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Stirn Aurotharius

Liberatrix Meeting 8MAY11

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[16:09] Stirn Aurotharius: Thank you for attending this weeks meeting. I'm going to keep this relatively short because there isn't much to go over at this point.

[16:10] Stirn Aurotharius: To begin the meeting I'd like to announce that I had begun looking into several members of B-3 along with afew outside individuals to bring into the open XO position. It's my hope that within the next two weeks I will have announced who will be taking up the spot. Once than XO has been selected more trainings on more variable time frames will be conducted, which should help us bring in a few more trainings each week.

[16:11] Stirn Aurotharius: On another note I'd like to remind everyone to request PRFs every other week, I generally wait for an IM asking for one to make sure you're happy with the amount of raids and defenses you have for that week before I start filling one out.

[16:12] Dragon Massiel: on the PRF do you want any if on what we have been doing? or can you find all that info?

[16:13] Stirn Aurotharius: I search up all the info, but if you've doing anything involving Muni or donated any material make sure you mention that in the IM.

[16:13] Stirn Aurotharius: *you're

[16:13] Dragon Massiel: you got it

[16:13] Stirn Aurotharius: Ok, moving on

[16:13] Stirn Aurotharius: And last but not least, I'm happy to say that Liberatrix has finally been restored to full strength thanks to some fresh transfer. This means the scale of some of the training events are going to increase, especial with the resent plans made with Invictus to begin doing large scale mixed training sessions.

[16:14] Stirn Aurotharius: This means everyone should keep a close eye out for notices dictating the start times for any large events.

[16:15] Stirn Aurotharius: Any questions having to do with training dates, or the mixed sessions with Invictus?

[16:16] Dragon Massiel: are there any dates set as of yet?

[16:17] Stirn Aurotharius: No, but I will be announcing them in next weeks training dates.

[16:17] Dragon Massiel: okay

[16:18] Stirn Aurotharius: Ok, before I dismiss you all, I just want to remind everyone that an Aquilifer will be selected next week during a mini meeting. The indevidual selected will be given an honor based position within the Century and will play a minor role in assisting with some events.

End of report.

[16:20] Stirn Aurotharius: So unless there are any further questions I'd like to thank you all for attending. If you want to know anything else about the new possition send me an IM later. Other than that your all dismissed.

[16:20] Stirn Aurotharius salutes!

[16:20] Dragon Massiel salutes "Gentlemen..."

[16:20] Dragon Massiel: Thank you

[16:20] Tonet Millar salutes!

[16:20] Awanken Wasp salutes "WE WILL WE WILL ROCK YOU !"

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