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Tsume Xiao

Ordo Meeting 16April2011

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**********Meeting Report**********

NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Tsume Xiao | E-7 Succenturio | Terra


DATE: 16April11


SUBJECT: Main weekly meeting.



Praetorian Trials, Security Stuff, Crazy Finland Stuff



[18:03] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Meeting start. As a reminder: all questions, comments (etc) are to be held until given the opportunity to speak. When that opportunity is provided, be sure to raise your hands. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the meeting.


[18:04] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics

Members: 323

Cadets: 9


New: 14

Accepted: 2

Denied: 8

Review: 4


Defensive: 125

Offensive: 28

Allied Assist: 0

----------Unit Reports----------

[18:04] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic note this week. No major incidents to note. Combat has been solid on all fronts. Multiple friendly engagements with the Merczateers in New Jessie have proved fruitful. A diplomatic (related) keynote to be covered in primary session.

[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening?

[18:05] Hollowmengitus Yifu raises hand for Terra.

[18:05] Ethan Schuman raises his hand for Astra.


[18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Yifu.

[18:05] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: From Keller for Antesignani: A very exciting and active week for Antesignani - climbing past the vaunted 50 raid mark for the first time. The squad has picked up a couple more bodies, and a new assault rifle to slaughter heretics, but this still leaves the unit with one vacancy to be filled. We're going through the candidates, and hope to have a decision this week. :]

[18:06] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Insidiae took a couple field trip over to the Fatherland and ate some German soldiers' sauerkraut sandwiches, shortly after killing all of said soldiers with nothing more then an arsenal of finely crafted (munitorium approved) sporks. As a public service announcement from Insidiae, we would like to remind each and every one of you to keep a man in the mess hall while cooking pork-chop sandwiches. GI-JOE!

[18:06] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: From Eriksson for Invictus: Extremely eventful week this merry go 'round, so brace for a long report. Activity, per the usual, has been pretty solid so I'd like to commend everyone in Invictus for keeping their games' polished for next week! First on my list of announcements is actually a pretty big announcement: I'd like to congratulate Stirn Aurotharius on being elevated to the Invictus Executive Officer (XO) position. Stirn shows a solid prowess in his leadership and administrative capabilities on and off the field. He not only dedicates much of his time to the better of this squad through assisting in day to day recruitment procedures and trainings, but he also upholds squad morale at a commendable level. So a big Kudos to you, Stirn! Second on my list is another big one: Invictus MCR.

[18:06] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: As some of you may have seen, Invictus got the final installment on their squad exclusive weapon, the Modular Carbine Rifle. This installment includes the underslung grenade launcher which carries a hefty 3m radius explosive, an awesome particle effect, and well, the classic Invictus badassery that would naturally go to it. So a big thanks to Keller from the entirety of Invictus for getting that done! Third on my list is the participation on the Ludi Heavy Weapons course. This week Invictus was given the exclusive opportunity to 'beta-test' the H.W Ludi course.

[18:07] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: There was a phenomenal turnout from Invictus, and everyone actually had an awesome time through out the course! Invictus also gives a big thanks to Corsi Mousehold for allowing us that opportunity to contribute a little bit to the IEA! Fourth and last on my list to talk about is recruitment: Invictus is currently recruiting, and we've received a fair bit of scouting requests from numerous people, please be patient with us as we sift through this huge influx of interest. Definitely expect to see a new member within the next week! As always too, if interested, feel more than welcome to bug Stirn or myself! That -finally- concludes the Invictus report for this week!

[18:07] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: B did not hand me a report this week.

[18:08] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: That's all for Terra.

[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.


[18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Astra?

