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Pat Vinciolo

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Everything posted by Pat Vinciolo

  1. I of doubted a little Xoza ^^ One board too dispersed for this there. But do I wonder whether, the fandom international of the furry, could not do it? Are they numerous the furs in the USA, not?
  2. If the Sataniste church can adopt a portion of motorway in the USA, why not Ordo or straightforwardly the community as a whole?
  3. Vast subject I would say one word ADAPTATION Ghost Menjou small son of resistant (group G)? ^^ Bonjours of a small son of resistant (A.S.) ^^
  4. We will survive the disorders current, even over second life. THE ORDO IS ETERNAL. One will reflect and adapt. One should not be afraid but take this as new challenges to gain there
  5. I will make course in discourses Read and to look at this film. Even if this book were written there has long time, its doctrines still current in all are armed with the world. It is the base even of our modern armies Inspire by this there /> />
  6. Y has more and more armies which disappear or which are in “sleep, this there become worrying
  7. I have just had confirmation, today, by the “draft” Tomy Canis that VG DIED
  8. Bad day R.I.P. : “(Y has like a problem: S In one week of time, I loses my Pandinus, “Gégé” my xénop (But there I believe that is normal), My Aviculaire Bi colors. And Maintaining my “little girl”: '(
  9. Here is an idea of built which is good:) a light vehicle and rapid; but also armoured:) For our missions of recon and combat against the “guerrillas” on SL /> />
  10. />
  11. " Is this that the scientists believe that one day deaths will return to the life to devour the brain of the alive ones? Probably not, but do not think in so far as the zombies studies are a simple joke of geeks. This field of study opened in 1983, with a thesis discussed on the origin of the Haitian zombies of the anthropologist Wade Davis, and who organizes himself more and more seriously since the end of 2000. In 2009, Dr. Steven C. Schlozman takes part in Science one Screen of Coolidge Corner Theatre. The principle of the program is simple: a scientific expert comments on the film of his choice. Schlozman chooses the great classic of Romero, Night of the Dead Living room, and proposes to use the most advanced tools of the neurobiology to dissect the brain of a zombie (which he prefers slow, idiot and awkward). The intervention becomes viral and Schlozman is set up in a kind of guru of the neurobiology applied to thealive ones. It identifies even the disease-causing agent responsible for the zombism, Ataxic Neurodegenerative Satiety Deficiency Syndrome. A ticket is devoted to its research on the scientific blog/Io9 science fiction, and it continues to push the experiment so much so that anybody does not remember really any more which are its true functions within the scientific community. Then last March, it ends up publishing its book, The Zombie Autopsies: Secrecy Notebooks from the Apocalypse. It is already question of a film adaptation of this book carried out by Romero in person. In 2011, it is the neuroscientific young person Bradley Voytek who decides to lend himself to the play zombies studies. At the time of Nerd Nite of Los Angeles, it tries to answer the following metaphysical question: what makes that a zombie is a zombie? The reception of the fans and the scientific community is good. Last June, Wired publishes a computer graphics where Voytek and its colleague Verstynen reveal us that the zombies suffer from Consciousness Deficit Hypoactivity Disorder characterized by: “The loss of any rational behaviour replaced by an at the same time delirious and impulsive aggressiveness, an attention centered only around stimulus, an incapacity to coordinate the functions of the language and an insatiable appetite for the human flesh.” One had not expected the heads of bulb to learn how to exploit the weaknesses of the brain zombie (while running quickly for example) to survive. One all will die But the play becomes a little more serious with Daniel W. Drezner, professor in international relations and bloguor for Foreign Policy. In 2009, does it fall on the mathematical model from an epidemic zombie realized by a band from Canadian researchers under the aegis of professor Robert Smith? (the question mark is a characteristic, not a typing error). After eighteen pages of formulas, the conclusions are alarmist: one all will die. Without a rapid intervention, brutal, and renewed, each human will be zombifié or died at the end of the first seven days following the introduction of a zombie into a town of 500,000 inhabitants [pdf]. Drezner, frustrated, decides to insufflate a political dimension with the zombie studies in its blog. It starts then the drafting of a book, Theories of International Politics and Zombies, in which it starts from a simple postulate: if an epidemic of zombies occurs, the problem will be inevitably of an international nature. Which will