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Tsukiyomi Yuhara

14JAN11 / 1815 - 1900

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******Meeting Report******


Victrix Metting


REPORTING NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Tsukiyomi Yuhara / Succentrio E-5 / Victrix CO; Invictus A-1


DATE: January 14th, 2011


SUBJECT: Victrix Meeting


TIME: 1815 ~ 1900


Meeting Topics & Discussions

I. Opening/Introduction

II. Change of Command

III. Talk of Morale/Inspirational Message

IV. Whats next

V. Squad Roles/Alpha Squads + Promotion menu

VI. Open Floor.

VII. Closing statements.


Meeting Attendance

Pr0wer Miles

Blu Flux

Jayce Iredell

Gen Scientist

Gabby Perdide


Meeting Notes: N/A


Meeting Log:

[18:20] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): and Everyone, this is Pr0wer Miles, Great guy, good friend of mine, wanted to watch my first meeting so

[18:20] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): here he is! make him feel uncomfortable :D

[18:20] Pr0wer Miles: don't mind me :3

[18:20] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): ok!



[18:20] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Firstly I would like to thank you all for attending. As you all know I am your CO, Decurion Tsukiyomi Yuhara. To start off I would like to tell you all about myself a bit, I joined the Ordo Imperialis on 11SEP2010. I joined for varying reasons however before this point I had never been involved in SL combat before that day. I have risen quickly to the point at which I am at now. However I tried hard to get where I am, never wavering my dedication for a moment. Now I would like to say that in this time there we're things that dishearten me. I almost quit on more than one occasion but I stuck through the harder issues and have stayed. Eriksson Foxtrot, Invictus CO; Ex-Victrix CO, was a huge help to me offering his guidance for the entirety of my time here. I hope to be the same for all of you, a guide to allow you to reach your goals.

[18:21] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): please note that in the future meetings will be ALOT smaller than this one as I wanted to cover alot in this (they also will lack me introducing myself ;3



[18:22] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Now, moving on, I am the new CO of Victrix B-1. As some of you know I was XO for a while. Eriksson was recently promoted to Officer Status, and has trusted me to take charge of Victrix. I would like all of you to congratulate Eriksson on his achievement in reaching the Officer rank if you haven’t done so already. When command was officially transferred, I wrote a letter and passed it to all standing members of B-1. If you are new to Ordo, then my welcome letter is essentially the same, with less 'Congrats Eriksson’ involved. In these letters, I outlined plans for Victrix in ways of activity. I hope to hold one meeting a month, if not two. As for trainings, they will stay the same, with an attempted 1 per week every week. I am going to strive to make a rolling schedule for trainings, which has a different day each week to cater the entirety of the squad.

[18:23] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Any questions? (and reading this again as I say it I see it's totally impersonal D; must work on that)

[18:24] Blu Flux: No questions here, sir. cept scedule of trainings

[18:25] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): As of right now it is 'as I can get them setup' Though the peak active times for the squad seem to be centered around 1600~0000 getting the most members involved

[18:26] Blu Flux: AYE< SIR!!! >:D

[18:26] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Though I hope to give you all prior notice on all trainings and meetings

[18:27] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Next, I would like to talk to you about the XO. The XO position was recently taken by Mark Karlfeldt. Mark received much praise from Eriksson and B Command when the choice was considered. Accepting the spot graciously, Mark has essentially taken the role as a secondary guide to you all. If I am not available (even though I generally always am) feel free to bother Mark. He loves being bothered. Also note that you may not see Mark around a lot, the area in which he lives was hit with a disaster and life is very hectic for him. Please keep Mark in your mind and hope that things go over smoothly for him in these harsh times.

[18:28] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Also, Gabby and Blu you two haven't met Mark before I believe. When you do, try to ignore his Australianess. He lives up to the stereotype sometimes ;P

[18:29] Pr0wer Miles: plus his house floods :<

[18:29] Gabby Perdide: Oh, I have, I called him Karl Marx

[18:29] Gabby Perdide: he raged.

[18:29] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): That as well.

[18:29] Jayce Iredell: I was going to send him a Canoe, but he did not want it.

[18:29] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Haha, nice

[18:29] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): He has a door Jayce, he will manage lol.

[18:30] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Anyways! onto the funner things.. Morale and YOU!

[18:30] Pr0wer Miles: *more fun >:/

[18:30] Gabby Perdide: ._.