[18:08] Ethan Schuman: Astra's pretty quiet this week. We mixed up the format of the Nightly Grand Melee slightly. Due to low turnout, we had a game night, which was a lot of fun. The positive reception of this has led to small discussions about melee reformatting, with additional measures to increase the lure of other groups. On the note of other groups, Ookami took out three raids earlier, one of them with tremendously positive feedback regarding air combat. I've spoken with the leader of this group, and he seems pretty solid, so we'll be pursuing that further. Fernando has also been talking about CATI's interest in air combat, so we may seem some additional action on that front too. Zrazor and Sosarin have been working hard at advertising Astra and bringing in new people, and their work is showing. We've picked up a few new people this week, and had some older members return to activity. Our elite unit continues to be fleshed out, and we're looking for potential members. One of the things that we'll be watching is raid particip

[18:08] Ethan Schuman: ation this week, so if you're interested, make sure you're stomping the soil of as many enemy sims as you can. The last thing of note that I have to mention is that Sebris has been promoted to CO of Palaestra. Xoza Tyron will be filling his XO slot, but also maintaining his duties as XO of Reapers. Zerowinged has other priorities that he needs to focus on, and has chosen to step down to ensure that the duties of that position are executed properly. Because of scheduling conflicts, ALL Astra members in positions of leadership will be getting certified in basic flight instruction over the next two weeks, to further cut down on problems created by a lack of instructor availability.

[18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Any additional reports?

----------Cohors B----------

[18:10] Typhon Perun holds up a hand or B.

[18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Perun.

[18:10] Typhon Perun whispers: Activity for Cohros B has been steady this week, no real increase or decress, other then PRFs have had a slight increase this week as well. Encrouage ment toteh COhors B COs, hold more training raids, and continue to encourge the PRFs the long term is looking good so so lets keep up the good work.

[18:10] Typhon Perun shouts: Activity for Cohros B has been steady this week, no real increase or decress, other then PRFs have had a slight increase this week as well. Encrouage ment toteh COhors B COs, hold more training raids, and continue to encourge the PRFs the long term is looking good so so lets keep up the good work.

[18:10] Typhon Perun shouts: That conculded the COhors B report to the best of my knowledge sir.

[18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Anything further?

[18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Very good. Moving on:

----------Sim Cleanup----------

[18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Ø Sim clean up.

[18:12] Aryte Vesperia:



[18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Ø Development

[18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Progress this week . . . hm. The power armor deformation animations are complete and ready to roll. All that is left on that unit is scripting and beta before release. Disembodied Hand has completed a short side task for me and has moved on to a new Ordo weapon . . . otherwise, anything to report from our Munitorum personnel? Anything I haven’t noted?

[18:15] Mark Karlfeldt: I actually have to animate the things that go over the deformation animations.

[18:15] Mark Karlfeldt: Unless you want to be running around with LL's default animations.

[18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Oh. Well.

[18:15] Aryte Vesperia: I RETRACT THAT.

[18:16] Mark Karlfeldt: catface.

[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on.

----------Praetorian Trials----------

[18:17] Aryte Vesperia: Over the last couple of months, the Praetorian trials have been ongoing. Both formally and informally through observation, the participants have performed admirably. This has been, easily, one of our best rounds of applicants. It has not only been a real pleasure, but an honest challenge to make it through the elimination periods. Without a doubt, that challenge became exponentially more difficult as we reached the final selections.

[18:18] Aryte Vesperia: At this time, a list has been completed and selections tentatively made. All that remains is a few personal interviews to be conducted by me with any non-officer candidates. Those will be finished by the weekend’s end.

[18:19] Aryte Vesperia: The Guard is looking to pick up more slots then originally intended, following plans for an unprecedented expansion. The goal is to increase the operational capacity of the unit to 24/7, to ensure representation at all hours. Additionally, there are plans to create a sort of auxiliary position that will fit the needs of support elements who do not specifically fit within the combat/command role of the primary Guard.

[18:21] Aryte Vesperia: Although the unit’s size will be fluctuating to a larger standing, this will only be temporary—with the implementation of the auxiliary, there will be multiple reassignments and structural shifts, so as to level out the primary Guard.

