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22OCT11 - Weekly Meeting

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[18:00:31] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics

Members: 309

Cadets: 11


New: 13

Accepted: 2

Denied: 4

Review: 7


Defensive: 113

Offensive: 20

Allied Assist: 0

[18:01:01] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic notes this evening: interactions with Chaos have yielded very little in the way of politeness. Our engagements with them have consistently resulted in wanton abuse from the defenders. Nevertheless, our combat successes have been solid. On each interaction, Chaos has failed to provide adequate defense—even while using a virtually immortal tank and hub camping us. Raid leadership is to be advised that Chaos is a particularly tough target. Not by the merit of their forces, but by the treatment their command permits while simultaneously restricting our own technology. Exercise caution and pre-plan with significant reserves. Take special note that enemy will shift their region population limit up and down to suit them, black screen attackers, and use tanks that severely filter damage.

[18:01:58] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening?

[18:02:05] Hollowmengitus Yifu raises hand for Terra.

[18:02:56] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Yifu.

[18:03:08] Hollowmengitus Yifu: COHORS A:

> A-I, Invictus: Its been an active week for Invictus! Quotas were met, raids were taken out and heretics were gunned down. Earlier in the week we participated in a joint raid with other A squads to New Jessie, effectively stomping infidels into the ground in name of Imperator. In the near future look forward to more joint raids, squad raids and trainings involving ART basics and more. Are you the first person to rush into a room full of enemies? Do you often find yourself rushing across the battlefield, guns blazing, slapping people in the face as you pierce the enemy line in the name of the Imperator? Do you find the idea of dropping down from the sky on the heads of unexpected heretics hilariously amusing and fun? Then Invictus may be the squad for you! We are currently have four slots open and we are looking for good active members to become part of the squad! If interested send an IM to Pr0wer Miles or Shizzerk Kostolany. Invictus, ruining your day in 30 seconds or less!

[18:03:57] Hollowmengitus Yifu: > A-II, Evalidus: Life is like a box of chocolate... and so on. We still have slot open so if you are interested do contact either Huttser ishelwood or Awanken Wasp.

[18:04:07] Hollowmengitus Yifu: > A-III, Insidiae: No report was done this week. Shame.

> A-IV, Praescius: Praescius: We got 'dis. (This message has been brought to you by Afevis Sodertelge. To join, please contact him. :])

[18:04:28] Hollowmengitus Yifu: A relatively slow week for Saevitas; Although next week should see several pre-planned large scale deployments on offensive raids. Also Hollow is a po-ta-toe.

[18:04:48] Hollowmengitus Yifu: COHORS B:

> Thatguy: Yet another good week for Cohors B. There have been several people that will be or have been moved to Cohors A to help them out with numbers. Remember, if you keep at least one raid a week, you're eligable to move up to B-1, which isn't that far from Cohors A. Be sure o ask for PRF's, annual PRF's are a great way to keep up on gear. Looking forward to another week of transfers and activity. Keep it up!

[18:05:01] Hollowmengitus Yifu: MISC.: Promotion exams and ART make Aryte happy.

[18:05:06] Hollowmengitus Yifu: That's all I have.

[18:05:41] Scarlet Flaks raises golf-club for Astra.

[18:05:45] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Mr. Flaks?

[18:05:54] Scarlet Flaks: Ethan originally had asked me to bug Nikki to do this report, but Nikki has since decided they are afraid of human interaction and would rather hide in a corner and do mesh things or something.

Thusly to report for Astra this week; Astra as a whole has sent out many raids, and has seen frequent flight-nights and trainings this past week. A large chunk of raids have been credited to Letalis activity. Aquila and Reapers are running smoothly, and Astra in general is still on a steady up-swing.

Palaestra has began offering Malice training this week, and is looking for new instructors. If you're interested make sure to contact Sebris Montpark. Lastly, Astra has new aircraft qualification wings. They are shiny.

[18:06:38] Scarlet Flaks: </report>

[18:07:29] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Any additional reports this evening?

[18:07:48] Mark Karlfeldt raises.. wing?

[18:07:52] Drasamax Python raises hand for the IEA.

[18:07:54] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Karlfeldt.

[18:08:06] Mark Karlfeldt: Munitorum report.

[18:08:11] Mark Karlfeldt: > Telepads and Covalent SMG is done. Aryte releases them today or he gets the hose again.

> Drasamax's new armoury/schola thing is done for those who didn't know.

> The HUD is recieving an update soon. Possibly today.

