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11FEB12 - Weekly Meeting

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[18:00:12] Aryte Vesperia: Good evening and welcome, everyone. Meeting start time: going forward please be certain to hold your comments and questions until given the opportunity to speak. Failure to do so will result in a dismissal from the meeting.

[18:00:30] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics

Members: 313

Cadets: 13


New: 11

Accepted: 2

Denied: 4

Review: 5


Defensive: 110

Offensive: 18

Allied Assist: 1

[18:01:05] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic notes: Combat remains steady. Late this week we saw a sudden spike of activity from ARK. Signs point to ARK fielding some sort of campaign against us. We will happily oblige and continue defending Titan against their assaults, while simultaneously launching crusades to take the fight to their shores. In other news, it looks as if the Alliance Navy is dusting off and preparing to rejoin the forefront. Major kudos to the AN. We look forward to facing them more often, both here and abroad. As a side note, SK seems to be ramping up their activity. It is shaping up to be a great spring season.

[18:01:41] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening?

[18:01:42] Ethan Schuman raises his hand for Astra.

[18:01:43] BurrWolf Qin raises his hand for Terra

[18:01:51] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Schuman.

[18:01:57] Ethan Schuman: Astra was slightly busy this week. Not so much as last week, but not completely quiet. Our flight leaders were occupied/sick this week, but that didn't stop members from participating in activities on our sim or others. Achtai notes that Reapers activity on base defense was up, so that's good to hear. Tactical Squadron command will be done with the regular roster update tomorrow, and will begin contacting pilots whose activity has been low. Palaestra's training queue is clear of Astra recruits, and the Chronus skylab has been redesigned. I'll end on Addison's report, where he states that Letalis responded quickly to an Ark assault, and stayed for the entire duration of the battle. Well done, guys.

[18:02:06] Ethan Schuman: That's all from Astra.

[18:02:57] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Mr. Qin?

[18:03:01] BurrWolf Qin: COHORS A:

> A-I, Invictus: From Pr0wer Miles: Let’s see, this week we got some raids out and we are doing art. A few things I want to retouch up from last Saturday’s Invictus meeting. First off going to be doing bimonthly meetings on the first and third Saturday of the month scheduled directly after this one. Secondly do more raids because if you don’t I will start giving Mexican parenting lessons to all of you which you will be my children and experience my childhood!

[18:03:23] BurrWolf Qin: > A-II, Evalidus: From Kurama Bingyi: It's been a relatively active week for Evalidus. We've seen the inclusion of a new member (Welcome, Hokusai!) as well as the appointment of our new Squad Adjutant, Kurama Bingyi. If anyone's interested in joining Evalidus, please leave your soul at the door and check with Huttser Ishelwood or Awanken Wasp. A-II's always looking for fresh blood from those who like to use big weapons that explode a lot.

[18:04:00] BurrWolf Qin: > A-III, Insidiae: From Ron Bleac: Insidiae has inducted a new member to the fold: Carrious Darbyshire. We look forward to working with him! Against all odds, Insidiae troops performed admirably during the final day of the raid count and showed steely conviction to defeat even the most stubborn of enemies.

[18:04:35] BurrWolf Qin: COHORS B:

> From thatguy Andel: SUP'. I'd like to first congratulate Genesis Ronmark on making CO of Rapax (B-II) and also congratulate George on having his first born child. Kind of slow week for Cohors B this past week, hoping to get some meets here and there with B COs and their troops. I'm also going to be holding a meeting for B Command in the near future as well as going through transfers this weekend. Looking forward to more activity and whatnot, have a great week!

[18:04:57] BurrWolf Qin: This concludes Terra's reports.

[18:05:27] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Additional reports?

[18:05:29] Drasamax Python raises hand for the IEA.

[18:05:42] Aryte Vesperia: Ms. Python.

[18:05:47] Drasamax Python: From myself for The Imperial Education Administration: 16 Schola classes,13 Armatura classes, and 0 Ludi class held this week in the IEA. Armatura rewrite progressing more, B-1, and B-2 are now completed along with some of the remaining modules in B halfway done. If kept consistient with completing atleast one module a day to prevent biting too much off at once we should hopefully see the rewrite complete somewhere around after 2 weeks.