[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Again, it must be said: thank you to everyone who participated and put forth their name and efforts to apply to the Guard. The turn out this year was strong. You all did extremely well. Elimination from the trials has no bearing on your worth as an individual—you simply may be better fit for other roles. There was not one participant who I could not say I was proud of.

----------Unit Combat Challemge----------

[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Ø Unit Combat Challenge

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: As we mentioned last week: starting today, we are initiating a combat challenged tailored toward each unit. The unit with the highest number of successful raids will receive a special QP award at the end of the challenge. To qualify: must be at least four participants to the raid and the raid must last at least thirty minutes.

[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: And again, as I said last week: Competition, if healthy, is great. But be certain not to demean your fellow members. I really look forward to seeing how often we can hit the field. Please be respectful of any wishes to hold back and pay especially close attention to regulations. We do not want to be seen as “bullying.” Good luck and have fun!

----------Security Notice----------

[18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Ø Security Notice

[18:27] Aryte Vesperia: The following is a bit of a PSA from AiR:

[18:27] Aryte Vesperia: (The more you know~)

[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: After investigation by the Agentes in Rebus and Praetorian Guard, it has come to the Guard's attention that elements of the Vanguard Armed Forces have been attempting to infiltrate or subvert members of the Ordo Imperialis. While these attempts have been relatively fruitless and quickly dealt with, the conclusion of this investigation is being made public to inform the members of the Ordo Imperialis, and no doubt other parties which have a vested interest in this topic.

[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: On the morning of April 13th, 2011, numerous suspicious contacts were noticed in the hub, already known or later found to be alternate accounts belonging to members of Vanguard's Kommand and Intellizweneg. Due to the suspicious timing of this sudden activity on Vanguard's part, the Agentes in Rebus began an investigation in cooperation with friendly members of the VAF who did not support what was found to be a malicious attempt to take advantage of a perceived gap in our Estate Managers' schedules.

[18:32] Aryte Vesperia: The investigation eventually discovered that a member of the Ordo Imperialis had in fact been coerced into telling Vanguard that activity at that particular time was low and the sim unattended. As the investigation pressed on further, the immediate scale of the leak became apparent. In addition to informing a maliciously hostile military leader of our weak hours, they accidentally furnished Vanguard Intelligence with information concerning Schola and Armatura materials and procedures.

[18:35] Aryte Vesperia: The suspected party was called in for questioning; he professed his honesty and claimed on record that he was hiding nothing from the investigators. After much cooperation and further investigation, the most severe of the charges (purposeful treason, intent to commit espionage, etc) against them were dropped.

[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: After the questioning was completed, an unaffiliated member of the Ordo Imperialis was harassed by a member of Vanguard's Intellizweneg, and it was discovered another suspect had immediately informed them of our suspicions and the nature of our conversation, leading them (the VG member) to accuse a rank-and-file member of the Ordo Imperialis uninvolved with the investigation.

[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Interestingly, the exact hours that were discussed were utilized by an alternate account to plant chat-spies within multiple meeting rooms. These were summarily discovered and removed. The alternate was identified and does have some apparent connection to a VG member.

[18:40] Arch Graves:

[18:41] Aryte Vesperia: These investigations are just the latest in a long series of attempts on Vanguard's behalf to try and incite negative sentiment inside the Ordo. Unable to fight us on the battlefield, it is no surprise that the “Fuhrer” himself has once again taken an interest in attempting to wage war in a more underhanded means. It should also come as no surprise that these underhanded actions only further cement a resolve against a change in our diplomatic stance with them.

[18:43] Aryte Vesperia: We acknowledge, and realize that there are personnel in the Ordo who are friends, or at least maintain some communication with members of the opposing military. The author of this statement has personally been friends with members of their Kommand for years, and knows they do not personally tolerate this kind of malice. However, we feel it necessary to remind everyone - communications, reports, briefings, and other military-related documentation are classified and should NOT be distributed, nor would your friends in a blockaded military have any reason to know of such things, even something as simple or mundane as casual conversation in COMs, or a Mercury-generated combat report. If you find your friends attempting to pressure or solicit you into giving them information, it would be wise to consider if they truly have your relationship in mind.