> Current project queue looks like it's going to be the Judico AR, Perseco SMG, Mounted MG, Jetbike, and Tyrant gatling tank.

> A reminder to everyone who embarks on their own Ordo projects in a moment of inspiration - I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I would appreciate it more if you approached me with your ideas first, posted a project thread and recieved some constructive criticism and such instead of approaching me with a half-finished project out of nowhere and asking how I can fit it into the armoury.

[18:08:28] Mark Karlfeldt: That is all.

[18:08:48] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.

[18:08:50] Aryte Vesperia: Ms. Python?

[18:08:54] Drasamax Python: From myself for The Imperial Education Administration: Few classes in Schola and Armatura. Ludi got multiple NCO-A classes held yesterday since they had a schedule sign up on the forums almost all week. And we got our first NCO-A graduate. Not too many things happened other than that this week for classes.

[18:09:07] Drasamax Python: Ludi has a logo now with a awesome poster to go with it. You might have seen one on outside of the Vesperia Lounge few days ago. Was about time since I had been planning to make Ludi a logo/poster to match with Schola and Armatura. :p so yay \o/

[18:09:22] Drasamax Python: Commandant Zero Itamae and I are still brainstorming on IEA item ideas. We're planning to make atleast 5 of them. We're slowly coming up with a solid list of what those 5 items will be however.

It's been a while since we got apps so if your looking to be a Schola/Armatura Magister you can sign up here with our application:

[18:09:34] Drasamax Python: And on a random note: yes, I mention this a lot because most of our Magisters come from the lower pool which consists of new people most of the time. So we're always getting those new people or people reaching that E-3 requirement signing up normally or looking to do so that are sitting in the meeting. I know for one when I was a little Cadet back in late 2009 the first thing I told myself is I want to be a Magister and make sure classes get done. rofl. But I had to wait till E-3. And here I am today just about almost on top of the IEA and doing these weekly IEA reports at these meetings. :]

That is all from the Imperial Education Administration.

[18:10:08] Kyra Vixen quietly raises her paw for Tactica.

[18:10:22] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. :]

[18:10:24] Aryte Vesperia: Ms. Vixen?

[18:10:56] Kyra Vixen: From DaveyDarkStrider Oh for Tactica: Kyra has returned from their LOA and is ready to get right back into the thick of it!

We have a couple new groups popping up this week, they are currently under investigation to see if they're legitimate targets so keep an eye on the board for any changes.

Other then that, there's not really much else to report this week." This ends the report for Tactica. Keep your compass handy, everyone!

[18:11:16] Aryte Vesperia: Kyra likes to talk about herself in third person.

[18:11:22] Aryte Vesperia: Final call for reports?

[18:11:49] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on, then.

[18:11:53] Aryte Vesperia: > November 5th

[18:12:10] Aryte Vesperia: We are just about two weeks away from our anniversary date: November 5th. Next meeting with focus around details of events, but I wanted to give everyone a forewarning as to the expectations that will be laid out. On the 5th, we will certainly have formal ceremony and speeches from select personnel. As such, please be certain your formal attire is properly prepared for the event. Please plan on ceremonies to commence in the evening.

[18:12:59] Aryte Vesperia: As it falls on a Saturday, we will likely replace the main meeting with the ceremony, so as not to over-burden personnel with scheduled dates.

[18:13:26] Aryte Vesperia: Weekly reports and so forth will still be collected and announced prior to the meeting on the 5th.

[18:14:24] Aryte Vesperia: Next up:

[18:14:26] Aryte Vesperia: > Merczateers

[18:15:06] Aryte Vesperia: Some weeks ago mention was made that we will be pursuing combat interactions with the Merczateers on a friendly level. On account of some delays regarding my computer blowing up, talks had stalled in setting the events in motion. I touched base with Mr. Huszar yesterday and reaffirmed interest in the matter. He and I are scheduled to talk sometime this weekend to lay down some ground expectations—we will likely start small, with scheduled raids, simply to feel the matter out.

[18:16:06] Aryte Vesperia: However, down the road, it is quite plausible that we could escalate into open combat interactions without schedule. The key element to his, however, is the Merczateers will still be our staunch political allies—we will do battle, but in a competitive, friendly manner. In all other situations, we will still back up and support the Merczateers without exception. They are and continue to be our close friends. Simply, it’s too much of a good opportunity to interact with another top notch organization to pass up.

[18:17:15] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on~

[18:17:20] Aryte Vesperia: > End of Operation

[18:17:50] Aryte Vesperia: We have concluded our concentrated effort on the AN as of this week. Merit will be handed out to the group for participation in the event, Operation Fallout. Major kudos to all the raid leaders and involved personnel—we had a great time and a large success with our combat missions. We will continue battle with the AN, of course, but we have moved on to other organizations as key focuses. (Thank you Drasamax for the textures.)