be the political answers given by the governments and the international institutions? What predicts the various theories of the international relations? With the first highly anxiety-provoking report of the Madore brothers, the science of the zombies enters a new era. The laws of Madore are a set of mathematical formulas and of physics applying mainly to the phenomenon of the gathering at the zombies. The heart of the study resides in a brilliant reinterpretation of the theory of the Black hole, Zombie Black Hole, where several super cells of death-alive form an ultra dense and particularly dangerous unit. Fortunately, David and Bob explain us how to divide a cell in order to avoid the constitution of it. Their work remains rather confidential but Madore are not discouraged and publish two other articles in July in in September 2011. In the first: how, from a scientific point of view, thealive ones is they able to identify their prey? This question is fundamental and for those which thought that it was enough to overlap with the tripe to a zombie to pass unperceived, it is disastrous. The last article of Madore, more complicated, wonders about the source of the incredible energy of the zombies and advances even a theory at the best time to attack them or avoid them. Or when the science of the zombies starts to serve the action. Real demonstrations on fictitious works They are scientific demonstrations whose axioms rest on corpus of fictitious works (mainly Night of the Living room Dead, books of Max Brooks, and 28 Days Later). The large sites of the type Cracked or Io9 relay the results of the studies regularly, but the publication is independent. Does theories of International Politics and Zombies leave in 2011 in Princeton University Press and paper Smith? appears in Nova Science Publishers in a book on the infectious diseases. This research is not financed but causes embryonic debates within the scientific community. In August, Tim Verstynen and Brad Voytek are interviewed in Neurology Today, a pointed periodical as regards research in neurology. In all the disciplines, the working groups and conventions multiply. True a think tank is founded in 2007. Scientific “truths” are represented more and more there in the advisory board. The case Madore (of which one knows almost nothing, we are not even certain that Bob exists) is particularly interesting, since the two brothers wish to create and promote a school of physics applied to the zombies, Necropology. Their objective is to draw the attention of the scientific community to the questions of physiology of the zombie, to generate exchanges from point of view and to push research zombie. Believers, metaphorical and careful Like the other fans of stories of death-alive, the scientists ès zombies belong to one of the three categories – probably more often 2nd or 3rd that one generally finds on the forums of the specialized sites: 1) Believers. They are ultra minority and know that nobody really listens to them. Their currency: the question is not to know if the apocalypse zombie will occur, but quand.2) Those for which the figure of the zombie is a metaphor. Zombie Squad or Zombie Operations Command is not sites of believers. They are sites survivalists where it is learned how to face a catastrophe of natural or human origin, and to survive in a world post-apocayptic. With a newbie, in the section Zombie biology of Zombie Squad: “I know that you are new but we really do not believe in all these tricks, guy. It is a site of preparation to the catastrophes and we use the zombies to say catastrophes. The name of the site often misleads people. Especially with this slogan.” Their currency: to be ready to face the apocalypse zombie, it is to be ready to face any catastrophe.3) the careful ones. They do not believe in death living per (undead zombie) but estimate that in the actual position of science, it is impossible to envisage what can arrive. A sequence of circumstances (revolution in sciences of alive, the technology innovations, conflict interetatic, terrorism, etc) could lead to the emergence of an army of infested (viral zombie). Among them, conspirationnists (idea of a virus top-secrecy), paranoiacs of the radioactive accident or biological terrorism, or simple science students followers of the academic conjecture. Their currencies: one never knows, better safe than sorry. All wonder how to survive a zombocalypse. The interest of the scientists grows with that of the public and with the omnipresence of the figure of the zombie in the popular culture. Most between them are fans who launch out in the science of the zombies for the lulz. But not only. The zombies studies, better than Gilded the exploring one The first virtue of the zombies studies lies in their incredible capacity to sensitize and prepare the public with true emergencies. The example of the blog open last May by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to the United States is particularly lighting: “There are all kinds of emergencies to which