[18:31] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Morale is a key asset in everything. If the members of a group lose heart, stop caring, or lose interest the group falls apart. The Ordo Imperialis is no exception to this. We are as strong as our weakest link, the most dangerous enemy is our own ability to be disheartened. Thoughts like: it's a chore to defend, I want to be X rank but it will take ages, and I never get merits because of X reason. These thoughts lead to a loss in morale, eventually with enough negative thoughts you will not want to be in the group anymore. This is bad, so best to keep in mind that you may one day lose sight of your goal. Maybe one day you feel like there’s nowhere else to go. Don't let these thoughts fool you.

[18:32] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Numerous times, I myself had been met with walls that seemed impassable. It's a hard thing to overcome, but don't lose hope. You may see a friend get a merit that you feel you deserve, or watch someone who you feel does less than you get promoted faster. These things tend to break ones spirit. Don't lose hope however, these feelings come and go. If the pressure starts to weigh on you, talk to me, talk to an Officer or a friend. This is important to remember, forgetting about your own morale before another’s, will smother the flames that drive you. I would rather you guys burn brightly and purge our enemies with your pride in the Ordo Imperium than to fall to heresy.

[18:33] Blu Flux: Well, im patient , and somewhat of a slapstick comedial guy >.>, i hope to help boost morale of others and keep them in good spirits, give them a reason to hang on base other than too defend.

[18:35] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Now! With all of that said, keep in mind that everyone will fall victim to this. When CO was handed to me it scared me alot. I am still nervous with it all and it has been the help of friends like Pr0wer and Erkisson to keep me strong.

[18:36] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Forming bonds is a important thing to do. They will take you far, and keep you strong in the times you need it most

[18:36] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Food for thought, I just ask you keep your own happyness in mind.



[18:37] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Moving on, with a lot of new faces in Victrix I would like to cover what’s out there for you. Armatura is the next step of training, however combat may not be your thing. If you have the gift for teaching there is the IEA. If you can build, script or texture, Munitorium may be for you! There are a lot of Non-Combat groups in the Ordo Imperialis. Now for your enjoyment a brief explanation of each!

[18:38] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Armatura: Armatura is the 'Advanced Combat' training classes provided by the IEA. It will teach you lots of different important topics, as well as a lot of things not as useful. Which some of you may laugh at, but Prim jumping for example. Some of the prim jumps will never be used, however others will be used ALL THE TIME. Each of you should at one point look to complete Armatura. To take classes IM a magister and ask them if they are available.

[18:38] Pr0wer Miles coughs

[18:38] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Note: Pr0wer is a Armatura magister, and can teach those classes to you

[18:38] Gabby Perdide raises hand

[18:38] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Also, be sure to give him crap when you think something will never be used

[18:38] Gabby Perdide "Mr Pr0wer, prease"

[18:38] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Yes Gabby

[18:38] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): xD

[18:39] Pr0wer Miles: Thats Mr. blue fox to you >:/ yes Gabby?

[18:39] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): ;P

[18:39] Gabby Perdide D: "how tall are you?"

[18:39] Pr0wer Miles: ......

[18:39] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): MWUAHAHAHAHA

[18:39] Pr0wer Miles: I have a simple answer

[18:39] Pr0wer Miles (Channel 1): draw

[18:39] Seirei Hian is Online

[18:39] Gabby Perdide: ....

[18:39] Pr0wer Miles: how fast can a bullet travel?

[18:40] Blu Flux: ..

[18:40] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): xD

[18:40] Gabby Perdide: D:

[18:40] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): MOVING ON! before Pr0wer shoots me

[18:40] Gabby Perdide: teach me the ways of armatura, i beseech you

[18:40] Gabby Perdide: okay, okay XD

[18:40] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Imperial Education Administration: The IEA is the group in charge of teaching Schola and Armatura. A very important group full of great teachers. If you have a passion for teaching, or helping other, IEA may be up your alley. Zero Itame is the CO of the IEA and if you’re interested in joining give him an IM.

[18:41] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Tactica: This is a group for strategy and recon. Almost all of our information on other militaries is handled by Tactica. If you enjoy devising strategies and information gathering, Tactica can be a lot of fun. On another note, Tactica meetings are hilariously fun. If this interests you, bother Corsi Mousehold or Huttser Ishelwood!

