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[Wildstar] Aura Mastery Codes

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Please use this thread to share any Aura Mastery codes that might be useful to others. 




Field Tech Check

{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 4,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "Icon_CraftingUI_Item_Crafting_BottleWine",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -94,['top'] = -465,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Field Tech",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "C",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Buff",['Name'] = "Echo Impact",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['BuffName'] = "Cleave",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Fail",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Buff",['Name'] = "i",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['BuffName'] = "Reactive Armor Boost",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Fail",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = false,[2] = false,[3] = true,[4] = false,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

X-89 - Big Bomb

{['playSoundWhen'] = "All",['iconScale'] = 7.0812501907349,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "icon_Boom",['iconSound'] = 197,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -129,['top'] = -350,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = false,['iconName'] = "Big Bomb X89",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OT",['textString'] = "BIG BOMB ",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "C",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Debuff",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['DebuffName'] = "Strain Bomb",['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['TimeRemaining'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Duration'] = 0,},['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Flash",['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = false,},[2] = {['timerLength'] = 4,['Type'] = "Icon Color",['EffectDetails'] = {['Color'] = {['a'] = 1,['r'] = 0,['g'] = 1,['b'] = 0.25,},},['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = true,},},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 0.91129034757614,[2] = 0.86719560623169,[3] = 0.87546336650848,[4] = 1,},['overlayStyle'] = "Linear",['overlayShape'] = "Icon",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 0.97580647468567,[2] = 0.047216452658176,[3] = 0.047216452658176,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

X-89 - Small Bomb

{['playSoundWhen'] = "All",['iconScale'] = 9,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "icon_Go",['iconSound'] = 220,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -187,['top'] = 167,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = false,['iconName'] = "Small Bomb X89",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OT",['textString'] = "SMALL BOMB ",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Debuff",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['DebuffName'] = "Corruption Globule",['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['TimeRemaining'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Duration'] = 0,},['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Flash",['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = false,},[2] = {['timerLength'] = 2,['Type'] = "Icon Color",['EffectDetails'] = {['Color'] = {['a'] = 1,['r'] = 0,['g'] = 1,['b'] = 0.15625,},},['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = true,},},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 0.99193549156189,[2] = 0.95993757247925,[3] = 0.95993757247925,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Linear",['overlayShape'] = "Icon",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 0.89516127109528,[2] = 0.079409450292587,[3] = 0.079409450292587,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

Phagetech Prototypes - Break Chains

{['playSoundWhen'] = "All",['iconScale'] = 10,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "icon_No",['iconSound'] = 220,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -224,['top'] = -686,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = false,['iconName'] = "Malicious Uplink",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header24",['textAnchor'] = "C",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Debuff",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['DebuffName'] = "Malicious Uplink",['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['TimeRemaining'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Duration'] = 0,},['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 0,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0,},['overlayStyle'] = "Linear",['overlayShape'] = "Icon",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 0.90196079015732,[2] = 0.40000000596046,[3] = 0,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

System Daemons - Power Surge

{['playSoundWhen'] = "All",['iconScale'] = 9,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "icon_Lightning",['iconSound'] = 220,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -212,['top'] = -188,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = false,['iconName'] = "Power Surge",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterHuge",['textAnchor'] = "OT",['textString'] = "INTERUPT",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterHuge",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "NOW",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Debuff",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['DebuffName'] = "Power Surge",['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['Target'] = {['Target'] = true,['Player'] = false,},},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Flash",['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = false,},[2] = {['timerLength'] = 2,['Type'] = "Icon Color",['EffectDetails'] = {['Color'] = {['a'] = 1,['b'] = 0.15625,['g'] = 1,['r'] = 0,},},['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = true,},},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 0.99193549156189,[2] = 0.95993757247925,[3] = 0.95993757247925,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Linear",['overlayShape'] = "Icon",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 0.89516127109528,[2] = 0.079409450292587,[3] = 0.079409450292587,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

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This is a collection of my auras  I am using on my Esper. 

Since I have been back I have had to remake them all, so they are still somewhat a work in progress. 

I had to tune a bunch last night during GA that were malfunctioning. 


This what they all look like on CD 





All the Auras below (unless otherwise specified) check to see if that ability is in your LAS, as well as showing the timer CD once used. They will only appear upon entering combat and will be static until cast.


