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  1. The name you wish to be known by: Taylor / Santa. ( TeamSpeak name is HailSanta.) Your steam profile information: Make sure your birth date is accurate in your profile. : Checkitty Check Checked. - What interests you in joining us today and what gaming interests you have.: Well, I was recruited to come on here by someone, and have completely fell for the fun antics, and the fun community we have on team speak, and I was asked to come be apart of this , and I couldn't be happier. Interests: Gaming wise... I would have to say I love anything fps, mmo, I am trying to expand my horizons and always willing to give any game a shot, besides mech warrior cause well.. I suck at moving. I have been gaming since around 1997, and online on and off for the past 10 years or so, depending on circumstances. How you intend to partake or contribute to the team where best to communicate. : I will try by being active, its pretty easy to get a hold of me either here or team speak, and I am always willing to play with new people on steam, if there is a multiplayer I have that you have and you want to bust it out. Completely Read the Codex. Cheers. -Taylor.
  2. Just wanted to take a sec to throw this out there in a place it'd be easy to come across later on down the road. Curia's main purpose is to enforce the rules and regulations set out in our Procedures and Handbook.. we're here to help resolve disputes, we're here to help in general. If there's -anything- that needs to be brought up or you have a question about something.. come to us and ask. If there's a situation involving another person.. come talk to one of us. Please.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont wait a week or a month, or six months before you bring something to our attention. If something comes up and you're not comfortable talking about it openly.. IM me. If you're worried about the TOS aspects of IMs, then send me an IM here on the board and we can discuss it that way as well.. but we need any issues brought up SOONER than later. If you sit on it, if you wait, then by the time we get the chance to do our jobs the problem's escalated WELL beyond our ability to handle it quietly or even handle it at all... That means Aryte has to get involved.. and if HE gets involved, well.. he's the Boss and what he says goes. Curia's not the big bad boogie monster.. we're not out to end careers or to get people in trouble. The truth is the exact opposite, we want to do our best to keep people OUT of trouble. While we DO encourage you guys to seek out your own resolutions, that still doesnt mean that you shouldnt let your chain of command know what's going on, or let one of us know. If there's a question as to who to bring up a problem to.. bring it directly to me and I'll redirect it to the appropriate party. Come to us, talk to us, send us the information so that we can do our jobs. It's what we're here for. Kisho Your Friendly Neighborhood Curia Guy
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