It is already something that I had already noticed months ago, when Tyrant was placed on the lockers, it seems that our APC, Praesidium tends to be more effective than the Tyrant most of times, even if it is supposed to be the "tank". Here are some points that made me take this kind of conclusion: -Armor: Praesidium's armor is different from Tyrant's armor, the APC tends to take less damage than Tyrant sometimes, a good example would be when you shoot it with the Gunship rockets, on the APC it deals something like 1HP, but on the Tyrant it deals lots. And while APC is able to resist to lots of people shooting it, the Tyrant is not at all. -Speed and size: Praesidium is obviously way faster than Tyrant, but for some basic reasons, deploy units, but even so it is something that can resist more than Tyrant, consequently it would be more effective on quick assaults, being able to reach places faster than Tyrant and because its shape is "thin" compared to Tyrant, it is able to fit in places that the tank is not able to. -Firepower: This definally would be the most important point, because Tyrant is suposed to give people fire support, but just take a look at its weaponary compared to the Praesidium's one: - Tyrant: -Primary Armament: XR44 144mm Railgun. 5-Second Reload. ( -7.5m Radius / On default) -Secondary Armament: XPMG-2 Machine Gun, Mounted Coaxially. 700RPM. -Praesidium -Primary Armament: M242 25mm Auto Cannon. Anti-Personnel/Anti-Armor. ~10 Damage To Armor. 5m Radius -Secondary Armament: 2 x Dumbfire Pod Rockets. ~50 Damage to Armor. 10m Radius. -Tertiary Armament: Coaxial 7.62x51mm GPMG. Do I even need to say that the Praesidium can easily explode tanks and infantry? While the Tyrant just can launch one cannon shell, the APC is able to shoot two rockets and it also have an autocannon to clear the grounds. And if you think it is not enough to prove what I say, try to put a Tyrant to fight against a Praesidium. I made it once, Tyrant was destroy 2/3 times before stopping the APC. So I would say that the Praesidium is "the boss". Haha. Show your opinion and we will see if you agree or disagree.