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Ordo Meeting 14MAY11

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[17:59] Hollowmengitus Yifu: Doop.

[17:59] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Yo, I'm Hollow. Aryte is out and about with family tonight and assigned me the job of giving the meeting. Most of this will be copy-pasta and it will be rather short!

[18:00] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Meeting start. As a reminder: all questions, comments (etc) are to be held until given the opportunity to speak. When that opportunity is provided, be sure to raise your hands. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the meeting.

[18:00] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Statistics

Members: 321

Cadets: 8


New: 8

Accepted: 1

Denied: 3

Review: 4


Defensive: 101

Offensive: 18

Allied Assist: 1

[18:01] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Diplomatic notes: status quo, really. No major incidents to report across the board. The community has maintained a sense of stability—likely related to the amount of folks with their noses in a book for final exams. Relations with the EE remain solid; their founding commander just returned from a . . year hiatus. Their status seems to be steadily improving. Kudos to them.

[18:02] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Unit reports this evening?

[18:02] Nikki Aquitaine (nikki4.aquitaine): o/

[18:02] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold) raises hand.

[18:02] Hollowmengitus Yifu: Astra.

[18:02] Nikki Aquitaine (nikki4.aquitaine) shouts: While we did have a good turn out for this week's grand melee, which was great fun, our general activity has dropped. This is likely due to finals/school work. We hope to host at least one grand melee a week, however this number will likely increase to 2-3. Everyone is welcome to these events and planes are provided, so feel free to bring your friends.

[18:02] Nikki Aquitaine (nikki4.aquitaine) shouts: As you may have noticed, we have totally demolished the old Palaestra maze. This has been replaced by a new course that more accurately depicts air combat situations. We are currently in the process of fine tuning this course and encourage people to continue testing it/giving feedback. In addition to this new course, Palaestra will be holding more Thanatos bomber training in the near future. A special thanks goes out to the trainers and developers of Palaestra.

[18:03] Nikki Aquitaine (nikki4.aquitaine) shouts: Our elite unit development continues to progress, we hope to have it up and ready with members by the end of the month. Details on the unit will be released fairly soon on the forum. We are still looking for members and I will be watching raid/defense/training activity over the next few weeks in Ethan's place to make reccomendations. If you're interested in becoming a member be sure to take part in these activities as much as possible.

[18:03] Nikki Aquitaine (nikki4.aquitaine) shouts: On a final note, there has been some new interest in air combat from other militaries in the community. I hope to further develop this interest in the next few weeks so stay on your toes, there will likely be an increase in air combat on Titan. That's all from Astra.

[18:04] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): For Tactica: Another two week post here but .. Had I known so much was going to have happened this week I would have done one last week. Starting off we are welcoming Ayaka Jupiter to the Tactica team. She is handling the ARK report as well as Grand Federation. With her length of time in the community as well as fast network of friends she is going to make a good addition to the team. And we still have room available! Moving on from there we have a new military which is actually a rebirth of the old Sparta and King Bruno. They are the Order of Light lead by Holylight86 Resident (Bruno) and they are in the sim Mind Game. Contact has already been made and in casual conversation he will be getting us their rules set as soon as they get around to making one. In Rebuild as of this moment is Black Scorpion Mercinaries due to complaints about low performance in the sim, and CATI whom have upgraded to a full sim named Village. The official joke from Tactica is we will now know them as The Village People. No YMCA ges

[18:04] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): tures please.

[18:04] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): Third in rebuild is Aboryum in the sim Partyzone. Heading over there it looks more like 4-Chan right now so not expecting them to open any time soon if at all. Fourth group in rebuild is 2142 who are getting a Titan versus Titan build. Expect fun from there. On a side note, BSM is projecting reopen by Wednesday and CATI some time this weekend. As you are all probably aware but should be mentioned, Pax Imperia is dead and Leia has joined Vanguard. We have a new updated report for ARK as well as a report for Grand Federation by the end of the weekend

[18:05] Corsi DeAllura (corsi.mousehold): That's all for Tactica.

[18:05] Kiwi Foxtrot (eriksson.foxtrot) raises hand for Invictus.

[18:05] SoulBinder Wolfstein raises his hand for Terra.

[18:05] Hollowmengitus Yifu: Terra.

[18:05] SoulBinder Wolfstein shouts: From Teron for Antesignani: Ante has a slow week, with most of our members being busy offline at prime-time, so not much to report. However we do still have openings so if you are interested or simply want to raid with us, let us know.

[18:05] SoulBinder Wolfstein shouts: From Afevis for Insidiae: Nothing really new to report this week. We still have a couple open slots so feel free to send an IM to either Afevis Sodertelge or Krow Ames.

[18:06] SoulBinder Wolfstein shouts: From Eriksson for Invictus: This week has been yet another very productive one for Invictus, having begun the campaign to have certain posters removed from the RoG sim; with the name of "Operation Valkyrie." Pre' much Invictus goes in daily and hands them a lot of rape in their grill for 1.5-2 hours with them ending up having to beg for us to stand down. Invictus also had somewhat of a meeting on Thursday, much of it was an open discussion; any questions, comments and concerns were brought up and answered to! Recruiting inside Invictus is going as planned, some people have advanced several stages in recruitment so keep an eye on our roster for certain changes; otherwise express interest to Eriksson Foxtrot or Stirn Aurotharius!