we can prepare. Take the apocalypse zombie, for example. It is exact, I said a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e-z-o-m-b-i-e. Perhaps that makes you enjoy now, but when that occurs you are happy to have read that, and hey, perhaps even as you will have learned one or two tricks on how to prepare with a real urgency.” It is the method Gilded the exploring one: to learn the good reflexes all while having fun. To envisage a kit and an emergency plan can save you the life which it is about zombies or of an earthquake. It is will mantra it survivalist. Without the least recommendation on the use of weapons, the CDC managed to make read with a lot of small obese kids the plan of a true governmental agency. The countryside became quickly a trending topic on Twitter, multiplied per hundred the frequentation of the site of the CDC and even made plant the waiters before disappearing. Even thing in the universities. For a professor, to play zombologist makes it possible to make his discipline sexier and to attract new students towards matters often perceived like off-putting. In its blog, Voytek explains: “It is an excellent way speak about really complicated tricks while arousing the interest of the public. If you start to explain how the cerebral imagery and research in the field as of lesions make it possible to understand the ways in which the various areas of the brain interact to cause one… zzzzZZZZZZzzz. Isn't this step? I want to say, I trouble much about this kind of things, but if you rather explain how the cerebral areas can interact to give birth to a ZOMBIE, suddenly normal people are also interested.” And the scientist, in a finally decipherable language, carries out his phantasm: to show normal people that there exists, to share with the neophytes the results of its (very serious) research. Excellent educational tools Because the zombie is excellent educational tools. Types like Drezner and Schlozman are not satisfied to be made a little money with their book, they regularly use the figure of death-alive in their courses to collect the attention of their students and to help them with better understanding often complex paradigms and models. Schlozman explains for example that the growth to be innovated and to adapt to new situations. Smith? stress that mathematical modelings of the propagation of the infectious diseases are often limited to a facet of one situation at the same time, whereas the modeling of an epidemic of zombies implies several variables. It is a good training when one seeks the formula likely to contain the propagation of the virus of the AIDS and that one wants to gain a Nobel Prize. To study the zombism, it is to be ready to apprehend phenomena little known, complex or delicate: “Thealive ones are an excellent way explore true medical problems: why certain malignant diseases destroy the brain, how a total epidemic generates chaos and terror, and that must one make the people infested by a highly contagious incurable fatal disease.” For Drezner: “Some will make the point that, as the chances to see one day deaths leaving their tomb and nourishing themselves on the alive ones are weak, this exercise presents little interest. It is to ignore the way in which the international policy changes, and the need for research in international relations to change with it… The ghouls reveal projecting concerns concerning the international system. The zombies are the perfect threat of the 21st century: they are not understood by the serious analysts, they have protean capacities, and represent a challenge very very important for the States.” Yes, to tackle all these layabouts of theorists and these collapsing of science, it is also that the science of the zombies. A true epistemological cure. A handing-over in cruel question of theories sometimes too rigid and a major reflection on the scientific language, the production and the transmission of knowledge. Julia Coulibaly " Source: /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> Question, excist you it Zombie Squad International Furry? 0o />
  12. " An article of Terrence Aym published at (translation with the pleasant authorization of the author) Zombies sauntering in streets exist only in the Hollywood films of horror, do this isn't? (CHICAGO) – a hybrid virus, mixes of influenza and of rage, could however transform its many victims into true zombies. The unhappy ones would show all the classical characteristics of the films of horror: they would wander without goal, moult by monstrous fatal tendencies and would have the ability to transform the others into zombies by a simple bite. Although they would not be really dead which recovers the life, it would be the thing nearest to the zombies. This macabre possibility is presented (rather quietly) by Samita Andreansky (photo label), virologist at the University of Floride de Miami (Miller School of Medicine). Andreansky is one of the special guests questioned for the documentary one of the chain Geographic National the truth on Zombies