[18:19:21] Aryte Vesperia: As the merit will likely be mass transmitted, be sure to notify someone with permissions on the database if you need it added to your auto-grid.

[18:19:34] Aryte Vesperia: Annnd next up.

[18:19:38] Hollowmengitus Yifu: a.k.a. me.

[18:19:40] Aryte Vesperia: > Keynote: Revision Project

[18:20:12] Aryte Vesperia: As we mentioned last week, a major revision project is being undertaken—we’re slating completion by January 1st, 2012. The officer corps has spent the week discussing areas of interest. I am going to go ahead and post a large outline of affected areas. After the meeting, I invite everyone to submit their own ideas in the meeting log thread. Avoid debating the necessity or lack of necessity at this time: we are still gathering categories and ideas at this phase. We'll weed it down to a core list after gathering up a solid chunk.

[18:20:51] Aryte Vesperia: I will present the current categories and the notes attached to them in bullet format for you all to look at. Some items are a bit vauge, or repetitive-- as they fall under multiple categories.

[18:21:21] Aryte Vesperia: First:

[18:21:29] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Misc Additions

- Handbook revision; turn it into a more of group constitution.

- Inclusion of Ordo lore into group.

- Armory revision; change to vendor style, rather than lockers.

- Armory revision; less randomization of weapons: families of gear.

- More propaganda posters, etc.

- Potential rank revisions; potential modify point and purpose of E-8; potential warrant rank.

- Revision of promotion materials for more accurate reflection of rank-to-rank duties.

[18:22:26] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Non-Combat Entertainment

- Arena fights.

- Hoverbike races.

- Hyperball (whatever that is, Ethan).

- Quasi-lite RP events; alternating builds in Chronus for event?

- Quasi-crafting abilities.

[18:23:41] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Reward Programs

- Crafting.

- ART achievements (expanded).

- Vanity items for performance in units (ex: IEA tome, Astra bomber jacket). Tiered achievements.

- Streamline merits; additional merits included; potential revision to include ability to stack merits.

- Archetypes/quasi unique classes for senior NCOS (Commissar, psyker, etc).

- Elite variants of weapons for achievements.

[18:24:51] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Policy

- Move all policy under policy section of forums for ease of access, centralized location.

- Shoring up policy to be clearer cut: strict, but not strangling on semantics.

- Tiers: constitutional law (handbook), federal (Curia/Standing Orders), state (division rules).

[18:25:54] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Schola / Entry in to Ordo

- Total re-write of materials; more involved, less copy/paste.

- Irregulars? Pre-Schola? CDF involved.

- CDF modification; auxiliary unit, filter for applicants.

[18:27:01] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Officers

- Comprehensive tasks list; revolving orders: ex: X officer responsible to be OIC this week, but Y officer responsible next week.

- Force streamlining.

- Office hours.

- OCA – wingman/buddy up with an existing officer.

[18:27:57] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Armatura

- Revision to follow lead on Schola.

- Strict observance on need to complete Armatura for specialty units.

[18:28:28] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Ludi

- One course a week, minimum.

- Reward for participation in Ludi courses.

- OIC/NCOIC training courses.

- Transition ART to mandatory status for all elite units.

[18:29:18] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Terra

- Monthly unit reviews.

- Insert more here, Hollow.

[18:29:42] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Astra

- Palaestra available to everyone.

- Targeted recruitment; seek out competent potential pilots and provide incentive for enlistment in air corps.

[18:30:11] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Curia

- Focus on Curia’s responsibility of codifying/management of policy.

- Shape Curia’s interests in a more appellate/superior court/federal jurisdiction style—accurately reflecting intent at keeping origination of discipline at command level for most matters.

[18:31:00] Aryte Vesperia: Category: AiR

- Weekly, scrubbed intelligence reports.

- Personnel expansion.

[18:31:37] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Praetorians

- Increased flexibility; potential revision of Signas.

- Revision of internal rankings; streamlined for activity.

- Force # stream lining.

[18:31:58] Aryte Vesperia: Category: New Divisions

- Creation of departments for strategic level interaction? Interior, War, Intelligence.

- Creation of recruitment group.

- Creation of diplomatic group.

- Potential sharing of responsibilities of aforementioned?

[18:32:52] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Recruitment

- Unit focused on recruitment development; videos, propaganda, etc.

