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Found 10 results

  1. Hello, I'm Sassy Cassie or Cassie for short. I'm here with my girlfriend Paige, and we play FFXIV together on Goblin. I play other things such as Heroes of the Storm, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Call of Duty Black Ops 3 (mostly Zombies), Dauntless and many others just to name some multiplayer games. As for my favorite games, I love my Legend of Zelda series, Bioshock series, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Legend of Dragoon, Crash and Spyro, and lots of good old nostalgia games like Banjo Kazooie and whatnot. I like to raid and I main PLD on my little Au Ra in FFXIV. Right now, I'm just looking for some like minded players who like to do end game content, but also like to relax, have fun with it and not feel rushed to do it! Don't be afraid to send me a poke or a whisper, and I will be glad to help! Also, a small little something about me; As of right now, I am trying to become a Voice Actress and hopefully will be in some video games in the future!!
  2. Hello all, my name is Hali and I play mainly FFXIV at the moment on the server Golbin. If you need to hit me up my in game name currently is Svira Silverclaire. It if changes I will update this. I love all sorts of games ranging from Horizon, Overwatch, Battleborn, Borderlands, Nier, Catherine, Mass effect, League of legends, Dishonored, Mortal Kombat X
  3. Hello o/ My name is Ayejay but I usually go by Cummies on the internet or Sol in regards to FFXIV. This is my Steam ---> Feel free to add me. If im not playing FF:XIV I'm playing Overwatch, League of Legends, or DSIII! Im joining cause Odin, Hiro, and Strider told me too! I plan on running dungeons/raids/ and trails with you guys in FFXIV! With a bit of Overwatch inbetween. And I've totally read the codex and completely understand it!
  4. Hello there I am Ifrinne but you can call me Ifri. I am the newest addition to this forum and community and known within FFXIV under 12 names spread over various servers (7 in Tonberry, 2 in Balmung, 1 in Aegis, 1 in Ragnarok and 1 in Cerberus), the ones youll be seeing will be Ifrinne Calionne and Akirane windstorm. I hope to be providing lots of fun in the forme of RolePlay of any kind and helpfulness in game content (though I dont raid or do EX battles) to the Free Company found within FF. I am not active on other games at the moment. That 14th fantasy is just too much good fun. Hope to see ye all soon on the game! -- Ifrinne Calionne P.S. I don’t really have a “main” character. cause if for time created the “main” would be Akirane but if for strength the one would be one found in Tonberry
  5. Shadows


    Hello everyone, Following the format from this thread: - Shadows. - None. - SWTOR. - My birth year is accurate. - Avatar picture to follow. - Not much of a gamer really. The only gaming I do is in SWTOR. - I enjoy running group content with the guild. Most people know I can be found in teamspeak most days. - By posting a thread in this section you acknowledge that you've read our codex and understand it. (Acknowledged).
  6. Hello there, the names demon and I just started playing eso, just speant the past 2 years traveling the united states and am finally settling down for a bit so I can game again ! whoohoo Im joining hoping to play Elder scrolls online , im interested in role playing aspects of eso and becoming a part of as group that does pvp and raids and alliance vs alliance combat and is just all around more organized then a few friends playing tigether. Im currently working on a healer/tank templar imperial with staff crafting /enchanting skills anf feel I could serve a good healer role in a pvp or pve setting and also a crafting provider for the guild. Im not sure how this website works but i read the tip to post here so hopefully someone will get back to me. my steam info is xnbkx_demonic / [email protected] and my in game ESO name is xxNBKxxDemonic . hope to hear from someone! I have read the codex and understand the rules and regs. I have TS and skype and communicate best through either.
  7. The name you wish to be known by: Taylor / Santa. ( TeamSpeak name is HailSanta.) Your steam profile information: Make sure your birth date is accurate in your profile. : Checkitty Check Checked. - What interests you in joining us today and what gaming interests you have.: Well, I was recruited to come on here by someone, and have completely fell for the fun antics, and the fun community we have on team speak, and I was asked to come be apart of this , and I couldn't be happier. Interests: Gaming wise... I would have to say I love anything fps, mmo, I am trying to expand my horizons and always willing to give any game a shot, besides mech warrior cause well.. I suck at moving. I have been gaming since around 1997, and online on and off for the past 10 years or so, depending on circumstances. How you intend to partake or contribute to the team where best to communicate. : I will try by being active, its pretty easy to get a hold of me either here or team speak, and I am always willing to play with new people on steam, if there is a multiplayer I have that you have and you want to bust it out. Completely Read the Codex. Cheers. -Taylor.
  8. Jeffsks


    Hello everyone. I'm Jeff, Annihillus in game. I just started playing ToR about a month ago and I've been in the guild almost he entire time. I look forward to getting to know all of you!
  9. FireDemon11


    Hi guys! I'm FireDemon11 and i'm new to the Ordo Imperialis. I thought it would be a good idea to make an introduction and say hi to everyone. :D So basically, I wanted to say hi :)
  10. Hi, my name is Lex "LawlFakers" van Bart, 22 years old, Ex-Imperial Reach Specialist, and short time moderator on Reach Remnants before a forced disband by a third party. I play loads of games, played Planetside 2 with IR, Played Star Trek Online, ESO, looking forward to Wildstar, and the 40K MMO Eternal Crusade. I play plenty of other multiplayer games, and I'm looking forward to playing with you folks.
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