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Keystone Gray

SL Video screwed up.

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Okay, so I installed an Nvidia 9600 GT OC the other day, and it died on me and failed to start. Uninstalled it, uninstalled the drivers, then reinstalled the older ATI 2600 XT. With the most recent drivers.

Well, since then, my screen has been giving me really strange red tints to certain parts of certain gray textures. It only does this in Second Life, and I'm still trying to figure out why. I figured it was the most recent ATI drivers because they were making me crash in other games continuously anyway, so I did a System Restore to roll back to my older ATI drivers.


The computer has stopped crashing, but I'm still getting these strange colors on my screen. Now this wouldn't bother me all that much, I've been living with it so far. But I can't really start texturing any gun builds until I get this problem fixed because I'm finding it impossible to differentiate fine details in the textures I'm using. Any ideas how to fix this? Anyone?

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Moy Loon wrote:

It looks like your in a 16bit color mode

Nope. I checked.

Moy Loon wrote:

your gamma is fucked up


Moy Loon wrote:

your on an old CRT/analog LCD monitor, and your ramdac is fucked


Moy Loon wrote:

your windlight settings are changed (see gamma)


The problem only shows up in Second Life. Additionally, I crash. A lot. That never happened before Nvidia fucked up my computer. I made no client-related changes. Also, when starting up SL right after booting my computer, my screen goes black for a moment and then pops back up okay. This didn't happen before. I -could- try reinstalling my client, I'll do that when I get the chance.

EDIT: Also crashes when I turn Atmospheric Shaders on. I turned them off earlier today, I can't set it back on.

Reinstall did nothing. I disabled palletized textures to no avail whatsoever. However, the crashes seemed to subside quite a bit.

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