- Consistent/continual incentives for quality recruitment.

- Expansion of the CDF; potential redesign as a filter for applicants that aren’t immediately viable for induction; would be a quasi defense force for folks to earn the privilege to be Ordo.

[18:33:17] Aryte Vesperia: Category: Diplomacy

- External relations education programs.

- Development of a diplomacy corps.

[18:33:39] Aryte Vesperia: Phew. I'll take a couple questions. I'm sure there's a lot.

[18:34:01] Aryte Vesperia: Just raid your hands.

[18:34:11] Disembodied Hand raises ... self

[18:34:14] BurrWolf Qin raises his hand

[18:34:18] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. ..Hand.

[18:34:57] Disembodied Hand: With palaestra being available to everyone, would that not sort of kill off purpose to astra in a noticible way?

[18:35:30] Aryte Vesperia: This was proposed by Astra command as an opportunity for Terra to take flight courses, learn how to fly.

[18:35:36] Aryte Vesperia: And then summarily be kidnapped for Astra.

[18:35:40] Andriste Nesiote raises a hand.

[18:35:53] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Qin?

[18:37:30] BurrWolf Qin: How exactly would diplomacy corps function with our external relations? How exactly would our diplomacy corps work and what duties with they fufill?

[18:39:07] Aryte Vesperia: They would take the place of the Iron Symphony Delegates; visit other regions, participate in communual events/meetings, and act as political envoys. They would be granted a scope of decision making that would permit them to act as diplomats in my stead. This would include having the responsibility of responding to inquiries on social media webpages.

[18:39:21] Aryte Vesperia: Mr, Nesiote?

[18:40:25] Andriste Nesiote: I remember there being quite a bit of discussion on the subject of rewards tailored towards people taking OIC for extended periods of time. Has that been scrapped, or is that still a viable concept in the works?

[18:41:07] Aryte Vesperia: That will continue going forward as part of the reward program.

[18:42:01] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions?

[18:42:57] Aryte Vesperia: Very good. Please feel free to contribute your own ideas to the meeting thread when it up. Be sure to put a category name in front of it-- like: Category: Terra - makes Hollow wear pink.

[18:42:58] Aryte Vesperia: Etc.

[18:43:09] Aryte Vesperia: Simply to aid us in compiling it down to one list.

[18:43:46] Aryte Vesperia: We'll finalize mid-week and start shaping it out for distribution and immediate implementation. We will make all available effort to hammer out anything proposed by the first of the year.

[18:44:35] Aryte Vesperia: That said. Thank you all for coming this evening. It's been a good week. A long one, but a good one. Lot of successful combat activity. Let's keep that momentum going-- IEA, let's get those cadets trained. More soldiers always make Aryte happy. Promotions will be up tomorrow: be sure to take those minimum exams!

[18:45:24] Aryte Vesperia: I'm sure someone will host a raid after the meeting. I'll be back in an hour or so. Time for me to run off for dinner and the likes. Thanks again for a good week. Dismissed and good night!

[18:45:25] Aryte Vesperia snaps his fist to his chest, presenting a brief salute.

[18:45:26] Kyra Vixen salutes! "For the glory of the Imperator!"

[18:45:27] loki Cramer salutes

[18:45:27] loki Cramer "looks like you just earned.. a salute.." puts on sunglasses"

[18:45:27] Christoph Batra salutes

[18:45:27] Andriste Nesiote salutes crisply. "Heresy grows from idleness."

[18:45:28] Blaze Wiles salutes "Utrinque Paratus"

[18:45:28] Afevis Sodertelge salutes.

[18:45:29] Reinhardt Stenvaag salutes, barking out proudly "I march for Titan. AND I SHALL KNOW NO FEAR!!!"

[18:45:30] Duncan Mistwood salutes!

[18:45:31] Yoki Mistwalker salutes! Ad honorem Ordo

[18:45:31] Tala Spingflower salutes!

[18:45:32] Zerowinged Vasiliev presents a clean salute, "Guardsman Vasiliev. . ."

[18:45:32] Marc Gravois salutes!

[18:45:33] Drasamax Python salutes!

[18:45:34] BurrWolf Qin salutes! "For the Glory of the Imperium!"

[18:45:35] Tonet Millar salutes!

[18:45:35] Maverick Garfield salutes. May God lead us to victory.

[18:45:36] Shizzerk Kostolany salutes!

[18:45:38] Tryn Halostar salutes!

[18:45:40] conger Mint salutes!

[18:45:41] Kurama Bingyi pounds his fist in salute, "Imperium wihae!"

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