[18:06] SoulBinder Wolfstein shouts: From Thatguy for Cohors B: This week has been fairly constant with the previous weeks with active deployment. We also are prepping for the summer which looks promising for possible new flux of recruits so expect to see some new faces on Titan. A bit announcement we would like to make is a congratulations to Jeffery for moving into the CO position of Rapax, very excited to see him move in fairly smoothly bringing new ideas to boost activity. Also a quick notice out to people regarding their prfs, please don't hesitate to im your CO and also it helps greatly if you take part of offenses to boost your total qp count per report so GET RAIDING!

[18:06] SoulBinder Wolfstein shouts: and finally a quick note from myself, I am currently fighting an extreme bout of illness, if you need to contact me, leave me an offline IM as I check my email regularly, if it is incredibly urgent. Speak to Thatguy to have it addressed in my place. Thats all for Terra this week.

[18:06] SoulBinder Wolfstein shouts: That concludes Terra's report.

[18:07] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Excellent. Thank you for the input this evening. There are a couple of topics to touch on tonight—we will keep this fairly brief, as Aryte's family has apparently decided to make an impromptu visit from out of state.

[18:08] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: > Development

[18:08] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Several positive items to note: first, the Aegis suit is completed animation wise. It is moving on to scripting now. It should not take very long from here, as the majority of the scripting is weaponry related. As a quick refresher and for all the new folks: the Aegis will be a general unlock power armor for all members. Tentatively, the QP cost will be 300 points. Additionally, the suit will largely classify as a “heavy weapon” and provide force multiplication to raids that primarily disallow anything but infantry—as, for all intensive purposes, power armor will be overly armed infantry.

[18:09] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: The Arcus, the replacement for the Subjugator, is essentially completed. It has been modified to fit within the general rule sets abroad (thank you Corsi Mousehold). Scripting wise, it is pretty much good to go. All that is left is replacement sounds for the reload and firing. Once Mr. Xiao is done having a real life with his homework, we will see to that.

[18:10] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: The Verutum, the replacement for the Pilum and SRAW, is also essentially complete. All we need is to add a hold animation. The Verutum essentially compiles both the Pilum and SRAW into one platform, providing a disposable weapon that has a variable warhead. It’ll compliment any weaponry load out, allowing folks to draw/fire/swap to another weapon quickly.

[18:11] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: As Aryte mentioned last week, we are exploring the addition of tiered items. The first of which . . . well, we tried to keep it secret, but the beta testers, myself included, have been running around with it. Nikki4 Aquitaine has created a combo-pack, which will act as a “step up” from both the Boostpack and the Jetpack. Keep in mind, as a tiered item, it will require that the individual unlock the Boostpack and Jetpack before being eligible.

[18:12] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Any questions on any of that?

[18:13] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Annnndddddd, that first tier'd item is to my right.

[18:13] Dragon Massiel shouts: I do

[18:13] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Dragon.

[18:14] Dragon Massiel shouts: Will the added jetpack cost Qp as well??

[18:14] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: More than likely.

[18:14] Jeffery Worbridge raises hand.

[18:14] Hollowmengitus Yifu: Jeff.

[18:15] Jeffery Worbridge shouts: The Jetpack appears too big for my small body. Will it be modifiable?

[18:15] Nikki Aquitaine (nikki4.aquitaine) shouts: Yes.

[18:15] Jeffery Worbridge: h0lla

[18:16] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Anything else? Any comments from Munitorium?

[18:16] Rowling (arokh.takakura) raises claw.

[18:17] Tsume Xiao Raises hand

[18:17] Hollowmengitus Yifu: Arokh.

[18:17] Rowling (arokh.takakura): You said 'First tiered item', what are the others?

[18:17] Hollowmengitus Yifu: That's classified. ;o

[18:17] Hollowmengitus Yifu: Tsume.

[18:18] Tsume Xiao: As mentioned above, Verutum and Arcus are near completion. I just finished the new firing sound for the Arcus earlier this afternoon, leaving only the reload sound type thing. Depiste decrese in slave count, these will not be a ROF drop compared to the current minigun.

[18:19] Tsume Xiao: I was just passed the explosions for the Verutum earlier, but it is otherwise complete.

[18:19] Maverick Garfield raises his hand

[18:19] Tsume Xiao: And to finalize things, I was just passed the base animations for the Aegis power armor, and will be starting on the shortly.

[18:19] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Woo. :]

[18:19] Hollowmengitus Yifu: Maverick?

[18:20] Maverick Garfield shouts: Any news on the new hud

[18:20] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: Still in development, I presume, but I haven't heard much. You may be best asking Anlysia directly.

[18:21] Maverick Garfield: thanks

[18:21] Longrunner (rykiana.ferina) raises a hand

[18:22] Hollowmengitus Yifu: Ryk? This will be the last question.

[18:22] George Reisman raises his hand.

[18:23] Longrunner (rykiana.ferina) shouts: just touching back on the new tierd system, what will be the advantages over the jetpack compared to the one we have now ? will it have a greater fuel quantity ? added acceleration ? decreased reuse time ?

[18:24] Hollowmengitus Yifu shouts: It will be a combination pack of both the Boost and Jet pack. You can watch Nikki run around after the meeting, I assume, if you'd like to see it in action.

[18:24] Hollowmengitus Yifu: > Note from Aryte

[18:24] Hollowmengitus Yifu: Sorry for not making it to this week’s meeting. Family harping me, so I had to concede and act interested for a while. See you all tonight. Use this extra time and go get some raids on!

[18:25] Hollowmengitus Yifu: That concludes the meeting. Do some raids. <:

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