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Tsume Xiao

Forget you, I can eat all this cardboard

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It is that time of year again where I get to spend eight days eating a cardboard like substance known as matzah.


At best, it tastes like a cracker, at worst, it tastes like the box it came in. Regardless, I have to eat this stuff, things made with this stuff, or just non-regular bread stuff until next Saturday.

Passover itself is a holiday to re-tell the story of the Exodus and, to a lesser extent, mark the beginning of spring.

The most notable feature of the holiday is the lack of ability to eat any "chametz", which pretty much means if it rises or has any leavening agents in it, it's no good.

While the actual list varies based on who you ask and such, this typically for me and my upbringing means none of the following:

Breads, Crackers, Beans, Certain Grains (Rice, Barely, etc), Stuff that uses Yeast to ferment (Beer. :<), Pasta, etc.

The Copy-Pasta (which would not be kosher for passover, because it is pasta) from the Chabad website states this:

-any food that's made of grain and water that have been allowed to ferment and "rise." Bread, cereal, cake, cookies, pizza, pasta, and beer are blatant examples of chametz; but any food that contains grain or grain derivatives can be, and often is, chametz.

The holiday is filled with symbols, and a plate to put them on, and while I don't have time to go into them all now (Seder starts in less than an hour and I need to get ready) here is a brief summary:

-Flat bread stuff that tastes like cardboard

-Throwing babies into rivers in wicker baskets

-Bushes that spontaneously ignite to yell at men

-Painting your door frame with the blood of a lamb.

-Keeping a glass of wine on the table for a guy who you keep the door open for, in case he wants to just wander in.

-Dipping green vegetables in salt water.

-Drinking four glasses of wine

-Spilling wine.

-Recalling how bad people suffered ten punishments

-Leaning back in your chair

-Eating horseradish

-Asking questions

-Eating lots of food (Typical of Jewish holidays. We either starve ourselves or feast)

Yup. :v

If you have any specific questions about traditions, the food, or the pointy cracker things and what you can make with them, feel free to ask.

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I half expected to make a frowny face and say "Religion" but it's actually quite informative with only subtle amounts of Judaism baked right in(Triple pun? I think so.)

I've had Matzah before as well, luckily it wasn't to bad. However it was more of a cracker substitute, so I didn't really expect anything to amazing from the get go.

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I dont know what you are talking about, Ive had plenty of great matzah based foods. One of my good friends in highschool had a jewish family and since a lot of us hung out there so often (and they were rich) we ended up eating there a lot too.

Yeah, but stand alone it isn't that good, especially compared to bread. D:

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