[18:42] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Munitorium: If you’re a builder, scripter, texture designer, animator, or can make things look pretty, Munitorium is for you! Munitorium is the development group of the Ordo Imperialis, making everything from sim builds to weapons. All of Ordo's gear goes through Munitorium. Analysia Gregoire is the CO of Munitorium. If you are interested, IM her and let her know your skills.

[18:43] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Any other questions that don't involve asking Pr0wer to teach you Armatura?

[18:44] Gabby Perdide: ._.

[18:44] Gabby Perdide: none sir.

[18:44] Pr0wer Miles glares at Gabby



[18:44] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): ok then.

[18:44] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Now, the next thing to look at is the Alpha squads, Cohors A. There are three alpha squads for Terra: Invictus, Antesignani, and Insidiae. The Alpha Squads are a path most choose to strive for. The squads are based on the elite and are a great goal to have at this point in your career. All three squads focusing on a specific area of expertise, they are the elite ground forces of the Imperium. I have asked the three squad leads to write a brief introduction to the squad for this meeting.

[18:44] Gabby Perdide whispers to errboday "go invictus"

[18:45] Gabby Perdide "its sexy"

[18:45] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Me and Pr0wer are Invictus

[18:45] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): now onto the statements ;3

[18:45] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): From Eriksson Foxtrot for Invictus: Invictus is the fast response squad, the orbital drop troopers of the Ordo. We are focused on inserting ourselves directly into a dangerous situation to either gain an initial foothold or scatter defenders. Though part of Terra, the squad is designed to work hand in hand with Astra. In fact, Invictus's very existence depends on the cooperation and collaboration of multiple branches within Ordo. Teamwork is integral to the job we perform in combat. To initiate a successful drop, we depend on Astra to get us to where we need to go and keep us safe in transit. During the actual drop, we rely on each other for protection from and communication about the enemy.

[18:46] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): From Teron Gray for Antesignani: Antesignani are Ordo's Long Range Fire-Support Specialists, we focus on providing accurate and devastatingly focused fire on hostiles from behind the front, covering the push being made by our brethren in the other Alpha squads, and bolstering the effectiveness of Cohors B's actions. Our primary weapon is the XCR, which comes in two variants, one with a 80 round casket mag, and one with a 30 round mag and an XM28 shotgun underneath in case of the squad operating alone and needing to claim an interior objective. Backing up this rifle is the Negev LMG, which packs more rounds and is more suited for suppressive fire over the XCR's precision. Supplementing both small-arms, Antesignani has limited access to Armor, as the hardened hulls and thundering cannons of Ordo's powerful tanks are an extreme extension of the Squad's objective of Fire-Support, when the enemy is brutal enough to warrant their deployment.

[18:46] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): From Krow Ames on Insidiae: Insidiae is a sapper squad, focusing on asset denial on the battle field. That means taking and holding points, making paths less appealing to the enemy, or even securing routes for friendlies. Insidiae focuses on removing advantages an enemy may have or produce whether they are tanks, buildings or routes for flanking. With its special demolitions HUD, and unique under slung mine launcher, Insidiae are all trained to be masters of strategic awareness. Seeing the key assets on the battlefield and removing them from the enemy’s sights quick and effectively.

[18:47] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Any questions about them?

[18:48] Gabby Perdide: what rank until eligible for Alpha Squadrons?

[18:48] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): E-3

[18:48] Gabby Perdide: HOOT HOOT

[18:48] Gabby Perdide: sorry D:

[18:48] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): you must also complete Armatura

[18:48] Gabby Perdide starts at Pr0wer

[18:48] Blu Flux: Im still waiting to be promoted to E-2 ^,..,^

[18:48] Gabby Perdide: stares*

[18:48] Pr0wer Miles doesn't blink

[18:48] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Oh! Promotions! haha

[18:48] Blu Flux: im signed up for amatura but i have no assigned teacher.

[18:49] Gabby Perdide looks at Pr0wer

[18:49] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Have you all seen the promotion menu on the database?

[18:49] Gabby Perdide: thanks to you sir, i have!

[18:49] Blu Flux: yes sir!!.

[18:49] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Done your exams?

[18:49] Blu Flux: I have finished the E-2 exam

[18:49] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Woo!

[18:49] Blu Flux: its still waiting to be reviewed by others

[18:50] Gabby Perdide: wait

[18:50] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): My suggestion, do them early. Like the day you get promoted to E-2, do E-3

[18:50] Gabby Perdide: you can do the E-2 exams before the /77061461 week due date?