which was diffused in October 2010. Andreansky explains why the combination of the virusde the rage with a flu virus transferred could provide the foundations of a pandemia of zombiesdans the whole world. The zombies are possible Zombies sauntering in streets exist only in the Hollywood films of horror, do this isn't? Well, until now, it was true. But the viruses transfer unceasingly and much things can make them transfer. The exposure to various chemical products, heat, the cold, moisture, the drought, the atmospheric pressure, the availability of the hosts and even the intensity of the ultraviolet rays can and will cause undoubtedly changes. The selection process natural will also facilitate the change of certain viruses, as well as the availability of the nutrients, the answer of the immune system of the organization and the errors in their replication. The genetic code is easily modifiable and adaptable. The incubation periods of the viruses are known to change in a spectacular way. And if, as Andreansky is prompt to underline it, an hybrid of the rage and influenza appeared, the “zombietude” could become a reality. The infection by the rage Since centuries, it is proven that the rage is contracted by the man after the bite of an infected animal. The cases of this disease fell in a spectacular way in the western world thanks to vaccination of the pets against the disease. In spite of the fall of the cases of contaminations of rage, certain animals are infected each year by meetings with flared up bats, skunks and squirrels, among other wild animals. The rage is manageable and as a long time as the treatment is given in convenient time, the bite of an animal infected by the rage is seldom fatal. Untreated, death is a certainty one week after the appearance of the symptoms. The rabies virus incubates inside the body during weeks or months. Sometimes, it is necessary one year complete before the symptoms make surface. Anxiety, mental confusion, soft madness followed by sharp hallucinations and paralyses consume the victim until a miserable death follows. The victim has scum with the mouth literally and is convulsed sometimes until dislocating the articulations or to break the coasts. Change of a virus zombie aerosol To create a pandemia of zombies with fast propagation similar to those described in the films of zombies, the rabies virus should transfer to allow its survival and its dispersion in the air. That could occur if the rabies virus “exchanged” part of its genetic material with flu viruses. The new “modified” genetic code could then be propagated much more quickly and infect the people by cutaneous contact or the air like the viruses of the cold and the influenza. This process is called recombination. The virologists are familiar with this phenomenon, which arrives constantly and is the reason for which new stocks of influenza come from the Far East and other parts of the world each year. The virus “fumes” and 28 Days Later Max Mogk, the owner of Zombie Research Society, is also interviewed in the documentary one of Geographic National. Mogk informs this merry delicacy: “All that the rabies virus has to do is to become aerosol, and you obtain the virus “fumes”. “ The virus “rage” is a fictitious disease which is accidentally released and will infect million people. This charming scenario is in the center of the cult film 28 days later. In this film, the people trapped on British Isles in quarantine are exposed with a virus which is propagated like a powder trail among the cities and the campaigns. Most people become the mad ones, kinds of zombies psychotics called “infected”. Nonlikely to occur, but… Practically all the virologists are of agreement so that two disparate viruses such that the rage and the influenza can exchange genetic material in a recombining way. Although they ensure that such an event is without precedent, some point out the strange episode of the porcine flu epidemic which seemed to have genetic markers of the porcine influenza, avian flu and of a third not easily identifiable type. At the time, the strangeness of the virus led certain biologists to wonder aloud if it were not escaped of a laboratory. Virus zombie genetically modified The speculation on the porcine influenza brings to the question of the genetic engineering in laboratory. A “insane scientist” could it create a flu virus zombie? (A-H1Z1? ndt) The experts admit that the creation of such a monstrosity is possible. But they hurry to specify that the creation of such an hybrid would be a monumental task. Andreansky speaks in the documentary one about the possibility of working a viral pandemia genetically zombie. “Of course, I could imagine a scenario where you mix the rage with a flu virus to obtain the air transmission, she says, “a virus of measles to obtain changes of personality, the virus of the encephalitis to cook your brain with fever and to add the Ebola virus to empty you your blood.” But which could launch a project of organic-engineering such as that one? “Combine