[18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Requests for information should be reported, not indulged.

[18:44] Aryte Vesperia: That concludes my AiR PSA. Mr. Bleac?

---------- Crazy Finland Time----------

[18:44] Ron Bleac shouts: Right then! Ladies and gentlemen, I know it's extremely hard to take me seriously in this avatar. But, I have to say this.

[18:46] Ron Bleac shouts: In regards to the above statement, this is the kind of stuff that the AiR deals with on a regular basis. We protect the Ordo and the people in it, we preserve the innocent and shoot the guilty. That's as simple as it really is. In regards to information security, I only have one thing to say: If you think it might be a bad idea to say something, don't say it. That'll save you from a lot of fuck ups, trust me. Been there, done that and bought the T-shirt with that one.

[18:48] Ron Bleac shouts: The Agentes in Rebus's purpose is to protect and serve. Sort of like some corny police unit from a SWAT re-run on late night TV. I ask this of everyone here: If you have any concerns, any suggestions or anything you may want to report, you can come to me or any of the other AiR folk. We're here to help you. The rumors that I behead people when they step into my office are untrue, I'm actually a very loving, affectionate and intelligent person. I actually do it when they exit the room.

[18:48] Ron Bleac shouts: That is all. Thank you.

[18:49] Xstreet SL Magic Box v3.0.10: Xstreet SL - Delivered item ::ISA:: SCAR-11 v1.2 (Boxed).

[18:49] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. :]

----------Maintaining Value & Quality----------

[18:49] Aryte Vesperia: Ø Commitment to value.

[18:50] Kacen Khalamov is Offline

[18:50] Aryte Vesperia: As early as the application—throughout Schola, Armatura, and even day by day—there is a constant investment in the ideal of “quality” and a confidence in the importance of maintaining high standards within the organization.

[18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Our affection to the idea runs deep. There are checks and balances, constant learning, and ongoing attention to improvement. Our commitment to value is one of our competitive advantages. There are times that we certainly are presented as overly serious by outsiders: but it is that presentation that makes the Ordo what it is. We are here to be the alternative choice in the community; the professionals, the group for those wishing to perform with structure.

[18:54] Aryte Vesperia: That commitment is upheld jointly by command expectation and membership performance. If either is lacking, the intent is soured. Personnel wise, an individual who shirks the concept largely finds themselves ostracized and will eventually be removed for disciplinary issues, or remove themself with the age old "too serious" complaint. But, as many of you can likely testify-- there's quite a fun to be had. Being "serious" does not entail having a lack of humour, or having a lack of ability to have fun. It entails knowing when "fun" crosses the line and when things need to shape up in order to perform the task at hand or better the group.

[18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Most of all, however, our commitment to value is best tested and best demonstrated by the willingness to improve. There is always room to improve. In every unit, every division, every process. Suggestions and ideas are always welcomed and, many times, expected. The Ordo will always feed on the input of its members: speak up, make yourself (respectfully) heard. Never be afraid to provide your thoughts on how something can be done better, or if something should even be done at all.

----------Final Remarks----------

[18:56] Aryte Vesperia: Any comments, questions (etc)? :]

[18:57] Bizcut Vanbrugh raises hand

[18:57] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Vanbrugh?

[18:58] Bizcut Vanbrugh: I would like to say that I for one appericate what ordo had to offer. Some of you may know my past and i think it speaks volumes that ordo has in it many former leaders of other millitaries. We have a family here that is uncomparable to any other org on the grid

[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you!

[19:00] Aryte Vesperia: Anyone else?

[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: All righty.


[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: Promotions will be up tomorrow.

[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you all for coming. Dismissed.

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