18:39] Aryte Vesperia: Hell yes.

    [18:39] Ron Bleac: Fuck yeah.

    [18:39] Nova Ansar Vesperia (fox.cheri) raises hand

    [18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Fox?

    [18:40] Nova Ansar Vesperia (fox.cheri): Can I get an invite to the musket raid group?

    [18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Ron. Take care of it!

    [18:40] Ron Bleac: I'm not in the group, sir.

    [18:40] Ron Bleac: I left it when I ragequit, sir.

    [18:40] Nikki Aquitaine (nikki4.aquitaine): I'll do it

    [18:40] Nova Ansar Vesperia (fox.cheri): Thank you Sirs and ma'am!

    [18:40] Ron Bleac: Because I'm a stupid woman.

    [18:41] Ron Bleac: Thanks Nikki. <3

    [18:41] Lanny (lanny.ansar): I want a Musket. >_>

    [18:41] Steeltael Lykin raises paw

    [18:41] Aryte Vesperia: Okay dismissed bye.


    >Imperator's Weekly Meeting Report-V.2 Revision MAY2010

    ***END OF REPORT***

  9. I first meet him when I was a cadet, 2nd day on sim. He noted that I was off on my own to the side. I explained to him about how it seemed to talk to me so I could learn more about Ordo. He then asked me about my RL military experience. I told him about how the highest I made was E-3 in the USN, and how I took NCO classes for E-4 before I was told to leave (personal matter). He sat down with me for over a hour just talking about how it might be applied to Ordo when I became a NCO here, as well as general life here.

    It was a very good and memorable talk, which impressed me. No one ever showed a interest in how I felt before, and how I never really like feeling like a outsider. When the classes started I learned a lot more of Ordo, and saw what he was talking about.

    My own personal philosophy of treating those around me as family is the same here. People weren't being quiet around me, they where just unsure about me. Which is understandable. In his own way he helped me at a time in Ordo when I had my doubts bout being in Ordo. I'll admit there are times when I still feel that way, but I just look back and remember what he told me as best I can. It always reaffirms my belief in Ordo. So I stay.

  10. [20:30] (COM): Arch Graves: can it be raid time now plox.

    [20:30] (COM): Aryte Vesperia: they are raiding

    [20:31] (COM): Aryte Vesperia: sweet


  11. I arrived back in 2005, as I was and still am interested in creating things in a CGI aspect. That same year I opened a simple shirt store and did custom clothing designs for folks. Still do, but mostly just texture work. In 2006 though I found out about the DJ scene, and learned the trade from the old Club60Radio group. Which was one of SL's first DJ organizations. They where a group that provided clubs and most of SL with a single source of music at the time. This was before shoutcast boards became all the rave, and clubs started to higher there own DJs. Also back then I was interested in the old military scene, but what I saw back then didn't impress me. Although at one time I hear one fur about some ideas, that caught my interst, but I never followed through on it.

    It was during this time, I tried my hand at other club jobs, learning the trade, and even got hired for a while as tech support for SHX shoutcast boards. I left SL for about year due to loosing not only my job, but my home, and when to live in one shelter from another while looking for work. It was during this time I whent to school to be a semi-truck driver.

    Now for the last 3 years I have lived in Ohio and been on regularly for that time. Before here I was a sim owner, well renter, and ran a club with gaming and mall area, till it whent under. At the end of that time is when I joined Ordo. I made many freinds here, and while I miss being a sim and club owner, I have no regrets about Ordo, here I found many peopel with the same ideals I believe in myself. So here I am hopefully to stay. Oddly enough that one person I mentioned before I heard mentioning those things back then, is our founder and Imperator, so the way I see it, I came full circle, as I found the group I been wanting to see and joined it.

  12. Likely some art, as best I can, of different members of Ordo with this as the base armor. It's not the same as the current armor we use on SL, but due to some limitations I have it's the best I can think of for now.

  13. A work in progress from me, I like to test out pose looks before making the custom textures and such. SO right now this is all default. I plan on making some custom Ordo textures for it.


  14. It's also been my experience that this does not work all the time when removing scripts. Yes it will get most of them, but is not a guarantee it will remove all of them. The problem with this is that it only shows active scripts. If the object has a inactive script in it, it won't show about 3 out of 10 times. Here is a easier way to remove them.

    With the item selected do the following.

    Tools -> Remove Scripts in Selection

    IE this is the short short version of the above even the non-builder can understand. And it will remove inactive as well as active scripts.


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