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SalemAdams Wobbit

Faster than light travel now more plausable

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I was checking my e-mail this morning, found this from one of the e-mails that I get on a daily basis (and it's from Steve Jackson Games, no less).

TL;DR: If we have a ring around a US football-shaped ship, we could create the warp bubble that we know is mentioned in Star Trek, having us go faster than light, and it uses less energy than we first thought.

Edited by SalemAdams Wobbit
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i read that recently, ill re-look it up but Ive seen a more impressive advancement that involved hiding an area of time and space from sight / being able to be recorded electronically. It just completely hid it from time. It was only a nanosecond, but still. Its nucking futs. Couldnt see it, couldnt record it with any electronics, nothing. complete time/space warp.

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The problem with the article is a lot of people misunderstood what was being talked about. It simply states that an alcuberrie drive would use less energy than thought, not that it was closer to working conditions. One of the main problems with the ABD is not how much energy is required, but what type of energy is needed. Things like negative mass, which although not proven to exist have not been disproven either (there's a lot of hard to understand math here). It's like saying "Oh we can make a car that goes 1000mph on a single gallon of fuel, except we haven't invented the engine yet."

While this news is good, don't take it to mean that we'll be cruising to Alpha Centauri by the end of the century. Not yet anyways.

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