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Ordo Imperialis: Expected Protoctol Within Symphony Group

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In preparation for invitations to the "Faces of the Iron Symphony" for the general population, the following protocol is in effect.

The Ordo Imperialis

Expected Protocol Within Symphony Group

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The treaty alliance of the Iron Symphony utilizes two primary organizations for the sake of communication and presentation:

>>> The Iron Symphony

>>> Faces of the Iron Symphony

"The Iron Symphony" group is restricted to high command positions within each individual organization-- as in, only Ordo Imperialis Legates, Merczateers Generals, etc. The "Faces of the Iron Symphony" is a group for all members of the Iron Symphony, from every signer within the treaty.

The Faces of the Iron Symphony is not a required group for Ordo Imperialis members, however it is highly recommended. Every organization will have their own respective expectations for their specific groups. The Ordo Imperialis, however, will operate under the following pretense. If you are within the "Faces of the Iron Symphony" group, as a member of the Ordo Imperialis, you must conduct yourself accordingly:

1. Ordo Imperialis members are NOT to respond to requests for defensive combat assistance over the "Faces of the Iron Symphony" group, without explicit approval from officer staff.

2. Ordo Imperialis members are NOT to respond to requests for offensive combat assistance over the "Faces of the Iron Symphony" group, without explicit approval from the Imperator.

3. Ordo Imperialis members should not initiate communication over the "Faces of the Iron Symphony;" we will not contribute to the chatter. The only exception to this would be a valid request for assistance:

>>> A valid defensive request would be at the approval of the OIC within the region.

>>> Offensive requests would be at the approval of the Imperator.

4. Ordo Imperialis members should not contribute to any banter created within the group chat. For example, if an individual opens a random commentary like "omg, party down here," it should be ignored, not replied to.

5. Ordo Imperialis members must conduct themselves with the utmost respect and politeness when communicating. Do not pick fights or downtalk any individual, of any affiliation.

6. As a general rule of thumb, it is nearly a good choice to simply keep quiet and let others do the bantering. It is better that the Ordo be seen as stoic and observant. Conversation should be left to senior Ordo members, if at all.

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End of document.

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