all these things”, she continues, “and you [to create] something like a virus zombie.” Once again, which could finance a project of organic-engineering like that? … a military laboratory of biological war? An article of Terrence Aym published at (translation with the pleasant authorization of the author) Terrence Aym is one of the contributors of the site based in Chicago, it is also known in the USA for his scouring articles on the site. Born in Minnesota, Terrence Aym grew in the suburbs of Chicago. He travelled in 40 of the 50 States and lived with in 7 of them. He also spent time to Canada, in Mexico, in the Caribbean, to Europe, to Asia and West Africa. Senior officer during many years for companies of broking of Wall Street, Aym was always interested by science, technology, arts, philosophy and the history. If it is still possible to be a “man of the Rebirth” to the 21e century, Aym works hard to be one about it. Aym has plans holds some for several books. These sites of media recently put in the star Aym, or discussed of its articles: ABC News, TIME Magazine, Insider Business,, Discover, Dvice, Benzinga, more recently, its work interested South Africa and Russia. In +: The organic one of Terrence AymLe counts Twitter of Terrence Aym " Source: http://www.salem-new...ies-rage-ta.php http://www.thedailyb...e.html#comments " When deaths return to nourish the alive ones, will you will be ready? The question was already the object of the very serious attention of the Office of preparation and of answer in public health of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the federal agency American of safety and public health) which, in the manner of kits of survival of which we had already spoken, proposes its list of objects to be included in a kit in the event of invasion: water, food products, drugs, tools, of what to wash itself, clothing, your documents important, as well as a first-aid kit. The preparation on arrival of the zombies on Earth, which is becoming a field of scientific study except for whole, has just been supplemented by a chart indicating all the places and other stores where to get the goods and services which will be essential for you in such a possibility, pays the Mashable site. Do you want to take refuge in a great shopping centre as in the film the Army of deaths? To find an antenna radio to be able to communicate with the other survivors? The chart created by the digital agency Doejo, which uses the data of the charts of Google, indicates the places to you which will save you the life with icons of colors. Besides obvious services, the chart also shows the places to be avoided, like the hospitals and the police stations, of which all the avid film-goers of zombies know that they are buildings particularly at the risk in the event of invasion zombie. It indicates by red zones the dangerous areas, i.e. all the urban areas or which contain human infrastructures. Good news for the French survivors, the chart is not limited to the United States. If it remains rather incomplete, it indicates for example to the Parisians who would have the bad idea to be delayed in the capital the cemeteries, to avoid absolutely, some station-petrols and hospital or the tower Eiffel, higher antenna of the city. It is not the first time that a clever developer uses the data of Google Maps for a tool around the zombies, underlines Mashable. Two years ago appeared this chart recalling the events of the series of band-drawn with success The Walking Dead, which for summer has adapted for television. " /> ( Source : )
  13. The danger which watches for very armed is to have a war of delay. Whereas our French Armies are marked until in their flesh by the Afghan experiment, the paradigm of the against-insurrectionary war is about to being essential in the current French military culture. It of vivifying by the healthy reconsideration of all presupposed something which inevitably mark an army; it also carries in it the risk to set up in new dominant school of thought to the detriment of other realities. Military culture – heard as the state of mind which impregnates the military institution creates an environment more or less favorable to the innovation. The inter-war period teaches it to us in connection with the preparation of the following war. The United Kingdom, whose Army created the first permanent armored brigade of the history in 1931, was not able to carry this front revolutionary project; project taken again and developed then by the Nazi Germany and the Red Army. Its military culture was mainly resistant even hostile to this change. In parallel in France, the doctrinal school born from selected lesson of the Great War had developed a kind of coordinated battle which left little place on the initiative. Allied with a strategy become exclusively defensive with time, it became an official thought which it was interdict to contradict and which created a state of mind with the source of the defeat of 1940. The risk is to create a myth to escape reality, because