[18:50] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): this way it's out of the way

[18:50] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): yes

[18:50] Gabby Perdide: oh, let me take it up

[18:50] Blu Flux: I plan to sir!!

[18:51] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): you can do them as early as you want, infact you can do them all now, however it's best to only do the next promotion exam

[18:51] Gabby Perdide: yes sir.

[18:51] Pr0wer Miles: but do keep in mind that a lot of the later tests are geared towards experiences you have had with us here at Ordo so it may be difficult to answer a few; and yes it does take some time to grade each exam

[18:51] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara) nods

[18:51] Blu Flux: aye , sir.

[18:52] Gabby Perdide: yes sir.



[18:52] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): I am going to skip this last peice and move to an Open Floor section. Acting as if the entire meeting wasn't this way.

[18:52] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Does anyone have anything they wish to share? Keep in mind meetings are logged ;P

[18:53] Gabby Perdide: yes

[18:53] Gabby Perdide: where is cotton eyed joe?

[18:54] Pr0wer Miles: may I have the floor when you are done tsuki?

[18:54] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Open floor section, you can have it now ;P

[18:54] Gabby Perdide: lul, look at Pr0wer

[18:55] Gabby Perdide: he's so blue.

[18:55] Pr0wer Miles: So yeah *gives golf clap* did great tsuki for your first copy pasta meeting! But in all honesty Tsuki is a really good friend of mine and you guys are really lucky to have him as a CO (I would say jokingly :x). He is a good man *whipes tear out of eye* but what he just finished saying is all true valid points that you should keep in mind. He is a bit special, love ya man (no homo...), but honestly don't be afraid to approach him or Mark. Please do hesitate before comming to me but despite not being in your century please do feel free to come to me for any questions either about Ordo stufferz or just general chatter I don't mind :3

[18:55] Gabby Perdide: armatura >.>

[18:55] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Haha

[18:56] Pr0wer Miles: fff the last part didn't go through

[18:56] Pr0wer Miles: *(unless you ask how tall I am D:<)

[18:56] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Pr0wer I think they want you to teach em Armatura ;P

[18:56] Gabby Perdide: ((it was Tsuki's idea))

[18:56] Gabby Perdide: ((>:3))

[18:56] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): xD he knows

[18:56] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Anything else to add? Blu, Jayce?

[18:56] Pr0wer Miles: still you carried out the action so you are just as guilty

[18:57] Gabby Perdide: :<

[18:57] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Gabby, if it doesn't involve bothering Pr0wer xD

[18:57] Blu Flux: umm, when can ametura classes be comenced?

[18:57] Gabby Perdide: indeed.

[18:57] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Anytime you+magister are available

[18:58] Pr0wer Miles: :|

[18:58] Blu Flux: wouldnt it be better to set a time to do a mass class


[18:59] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): XD

[18:59] Blu Flux: so that the magister has some free time

[18:59] Gabby Perdide: we have /77061461 people now, i think we're qualified to be considered a mass.

[18:59] Gabby Perdide: ((3))

[18:59] Pr0wer Miles: but yeah usually I am open with arma unless I am busy with other things when I will state why I can't do it such as pwning tsuki in SC2 >:/

[18:59] Blu Flux: 77 mil membetrs?

[19:00] Gabby Perdide: i bet i can pwn both you two with my sexy terran

[19:00] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Supreme commander, not starcraft

[19:00] Gabby Perdide: ...

[19:00] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): ANYWAYS!

[19:00] Pr0wer Miles: xD reason I said it like that x3

[19:00] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): :D I believe that is that!



[19:00] Blu Flux: Aye sir.

[19:00] Gabby Perdide: thank you sir

[19:00] Gabby Perdide salutes!

[19:01] Pr0wer Miles: blue, gabby how much time you have on?

[19:01] Pr0wer Miles salutes!

[19:01] Gabby Perdide: more than enough sir.

[19:01] Blu Flux: next 4-8 hours

[19:01] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): This was about as long as I planned, and keep in mind that future meetings will be shorter

[19:01] Blu Flux: aye sir

[19:01] Pr0wer Miles: and better copy pasta?

[19:01] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): shush Mr Fox

[19:01] Pr0wer Miles: xP

[19:01] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara) salutes!

[19:02] Blu Flux salutes!

[19:02] Pr0wer Miles salutes!

[19:02] Gabby Perdide salutes!

[19:02] Tsukiyomi (tsukiyomi.yuhara): Dismissed! Go do Armatura!


******Meeting End******

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