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Blood Ties - Part 1

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- = BLOOD TIES = -

--PART 1--

By Ryk

The blood trickled drop by drop from the end of his charcoal wet nose. The sum of all his fears, passions and hatred burning in his eye's as he choked the life out of the hapless stranger. He had only ever met her one time face to face and that was to congratulate this young soldier for graduating the basic training academy. And now he had his hands gripped tightly around her throat with the desire to kill.

The room was silent, not even breathing could be heard from the praetorian guard that encompassed the outer diameter of the room, shock or pure fear had moved them to silence, or maybe it was just the sight of their noble imperator taking it upon himself to outright murder this soldier.

"You betrayed us!, you worthless filth, you don't deserve to live for what you did!" Aryte looked deep into the eye's of a dying woman, a woman who only had seconds to live and as Aryte choked the life out of her, the sounds of words the soldier tried to make just came across as half grunting noises, but stranger still not making any attempt to try to fight back or escape, she had the aura of a woman resigned to her fate, and just before she could even think of drawing her terminal breath Aryte slammed her hard against the metal panels that made up the floor.

Aryte wasn't very tall by human standards, if anything he was quite average in height but when he stood over the soldier who by this time was gasping for breath and clutching at the air to draw some life back into her body, Aryte loomed over her with a menacing stature. "You made an oath to uphold and protect, not just me, or the people around you who called you sister! but all of Titan!...all of TITAN!". Aryte stood motionless for what seemed like an eternity before he turned and wiped the blood staining his maw, he looked at the guards and just nodded before walking out of the room.

The moment the door closed behind the Imperator the guards quickly filled in hauling the soldier to her feet and dragging her out of the room, leaving a trail of blood and dirt behind.

The central command and database interface "MERCURY" didn't speak often, but when it came to the Imperator sometimes he wished she would just shut up. As he walked into the chamber that housed Mercury, she started "So what's this ? No wait let me guess its either a sloppy supper or you have been bobbing for razor blades ?". Aryte just shot her a dirty glance and slumped down onto the floor stretching out. "If it makes you feel any better my dear, I just had to deal with a traitor". Mercury just shrugged as she did "Feelings ? what feelings ? I'm a machine...remember....little girl couldn't of hit you that! hard....could she ?".

Aryte just stared blankly into space as he replayed the events in his mind, then he said on a hushed whisper "No she didn't....she didn't hit me at's almost as if she wanted to.......", now it was mercury who had the blank stare, not that she had any other sort of expression "She wanted to....what ?". Aryte cocked his head to the side and looked up at mercury "it's as if she wanted to take a beating, there was no recoil no retaliation.....but why ?", and before mercury could rebuttal Aryte was to his feet and striding out of the door. "Well say Bye then, you may be the Imperator but a little manners wont.....* the door slammed shut behind him "....hurt you know!... unlike your bloody nose" and she allowed herself a giggle before her stone face expression returned and her mind went back to the streams of data coursing through her body.

Aryte had gone to his office to wash his maw clean of the traitors blood and pick a fresh uniform, and as he stood looking in the mirror to make sure the last of the blood was gone there was a knock at the door. "Yes!", the door slid open and a rather nervous looking Huttser stood with a report pad, Aryte could understand why he was nervous, news had obviously gotten around "Yes what is it ?", Huttser took a step and and proceeded to read the report. Everything was fine until he got the the final line "And the traitor took it upon herself to take her own life....some sort of toxin". Aryte grabbed the nearest thing he could and through it against the window splintering it, and turned back in a fit of rage and punched the mirror hard shattering it on impact. "Get! Out! Now!"

The hours passed, the messages on his machine mounted and the knocks at the door went unanswered. Aryte was just slumped in his chair as the service record of the traitor rolled passed on his screen. Line after line, word after word all seemed to just blur and congeal into a mess. An antique clock that hung on the wall behind him started to chime its indication of another hour passed and Aryte just turned his head slightly and looked before letting go of a heavy deep sigh and with that he shut down his console, turned off the lights and made his way out to the street to board his personal transport to head home.

==48 Hours Earlier==

" Im impressed, the new hand guns are performing perfectly, As soon as the final stages are complete and the documentation from munitorium lands on curia's desk, have the new weapons issued to all personnel", Aryte wasn't known for smiling allot but in this instance he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. There was something about the new version of the Five-Seven that just seem to caress his ego and the Militaristic side of his character. All around him and the R&D team were other soldiers on the range honing their aiming skills with various weapons, and as Aryte looked around he couldn't help but continue to smile. It was after all a perfect day, and there wasn't many of them on Titan. "Excuse me sir, you have a 15:30 appointment with Ethan Schuman in Astra Command" the young soldier handed the Imperator a notebook and saluted promptly, and the Imperator returned the honour before saying "Thank you Legionaris, you may go back to your duties", the soldier nodded and turned on his heels and walked away. "Well if you will excuse me gentlemen I have to talk to Mr Schuman, Good Day to you" he didn't bother to salute this time, instead he just turned and headed to a waiting liberator and climbed on board.

He always thought Titan looked better from the air, something about the way the city was constructed gave it an illustrious aura, one of hope and freedom, and on a day like today it was no different. The liberator touched down with a hard thud onto the concrete and a row of pilots saluted in unison as their noble Imperator stepped off the transport, and that's when the explosion rocked the city.

Edited by Rykiana Ferina
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