in particular of the paradox inherent in the military organization: because of discipline essential to the control of the operations, an army is laid out naturally little with the change whereas the challenges of the war require imagination and creativity. The essential rigour can be moulted in conformism of the thought, and lead surreptitiously to an opposition to progress making the institution finally not very inclined with the exploration of innovative concepts. The culture of an army can be unconsciously let lock up in its preferential vision of the threat. The risk is to focus itself on a single type of threats while being plugged on more complex or different reality; were the Ardennes insuperable, isn't? The Afghan experiment durably will mark our military culture. However, as Williamson Murray explains it, “there are few military organizations having a culture which encourages the meticulous study of the recent same events. Most military organizations myths develop quickly which make it possible to escape the unpleasant truth. ” Without devaluing the action by the French Army in Afghanistan, let us not let create a myth of Afghansty. One can foresee three tracks to solve this natural antagonism. Initially the national strategic choices can draw a military culture from its resistance to change. Indeed, it is the strategic choice of the defensive “excessively” which prevented the development of an operation of the tanks in France; for the United Kingdom, it is the myth of a defense of its Empire out of continent of Europe which made reject the development of the armor-plated weapon. Ideally, is it possible to today define a strategy to keep the range of the capacities, on a sufficient level of control and technology, without neglecting to explore the new conflict fields like common strategic spaces (Total Commons)? Another track is to support the mental activity of the officers so that it innervates the military culture. Prohibition to publish made the officers by the commander in chief of the time, British or French, is not foreign with the rout of 1940. The general Cavan, chief of imperial staff of 1922 to 1926, opposed the publication of works on military subjects by officers; in France the Gamelin general prohibits in 1937 any publication not validated by his staff. This attitude with the more high level thus encouraged the officers to avoid any consideration out the official line. Certain current anecdotes authorize to be questioned if this tendency always does not have survivals in France. However the expansion of ideas born of the rebirth of the combat of against-rebellion should open up the way for a healthy reconsideration of the generally accepted ideas. Finally, the challenge for the armies is to remain a learning institution. Institutional mechanisms take part in it already like the “retex” or the departments of doctrines. But beyond these mechanisms, it is well with the surprise and the shock that it is mentally necessary to prepare, since by definition, we will be circumvented by an intelligent enemy. Today in France, not having more enemy at our borders, we are in situation of strategic insularity, following the example of the United Kingdom. Our army, which is not built besides to defend only its national territory with its manpower of task force back-up troop, will probably not be committed tomorrow in a symmetrical conflict. Also it probably will develop its competences on its Afghan experiment, to be invited to intervene in a more specific way, on the mode of the recent Sahelian interventions, by seeking a strategic effectiveness by the lever of a doubled tactical action of missions of assistance and formation. But the development of a new type of military intervention which will be born from the conjunction of the Afghan experiment and the news gives strategic to the south of the Mediterranean will not have to be set up in absolute. Because no one does not know the threat with our vital interests which an emergent Eastern power in a generation will constitute or less. To obtain a military culture which prepares to face unforeseen whatever it is a vital requirement. Can we preserve our Afghan experiment the flexibility of spirit which enabled us to evolve vis-a-vis this kind of conflict, while prohibiting to us to set up in principles the precepts which of it were drawn, for fear those prevent us from evolving again with the next shock. Involve we to react to the unimaginable one. />
  14. [media=] />
  15. For the infantry of attack, let us not can not equipped with Shmel-M to destroy the bunker and enemy vehicles. Is necessary also thought of the missiles thermobaric for burnt the buildings />
  16. Seen that I am private of Second Life, due to maintenance >: @, I come from thought to something. In our pack attack we have a Browning cal 0.50. Why not added to this there, to have a fire power with the combat/defense, Mk 19 /> /> /> />
  17. Nagant />
  19. For my picture, it's not CATI :)

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