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Azimuth Summerwind

Altairi: Command Listing

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║ Altairi Command Listing


║ Format:

║ <Command Name> { Parameters } [ Auth Required ]

║ Help Text

║ Note that all Ordo ( and Schola ) members have a default auth level of 1.

║ Altairi's command trigger is a "$" followed by the command in Comms, IMs, or Local chat.


raidadvisor [1]

Gives a listing of all hostile militaries who have agent counts above 3.

The agent count is accurate to the last 30 seconds.


raidlist [1]

Lists all raids ran using the Altairi raid manager system for the given day.


raid [1]

NOTE: This command only works on Titan.

Displays the raid configuration dialog.


addraidmember {member name} [1]

Adds the given user to the raid.

{member name} - May be a partial name, however, it must match a single user in the database.

NOTE: This command must be used by the raid OIC.

NOTE: This only works for Ordo members. You cannot add non-Ordo members to raids.


endraid [1]

Ends the raid and offers all listed members a teleport back to the Tactica room. Upon end, Altairi will also generate a combat report notecard and give it to the raid leader.


simcheck {military name} [1]

Gives the agent count for the specified military.


training {"start" / "stop"} [1]

Either starts or stops training. This command essentially serves as a reminder system. Upon training start, the bot will announce that training has started over Titan COMs. Every ten minutes thereafter, a reminder will be posted in COMs .When using the "stop" parameter, the bot will announce the conclusion of training.


tp [1]

Offers the user a teleport to the bot's location.


║ Last updated: 5/20/2012


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