That is all from the Imperial Education Administration.

[18:06:57] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Anyone else?

[18:07:25] Aryte Vesperia: Final call.

[18:08:04] Aryte Vesperia: All righty. Moving on.

[18:08:36] Aryte Vesperia: > Pursuing Upgrades

[18:09:06] Aryte Vesperia: Despite many years of reluctance on my part, I have decided that it is time for the Ordo to pursue replacing our standard assault rifle—the SCAR L. The SCAR has served us incredibly well for a many years. After replacing the Adjudicator, it became the oldest weapon in our arsenal. Although it performs effectively, it is starting to show its age: the model and the scripting style are out of sync with the rest of our arsenal.

[18:10:14] Aryte Vesperia: It is far too early to tell what exactly will be taking its place. The SCAR has rather large shoes to be filled. I am confident that we will develop something worthy of its legacy, which will fit the bill as the Ordo’s main battle rifle. What we can expect, however, is something a bit more versatile. I am keen on ensuring that our primary weapon be among the most potent of assault rifles, to ensure every Ordo infantryman is properly equipped.

[18:11:24] Aryte Vesperia: Furthermore, the M11 (the dedicated marksman weapon) is also quite overdue for replacement. Until recently, it has been pretty difficult to create a “sniper” weapon that would be worth utilizing. Compliments of Mr. Xiao’s experimentation with raycasting, we have found an actual worthwhile method of creating an effective (albeit challenging) marksman weapon.

[18:12:06] Shizzerk Kostolany: r

[18:12:40] Aryte Vesperia: > OCA

[18:12:52] Aryte Vesperia: While force streamlining persists, we will be temporarily halting any OCA interviews or processing. Please feel free to continue submitting OCA packets, but please keep in mind there may be an additional wait until you receive any feedback. We are preparing to make selections, but must first determine how many positions will be open after making adjustments to the command structure.

[18:13:11] Krow Ames: Hi5!

[18:13:13] Azimuth Summerwind: Hi5!

[18:13:34] Aryte Vesperia: On that note, thank you to everyone who has taken the step forward and has submitted an OCA. Your ideas and commitment to growth is inspiring. I am generally impressed and find it rather awesome that we have such a large pool of individuals interested in making the step to officer.

[18:14:46] Aryte Vesperia: > Consistent Terminology – Refresher

[18:15:20] Aryte Vesperia: During the ART sessions, we enforce and promote the use of consistent shorthand. As ART continues to press further towards mandatory status, I would like to take the opportunity to do a group-wide lecture regarding the use of shorthand. The intent here is to refresh for those of us in ART and introduce the concept to those who have not yet had the opportunity to participate.

[18:16:32] Aryte Vesperia: Short hand is a key element to ART and combat conducted by the Ordo. During situations in the field, Ordo Imperialis troops will encounter conditions whereupon combat communication is critical. Combat taking place inside four walls especially, where space is tight and a critical objective is near. It is also applicable to any and all combat situations where combat communication is absolutely critical to team success.

[18:18:02] Aryte Vesperia: The most basic use of shorthand is the effective medic calls and the use of one’s name. At no time should the initial prefix of any sentence be “I.” Unless your name is “I.” For example, rather than saying “I am down, I need a TP.” It is critical to say: “Aryte is down.”

[18:19:16] Aryte Vesperia: Further, keep in mind it is unnecessary to overcomplicate a call—in the above example, note that is unimportant to “request” a TP. Making the designation that “Aryte is down” should carry with it the assumption that a medic teleport is necessary. It saves time and air space to avoid adding the necessity for a TP in trail. It is, however, perfectly acceptable (when applicable; ex: multiple zones of operation and multiple medics) to add a location key. Again, using the above example: “Aryte is down, TP NE.” The inclusion of the additional piece limits the chance of Aryte being teleported to the SW, creating a manpower shortage on the NE. Et cetera.

[18:20:44] Aryte Vesperia: Now, regarding target terms. To simply designation of enemy threats, we have developed and utilize a host of acronyms. They are as follows:

[18:20:55] Aryte Vesperia: ET (Enemy tank.)

EI (Enemy infantry.)

