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Kaska Czarny

Proactivity: A self help guide.

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Written by: Kaska Czarny.

Inspired by: Boredom.

Proactivity is more or less acting without being told to act. This does not mean ignore or disregard orders, but rather to at least bring a problem to the attention of someone who can help with it rather than ignore it. If you can fix the problem without causing more problems or disregarding an order, do go ahead and fix it. This notecard was an example of proactivity. I was not told to write this notecard, but I am doing it anyway.

Another example of proactivity would be something like say, a copybotter in the sim. If you say "Ehh, it's not my problem." or "It's not my responsibility." the entire group's content will be stolen most likely. The least you could, and should do, is alert a superior with estate manager status. If you have the ability to take care of it by issuing a region ban, do so and inform a superior of your actions.

Proactivity is one vital trait any real leader should have. Without any proactivity, one may as well just be a trained monkey with a gun. If you are proactive, and good about it, you have far better chances of becoming a leader.

In conclusion, don't wait to be told what to do. If you can think and act for yourself, and your market yourself well, you have a bright future.

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