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Arokh Takakura

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Everything posted by Arokh Takakura

  1. Turtle Beach Earforce Z6A, affordable, 5.1 surround sound headphones that use a 3.5mm jack with a splitter to leave your 5.1 surround speakers connected at the same time, built in amplifier and volume control on the cable, quick disconnect on the cable just beneath the headphone to prevent snagging or standing up and yanking it. Mic mute, etc, flexible mic, all the bells and whistles, very comfortable with noise cancelling and mic monitor. Crisp audio quality and beefy subwoofer.
  2. It's coming, they're developing a huge mod, it's just taking ages because of the complications involved and the fact they're having to code networking into a game that never had it, or was designed to have it.
  3. I think I'll just wait for the multiplayer Skyrim mod to improve.
  4. My partner, who has no experiences with the SLMC.
  5. Avoid Zalman brand, they look and peform well, but they are notoriously noisy, I had a Zalman Z9 case which was unbeleivably loud, even with resistors added to the fans to slow them down. I now have an antex 1200 case which has twice as many fans and generates 10% of the noise that thing did, unfortunately I still have a Zalman PSU, works great but it squeals and chirps when my frame rate is high or my mouse moves around while web-browsing, and that is annoying as shit. If its moving parts, stay away from them. Even their water cooling would probably be loud as hell. Corsair is the way to go if you want a cold processor.
  6. SL being closed for maintenance on Wednesday's
  7. - When Corsi mousehold was head of Schola and decided who got into our group.
  8. You read 700 names in under 10 minutes? SPEEEEEEEEEED REEEEEADEEERRR!
  9. Tuqiri breen is going. FML. Also lol "Mercury" See if you know any names!
  10. I'm totally wearing my Ordo jacket simply to troll the huge number of people I denied I can see on the attendee's list. :]
  11. Oh jeez, sera is going, along with a select number of 2142 peeps it seems. ;-;
  12. So, any Euro-furs in the Ordo coming? The Uk's biggest central fur-convention is in late-may. Booking closes at 8pm tonight!

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