EA (Enemy air)

HT (Heavy Tank)

EMG (Enemy Machine Gun)

HMG (Heavy Machine Gun - A machine gun in a static, armored position.)

EL (Enemy Launcher - An enemy launcher that lobs explosive projectiles, i.e an anti-tank weapon. Mobile or static.)

EATG (Enemy Anti Tank Gun - A mobile or static anti-tank weapon that fires anti-tank munitions.)

EDD (Enemy fleet asset.)

EB (Enemy bomber craft.)

EFRU (Enemy Frontal Resupply Unit*) *Medic point.

DFRU (Defensive Frontal Resupply Unit*) *Friendly medic point.

ESP (Enemy Spawn Point)

[18:22:12] Aryte Vesperia: It is, for the most part, not necessary to really differentiate between some—example, ET vs HT. Probability is that we’d deal with either threat in the same manner.

[18:23:32] Aryte Vesperia: In addition to designation terms, we also utilize “prefix comments.” They include (but are not limited to):

[18:23:38] Aryte Vesperia: “FRAG!” A grenade is thrown AT the enemy;

“GRENADE!” An enemy grenade is thrown AT you.

“Roger/copy that.” Acknowledgement of last comment/order.

“Be advised.” Call to attention prior to transmitting key information.

[18:24:22] Aryte Vesperia: There are many others included in the short hand, but the above comprises the most common. I would encourage you all—especially if you intend to be ART prepared—to read the entirety of the materials at: http://forums.ordoim...t-rating-tiers/

[18:25:58] Aryte Vesperia: > Battle Buddies

[18:26:26] Aryte Vesperia: I do believe we have covered this several times. But again, this is an ART level skill that should be mandatory at this point. As such, I would like to take the time to replace our keynote with a discussion around the proper use of battle buddies.

[18:27:39] Aryte Vesperia: ART teaches: the buddy team concept ensures that every person has at least one other person looking out for them at all times in combat. It simply means that you always move with, watch out for, and fight with another person at your side. Buddy teams are standardized in raids and defenses, though raid leads can choose to change the pairings as the situation dictates in raids. In the event that a buddy is not assigned: grab the closest active person next to you and assume the role—stay in contact, keep together, and act as one.

[18:28:47] Aryte Vesperia: Your basic responsibilities—all of which are critical, include: stick with your buddy. When they move, you should be with them. Together you are far more effective than apart. Communicate with your buddy. If it's important, let them know. If you're moving, say so, so that they can know to cover you. Good communication keeps everyone working together and aware of each other's status. Cover your buddy. Cue off of your buddy's movements, sector of observation, and so forth. If they're watching one way, cover the other way. If they're going to cross a danger area (ie: street), cover them as they move. If your buddy goes down, immediately teleport your buddy back to the action if you are permitted! Two guns are far more effective than one!

[18:30:02] Aryte Vesperia: Operating in pairs, as battle buddies, must occur 100% of the time. No exception. If we fall under attack, form pairs, stick to your areas, and bring the pain. We have practiced and started sending out expectations during defense to form teams. At this point, I am going to up the ante and consider it to be mandatory performance.

[18:32:02] Aryte Vesperia: During raids, there is /no leeway/. You must have battle buddy pairs before deployment. If I hop into a channel and ask you who your battle buddy is, mid raid, and you do not have one . . well, knees will be broken. During defense, you should have a battle buddy within sixty seconds. I will spot check and instruct officers/NCOs to do the same.

[18:32:53] Aryte Vesperia: Our combat performance has increased exponentially due to ART. Now it is time to start pushing the ART materials out to all walks of the Ordo.

[18:33:59] Aryte Vesperia: And that concludes our meeting this evening. Promotions will be up tomorrow. Sim will be open shortly. Go get dem raids out yo'.

[18:34:02] Aryte Vesperia: Dismissed.

[18:34:02] Aryte Vesperia snaps his fist to his chest, presenting a brief salute.

[18:34:04] Disembodied Hand salutes! "Imperator et les dames!"

[18:34:05] Kurama Bingyi pounds his fist in salute, "Imperium wihae!"

[18:34:06] Drasamax Python salutes! "Fidelis ad Mortem."

[18:34:07] Radryl Allen salutes.

[18:34:07] Tonet Millar salutes!

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