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FYI: Zrazor and Tandem

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[22:19] Aryte Vesperia (COM): Secondly. You'll notice Zrazor and Tandem standing around. Lot more details to come, but, in short. Ex-Vanguard. Treat them as neutrals/civilians. Nothing more.

[22:19] Aryte Vesperia (COM): They may not be anything more than that.

[22:20] Aryte Vesperia (COM): Full briefs will be available as the matter persists.

[22:22] Aryte Vesperia (COM): Zrazor and Tandem are, at this time, nothing more than civilians. That may not change. Consider them nothing more than that. Full briefs will be available when the time comes. If they intend to enlist, the amount of paperwork and review that will follow before it is pretty damn extensive.

[22:22] Aryte Vesperia (COM): Nothing to worry about, just wanted to make you all aware of what's going on.

[22:22] Desereck Creeggan (COM): Yes, Sir.

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