Qr2o4kv.png Crush : 

{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -187,['top'] = -41,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Crush",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['SpellName'] = "Crush",['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

56LCIZG.png Incapacitate : 

{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -188,['top'] = 19,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Incapacitate",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['SpellName'] = "Incapacitate",['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

WT7X6xn.png Haunt : (NOTE: This is the cd of haunt, not haunt debuff on the boss)

{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -81,['top'] = 132,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Haunt",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['SpellName'] = "",['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

RrAfrET.png Spectral Swarm

{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -34,['top'] = 132,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Spectral Swarm",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['SpellName'] = "Spectral Swarm",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

R5bxJTY.png Reap: 

{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 13,['top'] = 132,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Reap",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['SpellName'] = "Reap",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 2,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

PRqXqKi.png Concentrated Blade : 

{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 61,['top'] = 132,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Concentrated Blade",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['SpellName'] = "Concentrated Blade",['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = true,['Operator'] = "",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

arYbq0R.png Gadget : 

{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 104,['top'] = -35,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Gadget",['showWhen'] = "Always",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Gadget",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Charges'] = {['Value'] = 0,['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "==",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

0ihBU3L.png Spectral Form : 

{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 103,['top'] = -95,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Spectral Form",['showWhen'] = "Always",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['SpellName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Activation Border",['EffectDetails'] = {['BorderSprite'] = "sprAS_Prompt_Interrupt",},['When'] = "Fail",['isTimed'] = false,},},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

 519QyuT.png PsiPoints : (NOTE: These are 5 separate auras (couldnt figure out how to get just one how I wanted it), each triggering on a psi point build)


{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 0.75,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "sprResourceBar_DodgeFlashFullSolid",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -66,['top'] = 80,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "pp1",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 1,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">=",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 0.53741502761841,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}


{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 0.75,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "sprResourceBar_DodgeFlashFullSolid",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -42,['top'] = 80,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "pp2",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 2,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">=",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 0.5,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}


{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 0.75,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "sprResourceBar_DodgeFlashFullSolid",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -19,['top'] = 81,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "pp3",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 3,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">=",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 0.5,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}


{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 0.75,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "sprResourceBar_DodgeFlashFullSolid",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 5,['top'] = 81,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "pp4",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 4,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">=",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 0.5,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}


{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 0.75,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "sprResourceBar_DodgeFlashFullSolid",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 29,['top'] = 81,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "pp5",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 5,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">=",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 0.5034014582634,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

pNsAqlE.png Finisher time! (NOTE: Indication that we are at 5pp and ready to storm/eagle) 

{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 3.9249997138977,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "icon_curvehudtop4",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -93,['top'] = -74,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Finisher",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 5,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">=",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

7LUHKS8.png Pot alert! (NOTE: This checks for life drain AND cleave pot buffs. Visible and "flashing" if I do not have a pot active. I don't bother with timer, just the indication that I need a new hit of it) 

{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "sprRunecrafting_Logic",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -253,['top'] = -106,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Life Drain",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Buff",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['BuffName'] = "Life Drain",},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Activation Border",['EffectDetails'] = {['BorderSprite'] = "sprAS_Prompt_Interrupt",},['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = false,},},['Behaviour'] = "Fail",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Buff",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['BuffName'] = "Cleave",},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Activation Border",['EffectDetails'] = {['BorderSprite'] = "sprAS_Prompt_Interrupt",},['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = false,},},['Behaviour'] = "Fail",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

rK8MeW7.png Fade out: (NOTE: This overwrites the same location as unicorn. I haven't been in a situation where I am using both, though I realize I need to spread them out. If you use them both at the same time, only unicorn will show.) 

{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -190,['top'] = -102,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Fade Out",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['SpellName'] = "Fade Out",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

wDmuK2M.png Shockwave (NOTE: I only ever use incap OR shockwave. Always crush. Thus incap and shockwave icons are on top of each other) 

{['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -188,['top'] = 19,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Shockwave",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['SpellName'] = "Shockwave",['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,}

So that is about it for my current setup. As it usually goes, over time as I get more used to the auras, I will shrink them in size as I need them less. 

I used to have some bomb ones for x89, though no longer. I see Q posted them above so you can get them there. 

I was also toying with a purge debuff before last nights raid though it seemed spoty. I don't have a reliable way to test it atm. I was reading somewhere that purge is not actually a debuff during the spreadable portion of the spell cast. IE. before you start taking damage. That part is called "Nanite Injection", according to "the internet". And what we "need" (a relative term since it's a telegraph and we should be able to just know what it is. It was very obvious when it was on me last night, and seems to be the only circular telegraph ON you) is a tracker for that,...which may be impossible since nothing is ON US at that point. Once you get purge on you , you are taking damage so it's irrelevant if you track that with an aura. Need some more testing...unless you guys figured it out and I just missed it. 

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