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Maxas Camino

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Posts posted by Maxas Camino

  1. This isn't much of a 'Welcome' but more of a 'Welcome back.'

    It's been a few years since I had lost connection with SL and the Imperialis, and so I was ejected for inactivity. I am happy to be back and feel fantastic to be welcomed back with open arms. Great to see the familliar faces and even the new faces.

    I'll try to be on as much as possible, but I'm living a bit of a bisy life while trying to find a job and doing volentary work until I do. I would be on mostly in the evening when I'm usually done with the volentary work. As of now, I am waiting on a call to schedual an Interview... but my volentary work continues until I'm hired.

    I'm working on getting a job to get a better computer... the one I'm on now is held together by coat hangers and would take any chance it can to lag me out... but once I rez the entire for the first time, the lag won't be so severe and I can finally take battle actions...

    Alot has changed since I was last in the Imperialis... I would have to get aquainted with the sim since I'm used to the old Titan sim where half the battlefield was lined with searchlights.


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