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Praetorian Emergency Powers

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Praetorian emergency powers are suspended until further notice; they have no authority to override commands issued by officers within the general command tree. Kytec Switchblade, Praefectus, is exempt from this.

This effectively negates and nulls the regulation as listed by Praetorian article IX-912:

IX-912: The Praetorian Guard may not exercise authority outside of the above clause, except under the circumstances of initiating emergency powers. Emergency powers allow for a Guardsmen to usurp command of a failing or rebellious officer, effectively assuming their authority. The Guard is provided this capability for the most dire of circumstances.

a. Emergency powers do not include natural succession when officers are absent.

a1. For example, if no officer is available and the Guard assumes command.

b. To put it into perspective, emergency powers have never been exercised.

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