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Jester Spearmann

UNwritten rules/Rules needing clarification

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Warning Rant follows this message, read at own risk


It has come to my attention recently that there seems to be a number of *unwritten rules* floating around most having been by the sounds of it made up on the spot. for instance, The hangar doors on the VV I was told by a Corporal whom shall remain nameless that Legates spearmann told them only officers may open/close the hangar doors.

another one that needs clarification is the one on group tags where the handbook says 'ordo specific title' I was pulled up by a duplicarius for wearing main ordo tag on the base while just walking around, not wearing my legion/sublegion tag i was asked to switch to my group tag but pointed out respectfully that the handbook does not say we *must* wear a certain tag.

Thirdly is clothing/avatar appearance. I've noted that there seems to be no rules on footwear other than as long as it matches the theme of the armor and has no OMFG huge spiky bits jutting out all over that it was fine. as the issued boots real do no go well with the armor, and for those of us of the furry persuasion there is even less to go on (most of us usually walk around barepawed or use the pawboots from the accessories box.

for the Schola cadets this is even worse as the boots do not really fit all that well and alot of the cadets walk around with legs sticking out of the sides or feet poking out the bottoms. and i've seen numerous cadets wearing boots they own (black) and having been told to remove them and use the boots that came with the uniform, to me it seems pointless if someone has spent say 200L on a decent pair of boots only to be told they are not allowed because they arent the issued ones. [/end rant]

P.s) This is by no means directed at any one person, this is something that has been stirring in my mind for a few weeks now

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I'll address this. These will stand until a superior officer decides otherwise.

The hangar doors are not to be messed with. Why? Simple, Astra is tired of people playing with them. During an assault, we leave the door cracked open so our pilots can exit in an orderly fashion but not wide open so the enemy can easily jetpack in. We dont want them closed all the way. So dont touch them.

As for tags, the handbook is right. You do NOT have to be in main tag all the time. However, if we are in battle, main tag is mandatory. This is for practical reasons as well as organizational. The Praeda locks onto anybody who is not wearing the tag that the pilot is wearing. Now since we cant have all of Ordo in Astra tags, everybody including Astra has to be in main tag to avoid friendly fire incidents.

As or the boots, technically the handbook states that your avatar has to fit the armor and that the boots have to be of theme. This hasnt changed. If you want to make a modification to your armor that is beyond adding merits/patches you will have to recieve authorization from Aryte. Now of course one person cannot be expected to judge every little change, so most tiny changes go ignored. This does not give people permission to modify their armor to their hearts content. If your uniform is too far out of standards, you may be asked to change it back.

The final point I want to make is, why do people have to get authorization to wear what they want? It's simple. We are a group. Our actions are done as a group. The Ordo Imperialis is not a group of individuals. We are a team. We dress alike, we follow orders alike. Because if we do not act as a team, then all what we've worked for is undone in an instant. Take pride in the uniform you wear, in the fact that you can call yourselves Ordo soldiers. It's a title that has to be earned.

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Unwritten regulations are not exactly unwritten-- they're discretion calls made by individuals permitted to make them. Unfortunately some communication is lax, therefore general discretion is determined largely by the individual officer. It's a flaw that is difficult to get around. Personally, such matters make anything of this sort largely unpunishable unless enforced routinely and efficiently.

Let me clarify a few standards for everyone!

First, the door problem-- that is not exactly a hard ordinance. Simply we prefer that only officers play with it, so as to limit confusion on when it needs to be open and closed.

Secondly, the main Ordo group should only be enforced if within combat conditions. Otherwise, any Ordo related group tag is fine.

Third, boots and hats are largely two pieces we don't gripe much about-- unless they are grossly out of theme, or in the event of it being Ordo issued (covered in statue). For example, if you were wearing Terra gear in Astra and vice versa.

Fourth, cadets are considered exempt from standards of leniancy, most of the time. They are learning the part and must be treated with a more strict reserve.

I hope this helps!

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